Crabs, Crabs, Crabs

This is a picture from Is it a close up of my brother, Andrew's, inner thigh? Can any of our readers explain why these crabs are trying to cross the road?


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Do they cross the road every year to get to a mating site?

Yup, Gary - they're migrating down to the beaches to breed. The larvae are planktonic, and only a TINY number make it back to the island after circling the Indian Ocean.

Anyone more thinked on Starship Troopers seeing the pic?

They are trying to get to the ocean to lay their eggs. They do this at the same time every year. It is against the law to stop them. Look up Christmas Island. See if you can find some videos on youtube. If you can catch a documentary on it, you gotta see it! It's amazing. The crabs were there first and they built roads and houses and shops in their way. So the crabs by the thousands just walk right through. People sweep them out of their houses by huge baskets full!

It may seem like there are a lot of them, but there are less every year and they are the only ones of their kind. They can't even swim, so thousands die laying their eggs in the surf. It so amazing to watch though! It's really funny! The town turns red with crabs!:)

I'm worried about your brothers inner thigh. Was he in the pit of crabs....any cool attacks we should know about

By Tammy Edlin (not verified) on 05 Aug 2009 #permalink

If you can catch a documentary on it, you gotta see it! It's amazing. The crabs were there first and they built roads and houses and shops in their way. So the crabs by the thousands just walk right through. People sweep them out of their houses by huge baskets full!

It may seem like there are a lot of them, but there are less every year and they are the only ones of their kind. They can't even swim, so thousands die laying their eggs in the surf. It so amazing to watch though! It's really funny! The town turns red with crabs!:)

They are trying to get to the ocean to lay their eggs. They do this at the same time every year. It is against the law to stop them. Look up Christmas Island. See if you can find some videos on youtube. If you can catch a documentary on it, you gotta see it! It's amazing. The crabs were there first and they built roads and houses and shops in their way. So the crabs by the thousands just walk right through. People sweep them out of their houses by huge baskets full!

They are trying to get to the ocean to lay their eggs. They do this at the same time every year. It is against the law to stop them. Look up Christmas Island. See if you can find some videos on youtube. If you can catch a documentary on it, you gotta see it! It's amazing. The crabs were there first and they built roads and houses and shops in their way. So the crabs by the thousands just walk right through. People sweep them out of their houses by huge baskets full!

They are trying to get to the ocean to lay their eggs. They do this at the same time every year. It is against the law to stop them. Look up Christmas Island. See if you can find some videos on youtube. If you can catch a documentary on it, you gotta see it! It's amazing. The crabs were there first and they built roads and houses and shops in their way. So the crabs by the thousands just walk right through. People sweep them out of their houses by huge baskets full!