
Profile picture for user clock
Bora Zivkovic

My scientific specialty is chronobiology (circadian rhythms and photoperiodism), with additional interests in comparative physiology, animal behavior and evolution. I am not an MD so I cannot diagnose and treat your sleep problems. As well as writing this blog, I am also the Online Discussion Expert for PLoS. This is a personal blog and opinions within it in no way reflect the policies of PLoS. You can contact me at:

Posts by this author

July 1, 2007
The law, in its majestic equality, forbids the rich as well as the poor to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal bread. - Anatole France
July 1, 2007
Carnival of the Blue #2 is up on Blogfish.
July 1, 2007
Gene Genie #10 (the peer-reviewed carnival of bioinformatics and computational biology) is up on Genomicron. Paediatric Grand Rounds 2:6 are up on Breath Spa for Kids.
July 1, 2007
I am having difficulty understanding what this is about, who is who, what are the institutional affiliations and potential biases, etc. Can someone explain it to me: Net Neutrality: Undifferentiated Networks Would Require Significant Extra Capacity: Using computer models, the researchers compared…
July 1, 2007
Festival of the Trees #13 - Putting Down Roots - is up on Wrenaissance Reflections.
June 30, 2007
Every closed eye is not sleeping, and every open eye is not seeing. - Bill Cosby
June 30, 2007
OK, I have scheduled to repost automatically some of the best clock-related posts. They will appear every day at 9am and 5pm from July 5th till August 12th. I hope you like them again.... Tomorrow, I'll schedule a bunch of ClockQuotes for the next month as well, every day at 4am.
June 30, 2007
While in San Francisco, I'd like to eat at Incanto (look around the site for their menu and progressive food and water policies, and they also have a blog). It is at 1550 Church Street, on the southwest corner of Church and Duncan Streets in San Francisco's Noe Valley. Where is that? Anyone…
June 30, 2007
The Flying Trilobite Ljubisa Bojic 1420Mhz Weird Science Good Tithings Curious Expeditions Dandelion Diva Cabinet of Wonders Simplistic Art Mixotrophy Offal Good
June 30, 2007
Edwards aside, this is an excellent look at the current political landscape in the USA: John Edwards and Dominant Media's Selective Skewering of Populist Hypocrisy by Paul Street:
June 30, 2007
Early reviews of the movie are coming out. Definitely read Ezra Klein's take on it. And Amanda Marcotte's. Also Mark Hoofnagle. And why Rob does not want to see it. Perhaps it is my upbringing, but the fact that one has to pay for medical treatment (and/or pay health insurance) was the second…
June 30, 2007
It's been a while since I last blogged about the Bosnian Pyramid (I did follow the story superficially, though, but was sick of trolls attracted to the topic), but I have to break the silence for this piece of good news: The Culture Ministry found the "research" conducted by Osmanagic's team to be…
June 30, 2007
Lots of new papers just got published in PLoS-Genetics and PLoS-Computational Biology. Here are a couple of papers that caught my eye: From Morphology to Neural Information: The Electric Sense of the Skate: The electric sense appears in a variety of animals, from the shark to the platypus, and it…
June 30, 2007
First Bacterial Genome Transplantation Changes One Species To Another: Researchers at the J. Craig Venter Institute (JCVI) have announced the results of work on genome transplantation methods allowing them to transform one type of bacteria into another type dictated by the transplanted chromosome.…
June 29, 2007
Time as he grows old teaches many lessons. - Aeschylus
June 29, 2007
Modern Brains Have An Ancient Core: Hormones control growth, metabolism, reproduction and many other important biological processes. In humans, and all other vertebrates, the chemical signals are produced by specialised brain centres such as the hypothalamus and secreted into the blood stream that…
June 29, 2007
LOLafrica: Sheril is in South Africa taking pictures of poopin' elfants.
June 29, 2007
Not that it costs anything to have one... Yet, the Konsortium of science libraries in Serbia is seriously contemplating shutting down their KOBSON blog, an invaluable tool in science communication in the region. Danica, who the regular readers of this blog are quite familiar with as she is the…
June 29, 2007
The Shadow of the Wind Thank you
June 29, 2007
It's always intriguing to know what the peer-reviewers have thought and written about a particular manuscript. Now, you can find out, at least in some cases, on PLoS-ONE papers. Chris Surridge explains.
June 29, 2007
I And The Bird #52 is up on The Wandering Tattler Friday Ark #145 is up on the Modulator
June 29, 2007
July 1st through July 4th. Here are the detailed instructions how to participate.
June 29, 2007
The Newest Artificial Intelligence Computing Tool: People: A USC Information Sciences Institute researcher thinks she has found a new source of artificial intelligence computing power to solve difficult IT problems of information classification, reliability, and meaning. That tool, according to ISI…
June 28, 2007
Nothing valuable can be lost by taking time. - Abraham Lincoln
June 28, 2007
I have got to see this movie! Is it coming to the USA any time soon? Or Netflix? Thanks Peggy...I won't be able to sleep tonight, scared of the bleating woolly terror!
June 28, 2007
You can now join the PLoS cause and the PLoS group if you want. If you are my friend, you can see all sorts of other groups and causes I have joined as well....
June 28, 2007
Sleep Apnea ED Average Earthman Deep Thoughts and Silliness Three-Toed Sloth Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science The Vanity Website The Indigestibele
June 28, 2007
Stem-Cell research is easier in some places than others. Help us locate exactly where. When is the North Carolina/Triangle community going to try to push hard for state funding of stem-cell research? Or have I missed something?
June 28, 2007
My copy of the book just arrived in the mail. This answers my question of what to read in SF (at least until Harry Potter VII comes out...).
June 28, 2007
Philosophia Naturalis #11 - Powers of 11 - is up on Highly Allochthonous. The first anniversary edition of The Change Of Shift is up on NursingLink. Carnival of Space #9 is up on The Planetary Society Weblog