I've not mentioned this yet because I hadn't had a chance to see it myself, but C-SPAN did broadcast this year's YearlyKos Science Panel. You can see Chris's talk on hurricanes and global warming here; Ed's talk on fighting creationism by running for school board here, and Sean's talk on dark energy and dark matter over yonder. I have the videos of the final parts--the Q&A session--after the jump.
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Apologies for the silence; as I mentioned, August is a crazy month for me. I hope to get back to some heavier science posts some point here, but those will, unfortunately, have to wait a bit. In the meantime, I did want to say a bit about last week's science discussions at YearlyKos, featuring…
8.13.07 to 8.19.07
Homepage Buzzes
8/13: Science Panel on C-SPAN
On Saturday, C-SPAN aired a televised broadcast of the "Science, Politics, and Activism" panel that took place on August 3 at the YearlyKos Convention. The video of the panel, moderated by Tara Smith and featuring science bloggers…
I just heard from a buddy in Iraq that the Yearly Kos science panel aired on C-SPAN on Saturday, but I've only just now been able to track down what appears to be a temporary archive of the video. For those interested in watching great talks by Sean Carroll and Ed Brayton, as well as my own…
Without a doubt, 2005 was the year that ignited a fierce and lasting debate over the extent to which global warming might be increasing the strength of hurricanes. That's largely thanks to two back-to-back scientific papers, published in the leading journals Nature and in Science, which provided…
thanks a lot.
i did not understand nothing ;((
thank you good job...
What about you, Tara? Did you give a talk at the YearlyKos thing? :-)
What about you, Tara? Did you give a talk at the YearlyKos thing? :-)
i did not understand nothing :(
nice video..
What about you, Tara? Did you give a talk at the YearlyKos thing
Thanks .. !
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What about you, Tara? Did you give a talk at the YearlyKos thing
thanks very much
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