Science Podcasts

There is a nice list of sites that offer regular science (and history and philosophy) podcasts. Do you know any others that you can recommend?

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[More blog entries about podcasting; podcasting, webbradio.] I've been laid low all day with a cold. To entertain myself while unable to read, I've listened to podcasts, and when I ran out of shows I subscribe to I started checking out Podcast Alley's top-10. Unfortunately, most people being morons…
This post is a followup on Podcasts good and bad, to which some of you responded with excellent suggestions for podcasts. I want to say that the criticisms I leveled in the previous post apply mainly to video podcasts in technolology that I've seen via the Roku on TWiT TV and other places, and…
For the record: Chlamydia is NOT a virus. I am bummed. I like the little MicrobeWorld radio broadcasts, and the video podcasts are even more fun. But I was perusing the archives and I found this: I could ignore this if it came from a different source, but MicrobeWorld is produced with…
There is a new blog on ScienceBlogs, Blogging the Origin, which is going over The Origin of Species. Because this is the Darwin bicentenary there is going to be a lot of the reflection upon the legacy of the great man; e.g., Blog For Darwin. I have to admit that I haven't read The Origin of…

Radiolab is pretty interesting and has some high production values, though all the "clever" little sound effects can get old pretty quickly.

ASU's Ask A Biologist podcast. It was on Apple's site and RSS news feed recently:

Now playing on iTunes U: "Ask a Biologist"
Hosted by Dr. Biology (CJ Kazilek) and brought to us by Arizona State University, "Ask a Biologist" features interviews of prominent scientists who discuss tiger beetles, marine biology, the history of fire, microbes, bird song, arachnology, and a wide range of other life science topics. Whether you listen to the shows, read the transcripts, or both, "Ask a Biologist" makes for an enjoyable and thought provoking experience.