
Profile picture for user clock
Bora Zivkovic

My scientific specialty is chronobiology (circadian rhythms and photoperiodism), with additional interests in comparative physiology, animal behavior and evolution. I am not an MD so I cannot diagnose and treat your sleep problems. As well as writing this blog, I am also the Online Discussion Expert for PLoS. This is a personal blog and opinions within it in no way reflect the policies of PLoS. You can contact me at:

Posts by this author

December 3, 2006
That is my daughter's favourite bird. I'll let her read what Chris wrote yesterday (and welcome back from a month-long blog hiatus!).
December 3, 2006
At least once a week on this blog I get down and dirty into some aspect of chronobiology that can get quite technical and requires the use of terminology which, unless you have read my blog in great detail every day since inception or are a chronobiologist yourself, you will not understand. Now I…
December 3, 2006
Anything missing from this link? Thank you all for suggestions so far. I have updated the previous posts a couple of times already and now have a backlog so will have to update them all soon again. N@ked Under My Lab Coat Naked on Rollerskates Naked Writing Nancy Nall Nanovirus Nascent The Nata…
December 3, 2006
K.T.Vaughan of the UNC - CH Health Sciences Library is coming to the 2007 North Carolina Science Blogging Conference. Are you? Technorati Tag: sciencebloggingconference
December 2, 2006
Festival of the Trees 6 - Taking Root and Bearing Fruit - is up on Arboreality.
December 2, 2006
Go say Hello to Daniel Rhoads, or shall we say Doctor Rhoads.
December 2, 2006
Bio::Blogs #6 - The conference edition - is now up on Nodalpoint.
December 2, 2006
Dave explains the incident and gives some excellent background information way beyond what the media reported.
December 2, 2006
Smack in the middle of the alphabet! Let me know what's missing from this list... The Magic School Bus (archives) Magnificent Frigatebird The Mahablog Maisie's World Majikthise Making Light Mano Singham's Web Journal Marginal Revolution Marko Grujic Martini Republic Maryannaville Material World…
December 2, 2006
Julia Connors is coming to the 2007 North Carolina Science Blogging Conference. Are you? Technorati Tag: sciencebloggingconference
December 1, 2006
The first edition of a brand new carnival is now up on Faux Real Tho. It is chockful of informative posts and practical advice on a range of topics all having something to do with ways to survive when short on money. I found some very useful advice already.
December 1, 2006
Carnival of the Liberals is turning One next week. TNG of Neural Gourmet will be hosting the Big Anniversary Edition on December 6th and he has asked people to submit their best post (of course!) - but not the best post of the week: the best post of the year! However, that post cannot be one that…
December 1, 2006
This file was too large to upload. (hat-tip)
December 1, 2006
An oldie but goodie for the connoisseurs of my long political rants (May 11, 2005): -------------------------------------------- I am not an economist. Actually, I have no background in economics at all, if one ignores "Capitalism for Beginners" and "Marx for Beginners". Like all Yugoslavs of my…
December 1, 2006
Any more blogs starting with 'L' that you know of? Lab Cat latest articles Lamentations on Chemistry Lance Mannion The Lancelet Language Log The Last Dutchess Law Evolution Science and Junk Science Lawyers, Guns and Money Learning Curves The Left Coaster Legal Fiction Leiter Reports The…
December 1, 2006
Save The Whales? Sure, But How Many?: How many wildebeest should live in the Serengeti" How many grizzly bears should call Yellowstone home" Are there too few tigers in the world" Conservationist biologists grapple with the task of setting population targets for the species they are trying to…
December 1, 2006
Amy Hughes is coming to the 2007 North Carolina Science Blogging Conference. Are you? Technorati Tag: sciencebloggingconference
November 30, 2006
* Genes may help predict infidelity, study finds: Could DNA tests tell you your risk of being cuckolded? Scientists think so. * Ancient sky calculator awes scientists: A 2,000-year-old computer could transform our view of the ancient world, according to researchers. * Success may be a 'family…
November 30, 2006
History Carnival XLIV is up on Barista
November 30, 2006
Change of Shift - Volume One, Edition Twelve - is now up on Fat Doctor.
November 30, 2006
Conitnuing with the Thursday BIO101 lecture notes, here is the fifth part. As always, I ask you to correct my errors and make suggestions to make the lecture better. Keep in mind that this is a VERY basic speed-course and that each of the lecture-notes covers roughly 45 minutes (often having 3-4…
November 30, 2006
You may remember when I mentioned the announcement of the new open-source online journal JoVE, a peer-reviewed journal of scientific methods in which submissions are provided in video form. Pimm, Eva, Jonah and Nick have also commented on it and Pimm prvides a look at the rate at which the news…
November 30, 2006
Is this the first such thing? A faculty position at UNC school of journalism. From the job ad: This person should be highly skilled in writing and editing online news, in blogging and in developing news content for the web. Apply if you think you can and want to do this.
November 30, 2006
I and the Bird #37 is up on Five Wells.
November 30, 2006
Rosalind Reid of the American Scientist magazine is coming to the 2007 North Carolina Science Blogging Conference. Are you? Rosalind will lead a break-out session on scientific illustration and is inviting participation in the planning of the session on the session's wiki page. Technorati Tag:…
November 30, 2006
From today's Quotes Of The Day: Jonathan Swift was born at Dublin, Ireland on this day in 1667, seven months after his father's death, and was raised primarily by an uncle. He received his B.A. from Trinity College, Dublin but political events forced him to England before completing his Masters. He…
November 29, 2006
For real?
November 29, 2006
Open Access Open Science (posts by Bill Hooker)
November 29, 2006
How to fight with other bloggers (via) I tend to avoid getting in fights with individuals. I'd rather insult millions all at once. (Let's see if this shows up as Quote on the front page tomorrow....)
November 29, 2006
You know that Bush-apologists say crazy things. They get cited, chastized and mocked for it every day on the liberal blogs, after all. You may have also wandered, by mistake, onto comment threads on Little Green Foodballs, or The Corner, or other nasty Right-wing blogs and suspected that those…