
Profile picture for user clock
Bora Zivkovic

My scientific specialty is chronobiology (circadian rhythms and photoperiodism), with additional interests in comparative physiology, animal behavior and evolution. I am not an MD so I cannot diagnose and treat your sleep problems. As well as writing this blog, I am also the Online Discussion Expert for PLoS. This is a personal blog and opinions within it in no way reflect the policies of PLoS. You can contact me at:

Posts by this author

December 11, 2006
The guy who prvided the initial audio file of his amazing conversations with Verizon reps has now set up a blog about it. You can read the transcript, check the comments, find new developments on the case, and discover new similar cases. Verizon is in trouble - see just how many blogs are…
December 11, 2006
Grrrl, PZ and John will be panelists at the Media Worskshop during the next SICB meeting. You bet I am jealous! SICB is the coolest of all science meetings ever! Their workshop is about science blogging: Media Workshop: Hey, Wanna Read My Blog? Blogs are online "diaries" that are growing in…
December 11, 2006
How does that work? (April 03, 2005) ------------------------------------------------- Alcohol 'binges' in rats during early brain development cause circadian rhythm problems Rats are nocturnal animals and normally begin their activity slightly after darkness sets in. The rats that had been exposed…
December 11, 2006
The Synapse #13 is up on Neurocontrarian. Go take a look. This will be the last edition of The Synapse. The two neuro-carnivals are going to fuse into one, so in the future, only submit your entries to Encephalon.
December 11, 2006
From Hot Springs To Rice Farms, Scientists Reveal New Insights Into The Secret Lives Of Archaea: In the world of microbes, as in politics, some groups just can't seem to shake the label ''extremist.'' Another Boost For Stem Cell Research: In the wake of the Australian Senate's decision to pass the…
December 11, 2006
Lots of Rs.... Radioactive Banana Radiology Grand Rounds Ragesoss 2.02: Academics and Scholarship Ragesoss 2.03: Nerdy Stuff Raleigh Philosophical Society Rambling Thoughts of the Prof Bil The Man Ramblin' Prose Random Access Mazar Random John reloaded Random Ramblings Random thoughts Random_speak…
December 11, 2006
Ryan Somma is coming to the 2007 North Carolina Science Blogging Conference. Are you? Technorati Tag: sciencebloggingconference
December 10, 2006
The old saw about the early bird just goes to show that the worm should have stayed in bed. (Heinlein 1973)
December 10, 2006
Nature is going crazy starting a bunch of new blogs: * Methagora: The Nature Methods blog and comment forum. * Nautilus: A blog for past, present and future authors. * Peer-to-peer: A blog for peer-reviewers and about the peer-review process. * Spoonful of Medicine: Musing on…
December 10, 2006
In Memoriam Louie adopted my mother-in-law. He lived outside and roamed that small block of houses. He was killed by a car about a month ago. This is the only picture of him, which my daugther took last summer.
December 10, 2006
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
December 10, 2006
Thanks to The Science Pundit for alerting me to this amazing animation (now also for sale as screensaver): Secret Worlds: The Universe Within: View the Milky Way at 10 million light years from the Earth. Then move through space towards the Earth in successive orders of magnitude until you reach a…
December 10, 2006
Carnival of the Godless #55 is up on Kingdom of Heathen
December 10, 2006
The 94th Tar Heel Tavern: Big Changes Edition is up on Scrutiny Hooligans.
December 10, 2006
At the Age 91. SANTIAGO, Chile -- Gen. Augusto Pinochet, who overthrew Chile's democratically elected Marxist president in a bloody coup and ruled this Andean nation for 17 years, died Sunday, dashing hopes of victims of his regime's abuses that he would be brought to justice. He was 91.
December 10, 2006
Any more blogs starting with Q? The Quantum Pontiff Quantum Quandaries Quark Soup Querencia The Questionable Authority (old) The Questionable Authority (new) The Quitters Qulog 2.0 Quoth the Raven Previously (I have just updated most of them with new blogs. Please add suggestions at any time in the…
December 10, 2006
So says Sahotra Sarkar in the latest American Prospect. Hat-tip: Neil the Ethical Werewolf
December 10, 2006
From QOTD: The Swedish chemist Alfred Nobel died at San Remo, Italy on this day in 1896. Under the terms of his will, his estate was arranged so as to grant prizes in Chemistry, Physics, Medicine or Physiology, Literature, and Peace, these five prizes were first awarded on the fifth anniversary of…
December 10, 2006
From Merriam-Webster: Pecksniffian ⢠\pek-SNIFF-ee-un\ ⢠adjective : unctuously hypocritical : sanctimonious Example Sentence: "His book suffers from excessively long harangues against Pecksniffian prigs and temperance types who, he claims, are still trying to ruin our fun." (Mark D.…
December 10, 2006
Sleep Problems -- Real And Perceived -- Get In The Way Of Alcoholism Recovery: The first few months of recovery from an alcohol problem are hard enough. But they're often made worse by serious sleep problems, caused by the loss of alcohol's sedative effects, and the long-term sleep-disrupting…
December 10, 2006
Tom Linden is coming to the 2007 North Carolina Science Blogging Conference. Are you? Technorati Tag: sciencebloggingconference
December 9, 2006
Wii Have A Problem
December 9, 2006
The protist and the virus appear to be helpful to each other: HIV cripples the infected person's immune system which allows malaria to thrive. Similarly, individuals with malaria have recurrent feverish periods during which the viral load increases by a log factor. Higher viral loads mean that…
December 9, 2006
I went a little too fast a couple of days ago, but now it is true - Neurontic is on board! Go say Hello to Orli, our newest SciBling!
December 9, 2006
Yes, you read that right. Our soldiers in Iraq will run the marathon at the same time as the Honolulu race and will be considered to be contestants in the Honolulu marathon. But the whole thing is not just for fun - there is something much more inportant going on here and something you can help…
December 9, 2006
PZ probably already knows about this, but I found this discovery of super-reflective skin cells in squid, cuttlefish and octopus quite amazing! Hanlon's team discovered that the bottom layer of octopus skin, made up of cells called leucophores, is composed of a translucent, colourless, reflecting…
December 9, 2006
Mark points out to this amazing example of innumeracy: Yup, it is 25 minutes long and it is frustrating as hell. And there is no resolution in the end. To make a long story short, the guy went to Canada and before the trip he asked Verizon what his charge would be while there. He was quoted 0.…
December 9, 2006
As a part of the Hardball College Tour, Tweety will be in Chapel Hill on Tuesday at the Memorial Hall, chatting for an hour with John Edwards. Tickets are free if you can come, or just watch on Tuesday night. Though likelihood is small, it is not totally impossible Edwards may use this opportunity…
December 9, 2006
Drop Kick My Big Balls While She's Gettin' Nailed mixed by Jeff Hebert of A Nerd's Country Journal.
December 9, 2006
Go check out The Mill and Carrboro Commons. The Mill Editor did some digging and found that a lot of cool scientific research on climate is being done locally.