
Profile picture for user clock
Bora Zivkovic

My scientific specialty is chronobiology (circadian rhythms and photoperiodism), with additional interests in comparative physiology, animal behavior and evolution. I am not an MD so I cannot diagnose and treat your sleep problems. As well as writing this blog, I am also the Online Discussion Expert for PLoS. This is a personal blog and opinions within it in no way reflect the policies of PLoS. You can contact me at:

Posts by this author

September 12, 2006
Carnival of Education #84 is up on The Current Events in Education. It is organized like a newspaper. Carnival of Homeschooling #37 is up on Principled Discovery. It is organized like an international flight.
September 12, 2006
Why are religious people religious, in two parts: Why do religious wingnuts think the way they do? Part I and Why do religious wingnuts think the way they do? Part II Why are creationists creationists, in three parts: Why are creationists creationist?, Why are creationists creationist? 2 -…
September 12, 2006
Fundamental Questions in Biology. Here is a quote from the end: The questions that biologists from diverse subdisciplines are asking have commonalities that make clear the continued existence of fundamental challenges that unify biology and that should form the core of much research in the decades…
September 12, 2006
Baby bugs team up for sex scam The moment they're born, beetles of one species join forces for a curious drill. The larvae hatch out of their eggs and together, as a group, climb to the tip of the plant. There, they secrete a sex pheromone that attracts a male of a bee who tries to couplate with…
September 12, 2006
Scientists discover molecule behind birds' magnetic sense: "Some birds, notably migratory species, are able to detect the Earth's magnetic field and use it to navigate. New results from a team of Franco-German researchers suggest that light-sensitive molecules called cryptochromes could be the key…
September 12, 2006
Facebook opening up to the masses: Social networking site Facebook is to ditch its requirement that users must have a university email address, according to media reports. Facebook required members to have a school or university email address, but added 1,000 approved work addresses in May…
September 12, 2006
Fly Paris Hilton Airlines: Thank you all for being here. With the fifth anniversary of 9/11 upon us, the Federal Aviation Administration has been asked to project developments in air safety over the next five years. We thought this could best be conveyed from the perspective of a typical passenger…
September 12, 2006
Genetic Surprise: Mobile Genes Found To Pressure Species Formation: Biologists at the University of Rochester have discovered that an old and relatively unpopular theory about how a single species can split in two turns out to be accurate after all, and acting in nature. The finding, reported in…
September 12, 2006
Remember this post from a couple of weeks ago? It was quite popular on tagging sites like Digg, Reddit and Stumbleupon. It was about endogenous retroviruses and their role in the evolution of placenta (which made the evolution of other mammalian traits possible). Now, there is a new study in…
September 12, 2006
I've heard of this before, but now I see an actual study has been published: There's more to a good night's rest than going to bed early. Sleeping comes easiest and lasts longest for the wealthy, white, and female. Reporting her findings in the June 1 American Journal of Epidemiology, health-…
September 12, 2006
Kevin has only 5 more days in China so, apart from rain, various farewell dinners are keeping him too busy to do much collecting. Except, this time, it is a different kind of herping altogether, watching the alligators at a farm and diving for turtles. Anhui 4 September My last complete day in…
September 12, 2006
A short personal post, first written here on August 13, 2005, then reposted here on January 16, 2006... When I was in elementary school back in Belgrade (grades 1 through 8) I had the most horrible history teacher. She was an example that stereotype of "dumb blonde" is sometimes correct. She was…
September 12, 2006
The newest edition of the medical carnival is up on Diabetes Mine. The theme is Celebrating Education.
September 12, 2006
The Periodic Table of ScienceBlogs continues.
September 11, 2006
Jenna was having fun with the microscope.
September 11, 2006
You may remember back in June when ScienceBloggers successfully raised over $30,000 for various science & math teaching projects in schools around the country. Now that the school year has started, the materials this effort helped fund are in use in classroom and we are all receiving e-mails…
September 11, 2006
Destructive insects on rise in Alaska: Destructive insects in unprecedented numbers are finding Alaska forests to be a congenial home, said University of Alaska forestry professor Glenn Juday, and climate change could be the welcome mat. Warmer winters kill fewer insects. Longer, warmer summers…
September 11, 2006
Encephalon #6, the neuroscience blog carnival, is up on Retrospectacle
September 11, 2006
The fourth part of a four-part series on the topic, this one from April 02, 2006.... This being the National Sleep Awareness Week and on the heels of the recent study on sleep of adolescents, it is not surprising that this issue is all over the media, including blogs, these days. I have written…
September 11, 2006
This is the third part of the series on the topic, from April 01, 2006... This being the National Sleep Awareness Week and in the heels of the recent study on sleep of adolescents, it is not surprising that this issue is all over the media, including blogs, these days. I have covered this issue a…
September 11, 2006
Here is the second post on the topic, from March 28, 2006. A couple of links are broken due to medieval understanding of permalinks by newspapers, but you will not miss too much, I hope.... Health Journal: Doctors probe why it's hard for many kids to get up (also Night Owls: Disorder may cause…
September 11, 2006
Earlier this year, during the National Sleep Awareness Week, I wrote a series of posts about the changes in sleep schedules in adolescents. Over the next 3-4 hours, I will repost them all, starting with this one from March 26, 2006. Also check my more recent posts on the subject here and here…
September 10, 2006
Lance Mannion: It takes talent to make good schlock TV Andrew Sullivan: The Rove Campaign Paul Craig Roberts: Bush the Pitiful The Nation: Bush Aims to Kill War Crimes Act Publus: THE TWO 9/11s
September 10, 2006
Nice review of a new biography of I.F.Stone: Stone gives journalists a hero to honor: Heroes are dangerous. We all know that. Choose the wrong one and people can die. If a lot of people choose the wrong one, a lot of people can die. But then every now and then, you can see a hero so perfect for a…
September 10, 2006
Here is the next group of scibloggers to learn about.
September 10, 2006
Starting today, the blog aggregator has a brand new look and much greater functionality. Go check it out.
September 10, 2006
ConvergeSouth is not a blogging conference - it is about the stuff that goes beyond blogging, both in terms of technology (podcasting, vlogging) and in terms of use - building online communities, for instance. I am really happy to see that there will be a session on Facebook this year and I hope…
September 10, 2006
This kind of ignorant bleating makes me froth at the mouth every time - I guess it is because this is my own blogging "turf". One of the recurring themes of my blog is the disdain I have for people who equate sleep with laziness out of their Puritan core of understanding of the world, their "work…
September 10, 2006
Do pilots get enough rest?: -------------------------snip--------------------- The federal rules on pilot duty hours and rest periods aren't the most comprehensible of reads. One rule allows airlines to schedule pilots to fly for eight hours or less during a 24-hour period without a "rest period…
September 10, 2006
'Empty Nester' Parent Birds Use Recruitment Calls To Extend Offspring Care: By studying a habituated population of pied babblers (Turdoides bicolor) in the Kalahari Desert, researchers have discovered a surprising new way in which parent birds can extend the period of their care of offspring…