
Profile picture for user gregladen
Greg Laden

Greg Laden is a biological anthropologist and science communicator. His research has covered North American prehistoric and historic archaeology and African archaeology and human ecology. He is an OpenSource and OpenAccess advocate. Greg's wife, Amanda, is a High School biology teacher, his daughter Julia is a world traveler and his son Huxley is 2.

Posts by this author

April 14, 2011
Best little YouTube video you'll see all day, maybe all week: Hat Tip: Kate Monson and Yatesh Singh
April 14, 2011
God will be the guest speaker at this Sunday's Humanists of Minnesota's Spring Banquet, and Scott Lohman will interview him on Atheist Talk Radio. I am not making this up. Below the fold, some advanced video God's people sent out, and details on this coming weekend's events: "Mr. Deity," Brian…
April 13, 2011
You know where to find me.
April 13, 2011
Today, I took out the trash. I may or may not have taken the trash out last week, but I can tell you that the last time I did take it out, whenever it was, I had to drag the trash barrel across ice. Yesterday I went to the gym without a coat or jacket. That made me have to decide if I wanted to…
April 13, 2011
April 12, 2011
April 12, 2011
The most significant news seems to be the raising of the level of this accident, on the international scale of how bad things get at nuclear power plants, to the highest level, which is also the level set for the Chernobyl accident. This does not mean that the Fukushima Disaster is the same as the…
April 11, 2011
A lot of things are broken because we fixed them. Somewhere out there is a web site that specializes in listing these things; Please let me know if you have a link, I can't find it at the moment. There is a web site that specializes in these things called "This is Broken" run by Set Godin (see…
April 10, 2011
Aardvarchaeology blogger and renowned skeptic Martin Rundkvist and Swedish journalist Yusie Chou discuss their impressions of the Twin Cities, Swedish atheism, journalism, Chinese history, culture conflict and change, skepticism, humanism, Politics, archaeology, Vikings, and so on. Here. Enjoy!
April 9, 2011
... Continued ... First, if you don't know what you are doing, really, get a trainer and tell the trainer you are serious and that the trainer should be serious or they're fired. Make sure you get a good trainer. Tell the head trainer that you want a good trainer. Ask around about who is a good…
April 9, 2011
... Continued ... ... as in "no pain, no gain." Special sets are a way of working your muscles that produce more spectacular results. It is a good idea to not do this until you've gotten pretty good at doing the exercises properly and your body is used to this sort of work. There are three kinds…
April 9, 2011
... Continued ... The above discussion applies only to the muscles mentioned (chest, back, shoulder, various leg muscles) and ignores "The Core." People define the core differently, but it usually consists of the abdominal, obliques (a kind of abdominal) which are together often referred to as "The…
April 9, 2011
... Continued ... At the scale of a stint of several days of working out .... A given exercise is normally not repeated for two days in a row (see later discussion for exceptions.) Since some exercises involve two muscle groups, you must plan carefully. For instance, don't do a chest press on one…
April 9, 2011
... Continued ... I had promised a few pointers regarding using the gym experience to become fitter or maintain fitness. Do not use my advice without consulting a doctor first. Everybody who does anything should do so only on advice of a doctor. I wonder if anyone has ever done that (consulted…
April 8, 2011
... Continued ... Everything was looking up. I was going to get back into shape. I was already making progress. Then, just as I was starting to go to the gym very regularly, it happened. I was walking to class, carrying an exam I was planning to give, and it was cold. I had parked my car in…
April 8, 2011
... Continued ... All good things come to an end. But then if you work hard enough, you can get them back. Like I said earlier, I returned from South Africa in similar or better shape than I left in. And I kept that level of exercise up for a long time, and kept in shape for a long time. Over the…
April 8, 2011
... Continued ... Funny Thing Two and Funny Thing Three.... Second funny thing: BFF Stephanie and I were working in the free weight area of the Kimberly gym one evening. There were a lot of people there. Then these two meaty looking guys came in and tossed a big rubber thingie on a bench. One of…
April 8, 2011
... Continued ... Obsession can be a good thing. And I'm not talking about some dumb-ass perfume. The Augrabies Ultra. 250 kilometers over five days. My field buddy was doing that every year. Stuck in the field without a gym for three weeks was going to be tough, but I worked out two ways to…
April 8, 2011
... Continued ... When it comes down to it, it is all a matter of just how hard you are willing to work. Then, you start with that and work harder. This guy had it easy. I got my six free sessions, and then I paid for a lot more. In the end, I've paid less for cars I've driven for years, but it…
April 7, 2011
... Continued ... When working with a personal trainer, the first thing you have to do is to calibrate. Then, if the trainer does not crank it up to a higher level, she's probably not worth her fee. Lenora is the best physical trainer that ever existed, bar none. By this time it had become clear…
April 7, 2011
... Continued ... Back from South Africa and with some time on my hands, I was hell bent on keeping the promise I had made to myself to get back into shape. For most people I know, this would mean eating better and going to the gym more often. But for me, it meant eating better and going to a gym…
April 7, 2011
... Continued ... I started out walking a good six feet behind her, to avoid the sand she was kicking up and the occasional thorn-lined branch that might swing back in the wake of anyone walking through the African Bush. We were traversing open country in the Kalahari, in an area sealed off from…
April 7, 2011
Photo by flickr user gato-gato-gato. Did you ever watch cattle? I mean, really watch them, for a few hours? Mostly they just sit or stand around munching on grass, chewing their cud, or snoozing. But every once in a while a handful of them will stand up and point in one direction. And they may…
April 6, 2011
Don't forget, this Sunday, April 10th, Minnesota Atheist Talk Radio will host Science Blogger and Atheist Dr. Martin Rundvist and journalist and broadcaster Yusie Chou, both from Sweden. Details here. After the show, there will be a meetup! Details of the meetup are here: Blasphemers' Brunch w/…
April 5, 2011
The rest of the country is starting to learn something about Michele Bachmann that those of us in her home state (and district) have known for some time: The woman is not only ultraconservative and of questionable judgment, but she also has a very weak grip on reality and truth. Her grip on…
April 5, 2011
Welcome to the "I'm starting to get cynical" edition. The situation at Fukushima Diiachi Nuclear Plant reached an impasse over the least few days. Two or three of the reactors are in a situation where cooling is being kludged, the reactor fuel rods are damaged and have melted but the details are…
April 4, 2011
Europa is a moon of Jupiter, the smallest of the four Jovian moons discovered by Galileo in 1610. Juipter has 63 objects circling it that are called moons, though only eight of them are "regular" in their orbit and other characteristics. The rest are bits and pieces of clumped up matter that were…
April 4, 2011
This post has been moved to THIS much improved location!
April 3, 2011
Did you year the interview with Neil deGrasse Tyson today? If not, that's OK, it's a podcast. But first, a hint for those of you who want to do interviews. There's a trick to make it go well. Interview someone like Dr. Tyson, with his knowledge, enthusiasm, and experience in public media; Ask…