My picks from ScienceDaily

Under the fold....

Walnut Trees Emit Aspirin-like Chemical To Deal With Stress:

Walnut trees respond to stress by producing significant amounts of a chemical form of aspirin, scientists have discovered.

Study Of Satellite Imagery Casts Doubt On Surge's Success In Baghdad:

By tracking the amount of light emitted by Baghdad neighborhoods at night, a team of UCLA geographers has uncovered fresh evidence that last year's U.S. troop surge in Iraq may not have been as effective at improving security as some U.S. officials have maintained.

Conservation Program In Rwanda Helps Turn Gorilla Poachers Into Ecotourism Guides:

Conservationists at the Durrell Institute of Conservation and Ecology (DICE), University of Kent, are celebrating a double achievement - the success of a conservation programme in Rwanda that has helped turn gorilla poachers into ecotourism guides, and a major international award for the programme's founder, alumnus Edwin Sabuhoro.

Solution To Global Fisheries Collapse? 'Catch Shares' Could Rescue Failing Fisheries, Protect The Ocean:

A study published in the September 19 issue of Science shows that an innovative yet contentious fisheries management strategy called "catch shares" can reverse fisheries collapse. Where traditional "open access" fisheries have converted to catch shares, both fishermen and the oceans have benefited.

New Pacific Iguana Discovered In Fiji:

A new iguana has been discovered in the central regions of Fiji. The colorful new species, named Brachylophus bulabula, joins only two other living Pacific iguana species, one of which is critically endangered. The scientific name bulabula is a doubling of bula, the Fijian word for 'hello,' offering an even more enthusiastic greeting.

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