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Bora Zivkovic

My scientific specialty is chronobiology (circadian rhythms and photoperiodism), with additional interests in comparative physiology, animal behavior and evolution. I am not an MD so I cannot diagnose and treat your sleep problems. As well as writing this blog, I am also the Online Discussion Expert for PLoS. This is a personal blog and opinions within it in no way reflect the policies of PLoS. You can contact me at:

Posts by this author

September 24, 2008
At Harvard, a week ago: Recap: Wednesday's Health and Human Rights Discussion Yesterday afternoon at the Loeb Theater, Harvard hosted a forum celebrating the tenth edition of their journal Health and Human Rights. This edition is the journal's first to be presented in open-access format, meaning…
September 24, 2008
Last week, Charlotte NC got to see Joe Biden, Michelle Obama and Barack Obama on three separate occasions. The TV (so they tell me) is full of campaign ads by both Obama and McCain. Now, Obama and Biden are appearing together in Greensboro on Saturday. The campaign has been really busy locally,…
September 24, 2008
Here: Apparently not - it won't embed so check it out at the link above...
September 24, 2008
As the conference has grown from one to almost three days, and already more then 90 people have registered, we need your help - so offer to volunteer. What can you do? * Spread the word: use online and offline tools to tell your friends about the conference * Ask your company/organization…
September 24, 2008
Under the fold.... Neighbors From Hell: Infanticide Rife In Guillemot Colony: One of Britain's best-known species of seabird is increasingly attacking and killing unattended chicks from neighbouring nests due to food shortages. GPS Navigation Devices Can Be Spoofed, Counter Measures Not Effective…
September 23, 2008
This post (from January 14, 2005) is how I see the political/ideological landscape in the USA. ---------------------------------------------------- We use the words Left and Right to describe Liberal and Conservative ideological and political leanings. The phrases stem, if I remember correctly,…
September 23, 2008
Since time is the one immaterial object which we cannot influence - neither speed up nor slow down, add to nor diminish - it is an imponderably valuable gift. - Maya Angelou
September 23, 2008
This is an old anti-Libertarian screed (from December 2004) that is bound to attract trolls (and traffic).... Much of the stuff on this blog is based on the bimodal (bipolar?) view of the world: there are Conservatives and there are Liberals, and that's it. Lakoff, Ducat, Frank and the like spend…
September 23, 2008
There are 9 new articles in PLoS ONE today. As always, you should rate the articles, post notes and comments and send trackbacks when you blog about the papers. Here are my own picks for the week - you go and look for your own favourites: Some Rare Indo-Pacific Coral Species Are Probable Hybrids…
September 23, 2008
During the months of preparation, as well as during the event itself, your starting point, for sure, is the ScienceOnline'09 wiki - you can always check the "Recent Changes" button, or watch as the Blog and Media Coverage page grows. You can also check the news on the ScienceOnline09 blog. You…
September 23, 2008
danah boyd was hired by Microsoft, where she will have freedom to continue her research on online social networks at Microsoft Research New England in Boston. Congrats, danah!
September 23, 2008
OneWebDay is.... Earth Day for the internet. The idea behind OneWebDay is to focus attention on a key internet value (this year, online participation in democracy), focus attention on local internet concerns (connectivity, censorship, individual skills), and create a global constituency that…
September 22, 2008
This provocative stream-of-consciousness post was first posted on April 17, 2005. In my persistent inquiry into femiphobia (fear of being perceived as feminine) as an explanation for Regressive behavior (including voting behavior) I have encountered blog comments that can be summarized in these two…
September 22, 2008
Your joy is your sorrow unmasked. And the self-same well from which your laughter rises was often-times filled with your tears. - Rene Descartes
September 22, 2008
I wrote this on January 28, 2006. Was I wrong then? Is that wrong now? Have things changed in the meantime? Lefty Blogosphere and the Love/Hate of Hillary ------------------------------------------------ Chris Bowers on MyDD recently had a post asking why the Progressive blogosphere does not…
September 22, 2008
So, let's see what's new in PLoS Medicine, PLoS Biology and PLoS ONE today. First, my SciBlings Shelley, Nick and Tara just published a PLoS Biology article about science blogs: Advancing Science through Conversations: Bridging the Gap between Blogs and the Academy: Scientific discovery occurs in…
September 22, 2008
Under the fold.... Walnut Trees Emit Aspirin-like Chemical To Deal With Stress: Walnut trees respond to stress by producing significant amounts of a chemical form of aspirin, scientists have discovered. Study Of Satellite Imagery Casts Doubt On Surge's Success In Baghdad: By tracking the amount of…
September 22, 2008
Continuing with asking for your help in fixing my Blogroll: Every couple of days or so, I will post here a list of blogs that start with a particular letter, and you add in the comments if you know of something that is missing from that list. See so far: Numbers and Symbols A B C D E Today brought…
September 22, 2008
Carnival of Space #71 is up on dot astronomy Carnival of the Green # 146 is up on The Green Guy
September 22, 2008
Are you or your company/organization in a position to sponsor the conference? It is organized and run by volunteers, registration is free, but putting this together still takes some money and effort. For this, we rely on our sponsors and volunteers. There are several ways that you can sponsor…
September 22, 2008
The Open Laboratory 2008 is in the works. The submissions have been trickling in all year, but it is time now to dig through your Archives for your best posts since December 20th 2007 and submit them. Submit one, or two, or several - no problem. Or ask your readers to submit for you. Then take a…
September 22, 2008
An oldie but goodie for the connoisseurs of my long political rants (May 11, 2005): -------------------------------------------- I am not an economist. Actually, I have no background in economics at all, if one ignores "Capitalism for Beginners" and "Marx for Beginners". Like all Yugoslavs of my…
September 21, 2008
Remember how long thou hast been putting off these things, and how often thou hast received an opportunity from the gods, and yet dost not use it. Thou must now at last perceive of what universe thou art a part, and of what administrator of the universe thy existence is an efflux, and that a limit…
September 21, 2008
Danica announced: The third BlogOpen: meeting of all the participants in blogosphere (from authors, readers, IT workers to mainstream media) will happen on October 4-5 in in Bor, Brestovacka banja, Serbia. Main goals of this public meeting are: 1. Discussion about the topics and problems…
September 21, 2008
Miss Hoffman is using her blog for the second year in a row - she would like to see some guest-posts. Miss Baker can use some of your help: I would be excited to see scientists contribute to student-run science blogs! They could comment to student posts or submit their own post and converse with…
September 21, 2008
This post from November 26, 2004 was my fourth (out of five), and longest, analysis of the 2004 election. With Balkans and Creationism sprinkled in. How did it stand the test of time over the past 3.5 years? Oftentimes, an outside observer can see what a native observer cannot. The native is too…
September 21, 2008
Under the fold.... Marine Debris Will Likely Worsen In The 21st Century: Current measures to prevent and reduce marine debris are inadequate, and the problem will likely worsen, says a new congressionally mandated report from the National Research Council. Receptor Activation Protects Retina From…
September 21, 2008
A new book explores the challenges of balancing motherhood and a career in science: Editor Emily Monosson has collected the voices and personal stories of 34 mother-scientists working in various fields. In eloquent and often witty essays, these women directly address the challenges of being mothers…
September 21, 2008
Amy Harmon, a national correspondent covering the impact of science and technology on American life, answered questions from readers Sept. 15-19.: Talk to the Newsroom: Amy Harmon: Ms. Harmon, who won a Pulitzer Prize this year for her series, "The DNA Age,'' is part of a team of national reporters…
September 21, 2008
The September 2007 issue of JCOM - Journal of Science Communication - (issue 3, volume 7) is online.: Next issue will be online on the 18th December 2008. There are several articles in this issue that I find interesting and bloggable. Contents: EDITORIAL - The better you know, the better you make…