
Profile picture for user clock
Bora Zivkovic

My scientific specialty is chronobiology (circadian rhythms and photoperiodism), with additional interests in comparative physiology, animal behavior and evolution. I am not an MD so I cannot diagnose and treat your sleep problems. As well as writing this blog, I am also the Online Discussion Expert for PLoS. This is a personal blog and opinions within it in no way reflect the policies of PLoS. You can contact me at:

Posts by this author

December 6, 2006
This is an appropriate time of year for this post (February 05, 2006)... ----------------------------------------------------- So, why do I say that it is not surprising the exposure to bright light alleviates both seasonal depression and other kinds of depression, and that different mechanisms may…
December 6, 2006
The Word of the Day for December 06, 2006 is: cybrarian \sye-BRAIR-ee-un\ noun : a person whose job is to find, collect, and manage information that is available on the World Wide Web Example sentence: The library provided an e-mail address to submit inquiries to the cybrarian. Did you know? We've…
December 6, 2006
The Education Carnival #96 is up on History Is Elementary.
December 6, 2006
Gendered Division Of Labor Gave Modern Humans Advantage Over Neanderthals: Diversified social roles for men, women, and children may have given Homo sapiens an advantage over Neanderthals, says a new study in the December 2006 issue of Current Anthropology. The study argues that division of…
December 6, 2006
Carnival of the Liberals is back home for the 1st Anniversary Edition at Neural Gourmet. Happy Anniversary!
December 6, 2006
Barrie Hayes is coming to the 2007 North Carolina Science Blogging Conference. Are you? Technorati Tag: sciencebloggingconference
December 5, 2006
The finalists have been announced ina number of categories. Of special interest, of course, are these two categories: Best Science Blog Pharyngula John Hawks Anthropology Weblog RealClimate Deltoid Good Math, Bad Math Mixing Memory The Panda's Thumb In the Pipeline Bad Astronomy Blog SciGuy Best…
December 5, 2006
Grand Rounds, Volume 3, Number 11 is up on The Antidote. Carnival of the Green #56 is up on Urban Eco. Carnival of Homeschooling from the Land of Lincoln is up on Corn and Oil.
December 5, 2006
Omni Brain is in the house! And so is Neurontic Go say Hello. [quick edit]
December 5, 2006
No other aspect of behavioral biology is as well understood at the molecular level as the mechanism that generates and sustains circadian rhythms. If you are following science in general, or this blog in particular, you are probably familiar with the names of circadian clock genes like per, tim,…
December 5, 2006
After a night and half a day of the server being down, the homepage wiki of the Science Blogging Conference is up and running again, so you can sign up if you chose to do it today. And why not today?
December 5, 2006
Bonior Would Lead Edwards Campaign : Former Rep. David Bonior, a one-time leader in Congress who has close ties to labor unions, has signed on to manage a future John Edwards presidential campaign. Edwards hasn't announced a repeat of his 2004 presidential bid yet, but an Edwards adviser said…
December 5, 2006
Encephalon n°12: demandez le menu! is up on AlphaPsy.
December 5, 2006
David has some great ideas: I suggested that the best thing we might do with video games is to figure out what it is about video games that makes them such a compelling learning engine, and try to integrate those elements into the classroom, rather than trying to integrate the games into the…
December 5, 2006
This post (from May 10, 2005) was deliberately written to provoke, by asserting that the "victors write history" rule gets into trouble when there are too many victors writing too many histories. Thus, it was written deliberately as an opposite extreme to what kids learn in school in the USA, as…
December 5, 2006
Cities Change The Songs Of Birds: By studying the songs of a bird species that has succeeded in adapting to urban life, researchers have gained insight into the kinds of environmental pressures that influence where particular songbirds thrive, and the specific attributes of city birds that allow…
December 5, 2006
Mike Dickison is coming to the 2007 North Carolina Science Blogging Conference. Are you? Technorati Tag: sciencebloggingconference
December 4, 2006
Let me know what's missing - in the past installments I missed some of the obvious biggies (and you did not tell me!) like MyDD, Juan Cole, Crooks & Liars...!!!! Obscure and Confused Ideas Obsidian Wings Ocellated Oekologie Olduvai George Omics! Omics! Omnidictum: Essays in Science Omni Brain (…
December 4, 2006
Former Sen. John Edwards Set For Pasadena Appearance The site of Edwards' appearance, All Saints Church, has received a summons from the Internal Revenue Service for all documents and e-mails it produced during the 2004 election year with references to political candidates in an investigation of…
December 4, 2006
Brookings Hamilton Project Issues New Papers on Science and Technological Innovation: Experts Address how Education, Patent Reform, and Inducement Prizes in Science and Technology can aid Competitiveness and Growth. Focusing attention on the importance of science and technology innovation to U.S.…
December 4, 2006
WaPo reports. Who is next?
December 4, 2006
Teaching carnival #17 is up on silver in sf
December 4, 2006
Kelly Chi is coming to the 2007 North Carolina Science Blogging Conference. Are you? Technorati Tag: sciencebloggingconference
December 3, 2006
Neil's attitude towards vaginas is very positive. Lindsay asserts that swearing is a fascinating philosophical topic. Amanda debunks the old tired counter-arguments. And many, many comments on all three threads will keep you busy for a while. Mind you, considering the topic, the language in those…
December 3, 2006
Tarheel Tavern #93, North Carolina's mountains, is up on Nicomachus.
December 3, 2006
Mendel's Garden #9: Gene-gle Bells Edition is up on Salamander Candy
December 3, 2006
Sandra Porter is having fun collecting all the new-fangled biological subdisciplines that end with "-omics". The final product of each such project also has a name, ending with "-ome". You have all heard of the Genome (complete sequence of all the DNA of an organism) and the Genomics (the effort…
December 3, 2006
Take the LabLit Survey and tell me which choice you picked and why. Thanks to John Dupuis for the heads-up.
December 3, 2006
...with John Edwards: CBS Boston Globe
December 3, 2006
Daytime Sleepiness From Obstructive Sleep Apnea May Raise Risk For Cardiovascular Problems: Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), a sleep related breathing disorder that causes your body to stop breathing during sleep, can disturb your sleep numerous times on any given night. As a result, you may…