Sleepy Juno

The pillow seems comfortable:i-22cb1b9a7b68dc1c8929f2f8fa2a3a0a-sleepy junoooo.JPG
But the router is warmer:
i-2d1b3cc67e9000faf8047f539dc272b1-sdyhvtrnu yojzsgj.JPG

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Ha, my kitten was the same way with my husband's stereo unit. It was always on and so always warm. Now as a fully grown cat he doesn't fit anymore, though, because the space between the top of the stereo and the cubicle it's in is too small. So he's discovered that the very bottom of our fridge is warm, and huddles right next to the fridge. Makes getting food out of there a bit of a chore, because cat usually has to be moved before opening the door!