Sick kid day

Thanks to the miracles of scheduled posts, I'll have a few things on tap today, even though I'm far away from my computer and dealing with a vomiting child (who hopefully, by the time this is published, will no longer be throwing up all over himself, his bedding, anything else within projectile distance...) So if there are spam comments that get through (or legitimate ones that got caught in the junk filter and are awaiting my approval), my apologies--I'll get to them when I can.

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I haven't been up to anything today. I can't be bothered with anything recently. Nothing seems worth thinking about. I haven't gotten anything done recently, but oh well. Not much noteworthy going on worth mentioning.

Tara - Hope your kid feels better soon. I remember the many times staying with sick kids, my wife any I always tried to alternate sick days trying to maintain a good relatiuonship with our work places. Once the kids were in their recovery stage though, it was always good to cuddle on the coach and watch movies, Discovery Channel or various PBS shows, depending on the kid and the era.

So, from your perspective,(a Mom and a Dr) does chicken soup really work, or are all the old-wives'tales ruined for you because of your knowledge?

Good luck to you and the little one.

Hope the little one is OK now.

By Urinated State… (not verified) on 07 Apr 2006 #permalink

Thanks all! He's feeling better today.

J-dog, I don't really like chicken soup myself, so I've never been one to make the kids eat it when they're sick. Especially for vomiting, I usually stick to toast or crackers with water (or occasionally, 7-up or PediaCare). Something about the smell of chicken broth when I was ill as a kid always made me want to vomit more...

Tara--for future use, this is an old family treatment for vomiting kids (my grandfather was a GP and while we have dropped a lot of his recommendations, this one usually works very well....)

For any vomiting child (or adult...)
1. Nothing by mouth for 4 hours after last vomiting episode. During this time, pour out a juice glass of ginger ale or coke and let it sit to become flat (occasional stirring will hasten the process).
2. After 4 hours, 1/2 teaspoon of flat ginger ale.
3. If that is retained, repeat every 15 minutes for an hour.
4. If no vomiting, may increase to a teaspoon every 15 minutes for an hour.
5. If no vomiting, may begin sips every 15 minutes.
6. If no vomiting, after 3 more hours, may begin the BRAT (bananas, rice, toast/crackers, applesauce) diet. No dairy products for 24 hours.
IF vomiting persists more than 4 hours after nothing by mouth, contact your physician (especially with young children who are at risk for dehydration).

This is a little time intensive, but very effective. It usually prevents dehydration from occurring and the sugar in the drink is useful. I find the ginger ale is better tolerated than water, pedialyte or gatorade, and ginger syrup and coke syrup were used for many years for treatment of vomiting.

Glad your son is better. I agree with you about chicken soup for nausea but I love it when I have a cold.

I've just been staying at home not getting anything done. I've basically been doing nothing worth mentioning. My life's been pretty unremarkable these days. Eh.

I've just been staying at home waiting for something to happen, but I don't care. Basically nothing seems worth thinking about. I can't be bothered with anything recently.