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Zooillogix friend Tweet sent us along yet more cool ring tail possum pictures from Crocodile Dundee land. Here is one with a 10-14 day old baby.

i-6367f8c70c0f876e11f691b3a593cbb4-baby ringtail on moms back.JPG

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If you come from the other land down under there's a temptation to lump these guys together with the Sumatran rat-monkey (clip not safe for those easily nauseated by gruesome claymation).

(I'll admit that photo is pretty cute though. And that the possum pests in NZ are brushtailed not ringtailed. And, if you push me, that the Sumatran rat-monkey might just possibly not be entirely factual. That last one is under protest though.)

Brushtails would be just as cute if there were less of them...

Myrtle, my 'tame' brushtail, with her baby Sweetpea (now about 6 months old) has just visited for her evening apple. Brushtails get a bad rap, but they didn't invade NZ - it's the idiot who introduced them who should be shot.

By tielserrath (not verified) on 14 Mar 2009 #permalink

Excellent Im a bit of a possum fan, after seeing some small ones in the wild of Oz.

The Brushtails in NZ situation seems all to familiar. Here in the UK its N. American grey squirrels that are cute but a problem.

If you are feeling stressed while working at home and office,then the best idea to overcome this is to use nature posters for decorating walls of your home and office.

The Brushtails in NZ situation seems all to familiar. Here in the UK its N. American grey squirrels that are cute but a problem.

All of us at www.northcarolinapossumdaychapter.com hope everyone can make it to our 2nd annual possum day festival this upcoming September. It'll be a real treat for all possum lovers. Also this year I will be introducing my newest batch of Possum Licker and on the label it will have our possum family shield on it, which I'm brewing up now as you read this. Until then, Have a Happy Possum Day !!!!!!

our 2nd annual possum day festival this upcoming September. It'll be a real treat for all possum lovers. Also this year I will be introducing my newest batch of Possum Licker and on the label it will have our possum family shield on it