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Bora Zivkovic

My scientific specialty is chronobiology (circadian rhythms and photoperiodism), with additional interests in comparative physiology, animal behavior and evolution. I am not an MD so I cannot diagnose and treat your sleep problems. As well as writing this blog, I am also the Online Discussion Expert for PLoS. This is a personal blog and opinions within it in no way reflect the policies of PLoS. You can contact me at:

Posts by this author

September 19, 2006
Jennifer Ouliette offers sage advice. You don't need a science degree. But nobody said you cannot have a PhD to do it.
September 19, 2006
Chris Clarke explains Berube's new book (yup, I am hoping to buy it one day) for the masses. I am assuming that Chris spent quite a lot of time and effort into making this from scratch. I could have saved him some of that by mailing him some of the existing stuff I had and read as a kid. Ah, the…
September 19, 2006
Why, whenever a society is going down the tubes and the people start feeling insecure, the Middle-Eastern beat starts dominating the popular music? See hip-hop in the States today. Compare to turbo-folk in Serbia in the 1990s.
September 19, 2006
This is an excerpt from the first chapter of George Lakoff's new book Thinking Points. You can read more here or download a PDF of the first chapter here. You have heard many of these ideas before, including repeatedly on my blog, but it is nice to see them all stated succintly and collected in…
September 19, 2006
This June 01, 2005 post from Science And Politics has been reposted (with mild edits) at several different places by me and others, including on June 01, 2005 on Idea Consultants and on June 10, 2005 on DailyKos. This post, in some way, turned me into some kind of carnival "guru".... What is a…
September 19, 2006
Its'a all about sex, sexual repression and sexual politics: Jessica Lindsay Ezra David Neiwert Lance Berube Jill Zuzu PZ Sisyphus Shrugged Scott Echidne Amanda Roy Jessica Lauren Amanda Heretic Jane Scott Jessica Driftglass Pam Lance
September 19, 2006
Grand Rounds, v.2, n.52 is up on Tundra Medicine Dreams. Gorgeous pictures from Alaska and the best of medical blogging. The Synapse v.1, n.7 is up on GNIF Brain Blogger
September 19, 2006
Yesterday was the fifth anniversary of the anthrax attack. It was the Big Topic for the media for about as long as any Missing White Woman story, .... or was it until it was realized that the perpetrators were not "Islamofascists" (the term that was not, but could have been, invented at the time)…
September 19, 2006
Demand an Exit Strategy Not a Facelift: By pointing the finger at Rumsfeld, they deflect blame from Bush's neo-conservative agenda. It is that agenda that drew the nation to Iraq, that has distracted from a smarter struggle against terrorists and terrorism, that has resulted in the erosion of our…
September 18, 2006
Sorry for scarce posting Monday - I hope you liked that long re-post from 11am, long enough to be sufficient reading for one day. Anton has posted the summary of the Blogger MeetUp. I really like to have this kind of semi-structured meetup once a month. I was impressed by - it is simple…
September 18, 2006
In this post from April 06, 2006, I present some unpublished data that you may find interesting. Understanding the role of serotonin in depression has led to development of anti-depressant drugs, like Prozac. Much of the research in this area has been performed in Crustaceans: lobsters and…
September 17, 2006
Alun Salt of the wonderful Archaeoastronomy blog has started a weekly roundup of blogposts about the past. Check out Vidi-1 and Vidi-2. Who knows, if this catches on and others get interested, Vidi may become a real carnival, rotating hosts and everything....
September 17, 2006
The coooolest thing ever! My son's science teacher broke his shoulder so he had to be out for two weeks (he's the one who was instrumental in the district adopting the science textbook I like, and he teaches evolution "straight-up"). During that time, they had a substitute teacher. She gave them…
September 17, 2006
Tar HeelTavern #82 is up on Mel's Kitchen. Don't forget to come to the first Chapel Hill - Carrboro blogger meetup tomorrow in the Library at 7pm. You don't have to be a blogger - being a reader and/or commenter or someone interested in blogging is enough - it is a very open group. And don't…
September 17, 2006
Animalcules v.1, n.12 is up on Viva La Evolucion Carnival of the Godless #49 is up on Grounded In Reality
September 17, 2006
It's looking good. Certainly much smaller than the roomful of metal we are used to seeing in hospitals. Do you remember when computers used to fill entire rooms? Now take a look at your cell phone. Now think MRI in 10-20 years... See what I'm getting at? I am patiently waiting for the time…
September 16, 2006
From Ed Cone, via Steve Rubel, through Shel Israel, we find that Charlene Li published a new study of blog use and discovered that a quarter of Generation Y reads blogs, which is twice as much as Generation X and three times as much as Boomers (which generation was Generation F and, once the…
September 16, 2006
Don't know, but we can test this hypothesis. Go to Cognitive Daily and/or Uncertain Principles and take the test (and read what they have to say about it, each from his own perspective). It is just the essay part of the test. You get the prompt. You write. After 20 minutes (you are typing -…
September 16, 2006
Town Tells White Separatist Singers 'No Hate Here' The girls, their mother, April, and stepfather Mark Harrington recently moved to Montana from Bakersfield, Calif., after April told "Primetime" that Bakersfield was "not white enough." Now Kalispell has put the family on notice, "Not in my backyard…
September 16, 2006
Hungry Hyena has an interesting critique of the movie.
September 16, 2006
The phrase "Living Fossil" is second to only "Missing Link" on my list of irks-me-to-no-end abuses of English language. Darren Naish now explains exactly what is wrong with the term, using as the case study the recent rediscovery of the Sumatran rhino. This is your Most Obligatory reading of the…
September 16, 2006
Publius has an interesting hypothesis about the way the torture/Geneva convention issue may blow back into BushCo face. Publius has been over optimistic before, but do you think he is overoptimistic now? My feeling was that the split between two alternative military commission bills was a ruse -…
September 16, 2006
Eva of Easternblot has written an article about science blogging that is very good. In the article, she interviews Tara Smith, PZ Myers, the Trio Fantasticus of the Inkycircus, Carl Zimmer and Oliver Morton. The article appears in the latest issue of Hypothesis Journal and you can download the…
September 15, 2006
Holy Smoke: Burning incense, candles pollute air in churches: Incense and candles release substantial quantities of pollutants that may harm health, a detailed new study of air quality in a Roman Catholic church suggests. Even brief exposure to contaminated air during a religious service could be…
September 15, 2006
An interesting new study of religiosity in America: One God, four views: "Not all Americans see the powerful old man in the sky" Really? The authors suggest religion may most successfully motivate individuals through what it can offer them in spiritual intimacy and congregational connectivity…
September 15, 2006
...and it will stay hard for another 4 hours. [That is Friday Weird Sex Blogging for this week....]
September 15, 2006
Teaching Carnival #12 is up on Scrivenings. Next time, on October 1st, the carnival will be hosted by me here. I will be posting an official 'call for submissions' in a few days, but in the meantime, if you write a post that has something to do with Academia and Higher Ed, please try to remember…
September 15, 2006
Indian Creek dedicates new Upper School: Mrs. Mattingly highlighted the major components of the college preparatory curriculum that fills the school day beginning at 8:50 a.m. and continues until 5 p.m. The hours are designed to accommodate teens' circadian rhythms.
September 15, 2006
S through W - now on Page 3.14
September 15, 2006
Paleontologists Find 67 Dinosaurs In One Week: He was specifically looking for Psittacosaurus fossils because it was a very common dinosaur and would give him lots of specimens, Horner said. It would also keep away poachers and commercial fossil hunters who work in the area, but prefer rare fossils…