
Profile picture for user clock
Bora Zivkovic

My scientific specialty is chronobiology (circadian rhythms and photoperiodism), with additional interests in comparative physiology, animal behavior and evolution. I am not an MD so I cannot diagnose and treat your sleep problems. As well as writing this blog, I am also the Online Discussion Expert for PLoS. This is a personal blog and opinions within it in no way reflect the policies of PLoS. You can contact me at:

Posts by this author

September 6, 2006
New installment of the periodic system of ScienceBloggers is now up on Page 3.14.
September 6, 2006
I am reading with amusement all of my SciBlings' examples of extreme nerdiness (just look around the ScienceBlogs today!). Apart from wearing turtlenecks (at the time when they were not fashinable) and having some science-related decorations at home, I am really not that nerdy: On the other hand…
September 6, 2006
Elizabeth Edwards will read from and sign her new book Saving Graces on Monday, October 9, 2006 at 7:30 PM at Quail Ridge Books & Music in Raleigh: Elizabeth Edwards writes about growing up in a military family, where she learned how to make friends easily in dozens of new schools and…
September 6, 2006
A microbiological metaphor for the blogosphere (from November 27, 2005): Heh! I always wanted to write this post. Being lazy is actually good sometimes. Just wait long enough and, lo and behold, someone else will write your post! Saves you time and energy. Daniel Conover, whom I had great pleasure…
September 6, 2006
Second post in a series of five (from April 05, 2006): In the previous two posts, here and here, I have mentioned how the discovery of circadian clocks in Cyanobacteria changed the way we think about the origin and evolution of circadian clocks. Quite soon after the initial discovery, the team…
September 6, 2006
Summer is over so let's start meeting again. Anton needs feedback on the days and locations.
September 6, 2006
As a scientist and a blogger and someone very interested in science communication, I was quite delighted with Rob HelpyChalk's series of three charts depicting traditional communication between scientists, traditional communication between scientists and general population, and the new two-way…
September 6, 2006
Elizabeth Edwards will be leading the opening session at the ConvergeSouth blogging and journalism unconference on October 14th. Are you registered yet? Let's have dinner together as well. (Hat-tip: Ed) Technorati Tag: ConvergeSouth
September 6, 2006
Mr.WD: 'Postmodern' Christianity -- it's still that old time religion, part 4
September 5, 2006
Sorry - I had no internet today since 9am. All the posts were pre-scheduled for automatic posting. Some money came in after midnight so I paid the bill but am too tired right now to post anything (and have too much e-mail and stuff to go through). In the meantime, I did a LOT on my Dissertation…
September 5, 2006
The adventures continue. It's like Steve Irwin, but without the cameras. Last Leg (of Shennongjia) 27 August Watched some made-for-TV movie (in English!!) with the chick from the TV series "Weird Science" and the movie "King Pin." My plan for the next few days was to go to Pinqian for 3 or 4 days…
September 5, 2006
Hypotheses leading to more hypotheses (from March 19, 2006 - the Malaria Day): I have written a little bit about malaria before, e.g, here and here, but this is my special Malaria Action Day post, inspired by a paper [1] that Tara sent me some weeks ago and I never got to write about it till now…
September 5, 2006
First in a series of five posts on clocks in bacteria (from March 08, 2006)... As I stated in the introductory post on this topic, it was thought for a long time that prokaryotes were incapable of generating circadian rhythms. When it was discovered, in 1994 [1], that one group of prokaryotes,…
September 5, 2006
This guy has some deep unresolved issues wiht sexuality. Overheated or overexcited? The link may or may not be Not Safe For Work, but it is most definitely Not Safe With Breakfast. Don't complain I didn't warn you!
September 5, 2006
Carl Feagans made this for my blog: Make your own at the Vinyl Record Generator.
September 4, 2006
If you are interested in the pros and cons of cannibalism in praying mantises, you should check out the latest Carl's post and article on the topic.
September 4, 2006
"Once you have the testes, you really don't need the rest of the male... I feel really bad about that... it's been my protocol to euthanize the males and take their testes." ...spoken by Jenna's Dev-Bio prof.
September 4, 2006
Sterotypes, Sellouts, and Winning the Meme Wars by Sara Robinson The Beltway Freemen by David Neiwert Dr. Bob Has The Map by Sara Robinson
September 4, 2006
They are certainly familiar to anyone who has ever had a Creationist troll, a global-warming denialist troll, AIDS-HIV connection denialist troll, AR troll, DDT-is-banned troll, etc.... (Hat-tip: Bitch PhD)
September 4, 2006
This article looks into the possible causes of the recent crash in Lexington.
September 4, 2006
Synapse #6 is up on The Mouse Trap.
September 4, 2006
Chris Chatham of Developing Intelligence blog wrote an excellent summary of the controversy over dolphin intelligence and adds his own thoughts on the matter, with which I agree: In conclusion, there are countless reasons to doubt that dolphins are "dumber than goldfish," or indeed that popular…
September 4, 2006
Lance, Matt and Tom write on MSM misunderstaning of blogs, and on old posts that keep on giving. What are your old posts that keep getting links and comments months and years after they disappeared into the depths of archives? For me it is definitely this one.
September 4, 2006
Philosopher's Carnival #35 is up on Philosopher's Playground.
September 4, 2006
If you need ideas how to help various science-related causes, Nick has collected a lot of information you can use.
September 4, 2006
Learn more about Seed's ScienceBloggers in the latest part of the periodic system series.
September 4, 2006
Power Emerges From Consensus In Monkey Social Networks: Research on communication typically focuses on how individuals use signals to influence the behavior of receivers, thus primarily focusing on pairs of individuals. However, the role communication plays in the emergence of social structures is…
September 4, 2006
Steve Irwin, the Crocodile Hunter, died yesterday after a freak accident while filming a documentary. He was impaled by a stingray through the chest. RIP.
September 4, 2006
Mendel's Garden #5 is up on Evolgen.
September 4, 2006
From November 28, 2005, a post about teaching... There has been literally an explosion of new knowledge about malaria in the last ten years or so. It is an amazing disease. Looking at all the new findings coming out almost every week makes me salivate because of...teaching! Malaria is a fantastic…