Carnival barking

I was planning on writing up this aforementioned talk for this afternoon's post, but there ended up being so much to say about it (and not enough time, alas, as I have to run to a faculty meeting shortly) that I'll save it until Monday. (I *will* say that it was jaw-dropping, but not in a good way). In the meantime, the fortnightly carnival of science blogging, Tangled Bank, is up over at Neurotopia after a few days of computer issues, and the latest Skeptics' Circle can be found at The Second Sight.

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Hello? (tap tap) Hello? (tap) Is this thing on? OK. I think it's working. Wow. I mean, wow. Someone seems to have accidentally dropped the keys to denialism blog on my desk, so now I'm in ur blogz, messing with ur words and stuff. That's really the only logical explanation. I mean, how else…
Four years and four months ago, almost to the day, I started a humble little blog way over in a tiny corner of the blogosphere. Back in the day, there were few voices of women scientists in the blogosphere, and even fewer of women computer scientists. I had never had much luck keeping any…
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Oh, you're gonna love this. Lynn Margulis appears to be an HIV denier:

What is an HIV/AIDS denier? Or HIV/AIDS denialist?
Peter Duesberg is a fine scientist, I have read his book and examined some of the scientific papers upon which it is based. From the CDC (Center for Disease Control) in Atlanta I have requested the scientific papers that prove the causal relationship between the HIV retrovirus and the IMMUNODEFICIENCY SYNDROME commonly known as AIDS. They have never sent even references to the peer-reviewed primary scientific literature that establishes the causal relationship because they can't. Such papers do not exist.

By Mustafa Mond, FCD (not verified) on 12 Mar 2007 #permalink