This is just too cute not to mention

Via Dynamics of Cats comes notice that two frequently-cited bloggers on, Sean Carroll of Cosmic Variance and Jennifer of Cocktail Party Physics, are gettin' hitched. Two bloggers in love...could anything be cuter? A collective "awww" is in order, I think--congrats!

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Sean Carroll of Cosmic Variance and Jennifer Ouellette of Cocktail Party Physics have gotten engaged. All together now: Awwwwww....You crazy kids with your falling in love over the Internet and all. Actually, we here at Chateaue Steelypips heartily approve of both the institution of marriage and…
Jennifer Ouelette runs the delightful blog Cocktail Party Physics . She has published two popular science books: The Physics of the Buffyverse and Black Bodies and Quantum Cats and was the Very Special Blogging Star Speaker at the Science Blogging Conference two weeks ago. Welcome to A Blog Around…
The cat's been out of the bag about Jennifer Ouellette (of Cocktail Party Physics) and Sean Carroll (of Cosmic Variance) being engaged, and now a feature story on the two of them is on Nature news today. Specifically, she's asking advice from other scientists about how to keep a relationship…
If you are a regular reader of, you have probably already learned that two of our blogs have moved over to Discover blogs. Razib of Gene Expression has moved from here to his new digs over there. Read his Goodbye post on Sb and his Welcome post over at Discover. Ed Yong of Not…

Wow.... that is so cute... :)

By Evil Monkey (not verified) on 20 Nov 2006 #permalink

Allow me to offer begrudging congratulations, as my theory that the internet is a poor method of meeting people goes completely to pot. ;-)

By anonimouse (not verified) on 01 Dec 2006 #permalink