Blogrolling for Today

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So what exactly IS blogrolling? Are these the new items on your blog roll, or do you rotate through them, or what? And what, if any, technology do you use to make that post (or is it done "by hand")?

Well, as I discover new blogs I collect them and when I have several I make this kind of post by hand. A few days later, these blogs get added to my real Blogroll.

How? It is all about my own websurfing and my own choices. I do not see how that can be automated. Or if it should be...

I just mean the process. You add links to your blog roll as you encounter them, and every now and then you push a button and your clipboard contains the HTML code for all the links since last time you pushed the button.

That would be nice, I guess. Although all the new ones are already in the Blogroll file. It's only the matter of updating the template (which I have to click on "Refresh").