Kingsford the Tiny Pot Bellied Pig

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Dear owners, My name is Benny 11 years old and I live with my cat and my mom and dad. Please tell me where I can buy one of these pigs please because i have always loved animals and I want to have a farm someday. Thank you. Benny.

No bak'n cheezburger for kitteh.

By natural cynic (not verified) on 14 Apr 2009 #permalink

Dear Zooillogix,
I am a 42 yr old man, but due to an rare illness I was diagnosed with last year, I have the heart of a 9yr old girl. That being said, I hope you understand my love for anything tiny and pot-bellied. It's clear that you guys refuse to release any information on purchasing a teacup tiny mini-pig because you're trying to buy them all up yourselves in an attempt to corner the porklet market. But I beg you, please allow me to buy one from you. I am sick and willing to spend what remains of my savings on one little bitty pig.
If you would like to use Swiss bank accounts or false names during any transactions, I am willing to comply.

Tehehehehehe.........too cute.

I can't imagine walking one though, the way it likes to be inbetween one's legs.

There are many places that sells the little pigs. They range from $200 up to high as $6000. I have then off and on through out the year but if you do not live near me I will try and find a breeder near you.

Dear owners, My name is Benny 11 years old and I live with my cat and my mom and dad. Please tell me if you do not live near me I will try and find a breeder near you.