
Profile picture for user clock
Bora Zivkovic

My scientific specialty is chronobiology (circadian rhythms and photoperiodism), with additional interests in comparative physiology, animal behavior and evolution. I am not an MD so I cannot diagnose and treat your sleep problems. As well as writing this blog, I am also the Online Discussion Expert for PLoS. This is a personal blog and opinions within it in no way reflect the policies of PLoS. You can contact me at:

Posts by this author

September 15, 2006
I feel a professional duty to watch - once it is available - and review this movie about sleep deprivation and insomnia. Sounds pretty good and informed, as well as entertaining, at least according to the article: Night after night for some 40 years, the US independent filmmaker, Alan Berliner,…
September 15, 2006
Mendel's Garden #6 is up on The Voltage Gate. History Carnival #39 is up on Cliopatria
September 15, 2006
Sara Robinson explains.
September 15, 2006
This post from November 26, 2004 was my fourth (out of five), and longest, analysis of the 2004 election. With Balkans and Creationism sprinkled in. How did it stand the test of time over the past two years? Oftentimes, an outside observer can see what a native observer cannot. The native is too…
September 15, 2006
A Community Genetics Forum 2006: Finding the Genome is a 3-day conference here in the Triangle. I will try to go to the third day events on Saturday, 10am - 3pm. It is a very medically oriented meeting, so I doubt they will mention the importance of comparative genomics in the study of evolution,…
September 15, 2006
Students not getting enough sleep: College students may believe they are being more productive when they sleep less, but in reality it is causing harm to their bodies. The National Sleep Foundation points out that receiving less than six hours of sleep a night is associated with 1.7 times greater…
September 15, 2006
Friday Ark #104 is up on The Modulator
September 14, 2006
I hope you can come to ConvergeSouth06. If you are interested in the Facebook session and if you have access to Facebook, join the Group Facebook at ConvergeSouth06. Technorati Tag: ConvergeSouth
September 14, 2006
We are about to start the new blogging season in the Triangle, beginning with the regular Chapel Hill-Carboro meetups. The first meetup will be next Monday in the downstairs conference room of the Chapel Hill Public Library at 7 p.m. There will be wifi, and two presentations (Jameson on Lyceum,…
September 14, 2006
From an e-mail: The U.S. television premiere of the Academy Award-winning MARCH OF THE PENGUINS will be on Hallmark Channel, Saturday, November 25 (9/8 c). The theatrical movie is accompanied by a never-before-seen film short on the subject from Academy Award-winners (director) Luc Jacquet, (…
September 14, 2006
Nicotine Lessens Symptoms Of Depression In Nonsmokers: Nicotine may improve the symptoms of depression in people who do not smoke, Duke University Medical Center scientists have discovered. The finding does not mean that people with depression should smoke or even start using a nicotine patch, the…
September 14, 2006
Tonight, I felt I needed to regress into my childhood so I fixed myself something I haven't eaten since I was a little kid - chocolate cream-o-wheat! Here is the recipe for half the quantity I used to eat as a kid in one sitting: Put a bar (100g) of bittersweet chocolate (or less - I like it…
September 14, 2006
From am e-mail I got today: While Iraq dominates the headlines, the other issue that Americans are grappling with as they head to the polls this fall is the economic uncertainty that affects all American workers. While the numbers on the economy look good, most American workers haven't…
September 14, 2006
This one was drawn by Arunn of Nonoscience and I like it very much!
September 14, 2006
I'm glad I am not the only one majorly pissed I was not invited to the secret meeting of Chapel Hill (and area) bloggers wih John Edwards (some of which were not even supporting him back in 2003 and 2004). So is Anton. He is doubly pissed and rightly so. Ed and Pam were there, though.
September 14, 2006
Warming Climate May Put Chill On Arctic Polar Bear Population: The new research suggests that progressively earlier breakup of the Arctic sea ice, stimulated by climate warming, shortens the spring hunting season for female polar bears in Western Hudson Bay and is likely responsible for the…
September 14, 2006
About a year ago, on October 01, 2005, I did a little stats on the self-described political affiliation of NCSU students with Facebook profiles and posted it here. I reposted it here on January 16, 2006. I was thinking about doing the same thing exactly a year later, but the new Facebook News-…
September 14, 2006
There is a second physics carnival being launched! The first one is monthly Panta Rei (the 3rd edition will be on September 28rd), focusing on heat and flow. The new one is called Philosophia Naturalis, with a broader theme of everything to deal with physical science and technology, and the…
September 14, 2006
Skeptics' Circle #43 - the Sad Puppy Edition - is up on Adventures in Ethics and Science. Carnival of the Liberals #21 is up on Archy.
September 13, 2006
I finally saw the newest 'King Kong' (thanks to Netflix). Not much new to say. We fixed lots of popcorn and big glasses of Coke, sat back and enjoyed the special effects without any expectation that anything in the movie will make sense - which it didn't. Thus, it was great fun. In a way I am…
September 13, 2006
Why nobody told me that Massimo Pigliucci has a blog? And an excellent blog to boot!
September 13, 2006
Another one from my daughter's photo album. Marbles is in front, Biscuit in the back. They are ready to wrestle:
September 13, 2006
Sara Robinson (since yesterday a permanent co-blogger on Orcinus - congratulations!): Tunnels and Bridges, Part IV: Landing Zones
September 13, 2006
I And The Bird #32 is up on Sand Creek Almanac
September 13, 2006
A few days ago, my son told me that one of his teachers (he is in 8th grade), after decorating the whole school with American flags, announced that they will be reciting the Pledge of Allegiance every morning. I was not aware at the time that this is a new State Law, snuck under the radar during…
September 13, 2006
One of the coolest parasites ever (from February 04, 2006): I am quite surprised that Carl Zimmer, in research for his book Parasite Rex, did not encounter the fascinating case of the Ampulex compressa (Emerald Cockroach Wasp) and its prey/host the American Cockroach (Periplaneta americana, see…
September 13, 2006
Why are creationists creationist? 4: How to oppose anti-science
September 13, 2006
New bird species found in India after more than 50 years New Delhi: A striking multi-coloured bird has been discovered in India's remote northeast, making it the first ornithological find in the country in more than half a century, experts said on Tuesday. The Bugun Liocichla, scientifically known…
September 13, 2006
Salivary Melatonin May Help Fight Gum Disease: Researchers found that melatonin, a hormone created by the pineal gland, may be able to protect the oral cavity against free radicals produced by inflammatory diseases. Melatonin has strong antioxidant effects that can protect cells against…
September 13, 2006
Travel Bingo Edition of the Tangled Bank is now up on Hairy Museum of Natural History. BTW, you have only two more days to send yoru submission for the next Mendel's Garden on Tha Voltage Gate.