
It's been quite awhile since I've had a real vacation. Most of my "vacations" are spent traveling back and forth to relatives' and friends' houses, and this Christmas holiday has been no exception. After a jaunt to Ohio to visit family, I'm currently in the metro D. C. area visiting a friend, and hooked up with fellow Sciencebloggers Janet of "Adventures in Ethics and Science" and Evil Monkey of "Neurotopia" recently at an Irish pub here in the area (photographic evidence can be found here). I'll be traveling back to Ohio tomorrow for some more family time and to work on a house I still own back in Toledo (anyone interested in a 5-bedroom, 100-year old house in a historic district, cheap?), and then back to Iowa after the new year. And in between all the driving, it's still a working vacation; this semester has been crazy, and I have a new course next semester as well, so it'll be equally busy. No rest for the wicked, I suppose...hope the rest of you out there had a good holiday.

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re: Toledo - Is it in the Old West End? That's where I grew up! I love those big old homes (can't say I'd like to pay for heat and upkeep though) but stuck in Chicago suburbs now, and it's been years since I have been to Tony Packo's...

Yup, sure is! It's on Scottwood. We've been renting it out for 2 years because the market was really terrible when I moved to Iowa, and now it's slightly better, so we're trying again to sell...

Admit it. You just can't let Toledo go...

...and that would be because DC is on the way to Ohio from Iowa.

You must have that map from Time Bandits.

I have to admit total face recognition failure (i'm comparing photos here, never having seen the real thing). So, by process of elimination, you must be the one on the left...

Failure is an option.

I have to admit total face recognition failure...

Compare instead the blog author's photo, esp. the eye & brow structures. Then it's very clear that the woman on the right is the (blog author's) sister, making Dr. Smith the woman on the left.

Actually, Janet and I are totally unrelated, but in the original the two of us and Evil Monkey all look somewhat like siblings. And yes, that's me on the left...the red eyes don't show up as well in the B&W shot. :)

You must have that map from Time Bandits.

Oh my god you just made me feel old.

By Evil Monkey (not verified) on 03 Jan 2007 #permalink

I'll be traveling back to Ohio tomorrow for some more family time and to work on a house I still own back in Toledo (anyone interested in a 5-bedroom, 100-year old house in a historic district, cheap?)

A 5-bedroom, 100-year-old house in a historic district? Great.

Toledo? Uh...well, let me get back to you. ;-)

By anonimouse (not verified) on 10 Jan 2007 #permalink