
Profile picture for user clock
Bora Zivkovic

My scientific specialty is chronobiology (circadian rhythms and photoperiodism), with additional interests in comparative physiology, animal behavior and evolution. I am not an MD so I cannot diagnose and treat your sleep problems. As well as writing this blog, I am also the Online Discussion Expert for PLoS. This is a personal blog and opinions within it in no way reflect the policies of PLoS. You can contact me at:

Posts by this author

July 25, 2008
'Snow Flea Antifreeze Protein' Could Help Improve Organ Preservation: Scientists in Illinois and Pennsylvania are reporting development of a way to make the antifreeze protein that enables billions of Canadian snow fleas to survive frigid winter temperatures. Their laboratory-produced first-of-a-…
July 25, 2008
The July issue of our e-newsletter is now available. Highlights: * Social Networking For Researchers * Do Research and Teaching Mix? * Undergrads Create New Science * Writing An Undergrad Thesis * Research Conferences Update * Ongoing Items database and conferences database…
July 24, 2008
Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion. General recognition of this fact is shown in the proverbial phrase "It is the busiest man who has time to spare." - C. Northcote Parkinson
July 24, 2008
If so, go help Michael identify this bird he took a picture of earlier today. If you can, post a comment here.
July 24, 2008
I finally found some time to go and see a movie theater from the inside. My daughter and I went and saw Wall-E tonight. Like everyone says, it is a beautiful movie. Get some popcorn and sit back. Take in the fantastic graphic design. Play the "spot the cultural reference" game. Enjoy the sweet…
July 24, 2008
Moss Plants and More The Wild Side (Olivia Judson) The Phytophactor Mendeley Blog The Apprenticing Lab Rat
July 24, 2008
I and the Bird #80 is up on Hawk Owl's Nest The 181st edition of The Carnival of Education is up on The Education Wonks
July 24, 2008
Go here and here for context, then discuss the idiosyncrasy of such lists. There are books there I have not touched, but I have read equally long and boring ones by the same authors. I have read parts of some, or kids/abridged versions of others. Here are those I read from beginning to end in…
July 24, 2008
Missing Link Found Between Circadian Clock And Metabolism: Two new research studies have discovered a long sought molecular link between our metabolism and components of the internal clock that drives circadian rhythms, keeping us to a roughly 24-hour schedule. The findings appear in the July 25th…
July 24, 2008
This is not meant in the sense of "who the heck do YOU think you are?", but more along the lines of the experiment that Ed is doing: 1) Tell me about you. Who are you? Do you have a background in science? If so, what draws you here as opposed to meatier, more academic fare? And if not, what brought…
July 24, 2008
Sheril will be there. Janet will be there. Zuska will be there. Grrrl will be there. Brian will be there. Ed will be there. Mark will be there. Josh will be there. Jake will be there. Orac will be there. I will be there. A dozen or so more Sciblings will be there (watch the other blogs for their…
July 23, 2008
A learned man is an idler who kills time with study. Beware of his false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance. - George Bernard Shaw
July 23, 2008
Grand Rounds 4:44 - the 200th Edition! - are up on GruntDoc Volume 3, Number 2 of Change of Shift is up on Emergiblog The 134th Carnival of Homeschooling is up on Life on the Road Strangely, blogs that were supposed to host this week's Tangled Bank, Carnival of Education, and Carnival of the Green…
July 23, 2008
Dent Cartoons What we don't know is A LOT skeetersays Crossing the Frame The Spittoon Unbalanced reaction MaRS blog - Science and Technology JMP Blog Developer Blog
July 23, 2008
Olivia Judson has, so far, posted four parts of her Darwin series. We ("we" meaning "bloggers' including myself) have already commented on some of these, but here is the entire series (so far, I hope there will be more) for ease of use: Darwinmania! An Original Confession Let's Get Rid of…
July 23, 2008
There are 51 new papers in PLoS ONE this week - check them out for stuff you are interested in (and post comments, notes and ratings and send trackbacks), but here are my personal picks: Sample Size and Precision in NIH Peer Review: The Working Group on Peer Review of the Advisory Committee to the…
July 23, 2008
Commercial Bees Spreading Disease To Wild Pollinating Bees: Bees provide crucial pollination service to numerous crops and up to a third of the human diet comes from plants pollinated by insects. However, pollinating bees are suffering widespread declines in North America and scientists warn that…
July 23, 2008
The complexity of sharing scientific databases: Under US law, pretty much anything you write down is copyrighted. Scrawl an original note on a napkin and it's protected until 70 years after your death. Facts, however, are another matter - they can't be copyrighted. So while trivial but creative…
July 22, 2008
He who would teach men to die would at the same time teach them to live. - Michel Eyquem de Montaigne
July 22, 2008
90 Billion Tons Of Microbial Organisms Live In Deep Marine Subsurface: More Archaea Than Bacteria: Biogeoscientists show evidence of 90 billion tons of microbial organisms--expressed in terms of carbon mass--living in the deep biosphere, in a research article published online by Nature, July 20,…
July 22, 2008
Across the Curious Parallel of Language and Species Evolution: In February 1837--even before he sailed on the Beagle--Charles Darwin wrote to his sister Caroline, discussing the linguist Sir John Herschel's idea that modern languages were descended from a common ancestor. If this were really the…
July 21, 2008
Whatever you do, don't give up. Because all you can do once you've given up is bitch. I've known some great bitchers in my time. With some it's a passion, with others an art. - Molly Ivins
July 21, 2008
There is a nice list of sites that offer regular science (and history and philosophy) podcasts. Do you know any others that you can recommend?
July 21, 2008
These are adorable! This one for PZ. This one for Amanda and the Thumb crew. My kids are getting one each, right now!
July 21, 2008
Remember last summer when a bunch of sciencebloggers all snuck into NYC under the cover of the night for a weekend of frolicking and karaoke? We kept it too secret last time, so very few of our readers had enough time to show up and meet us at short notice. This time we are meeting again in NYC, a…
July 21, 2008
Go there right now and congratulate Karen Ventii on her shiny new PhD!
July 21, 2008
These are funny! (via PZ):
July 21, 2008
Social Behavior In Ants Influenced By Small Number Of Genes: Understanding how interactions between genes and the environment influence social behavior is a fundamental research goal. In a new study, researchers at the University of Lausanne and the University of Georgia have shed light on the…
July 21, 2008
Encephalon #50 is up on SharpBrains Gene Genie #34 is up on ScienceRoll The new edition of the Philosophers' Carnival is up on Beyond Borders