Ah, spring break in Iowa

...and where better to go than Wal-Mart?

And I thought my spring break trips as an undergrad were dull...

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What I find most amazing is the fact that someone out there appears to see a book or a movie in this.

By Kristjan Wager (not verified) on 29 Mar 2006 #permalink

I agree with Kristjan. So he walked around a 24 hour Wal-Mart for 41 hours. Big deal. He's not Columbus. And didn't we already see this movie, where Tom Hanks played the guy stuck in the airport for years?

And he was so tired he was hallucinating after that....what a wuss! I once went from Wednesday afternoon to Saturday evening without sleep on a research cruise. Where's my book deal?

There's nothing "brilliant" about it.

And didn't we already see this movie, where Tom Hanks played the guy stuck in the airport for years?

And wasn't there one recently anyway about a girl living in Wal-Mart?

Could be Tara, although I haven't heard of that case. I do know for a fact that people camp in their parking lots over night. I've seen the RV's.