
Profile picture for user gregladen
Greg Laden

Greg Laden is a biological anthropologist and science communicator. His research has covered North American prehistoric and historic archaeology and African archaeology and human ecology. He is an OpenSource and OpenAccess advocate. Greg's wife, Amanda, is a High School biology teacher, his daughter Julia is a world traveler and his son Huxley is 2.

Posts by this author

March 9, 2010
Al Weisel was a bloggers blogger and he helped me when I started out. We maintained a modest off-line relationship and had a good on line one as well. He has died, and he will be missed. This was his site, and this is a post honoring him. You may have known him as as Jon Swift.
March 9, 2010
I'm a bit preoccupied with my recent injury and not blogging about much else, so I might as well update you on The Knee and all it entails. Warning: Self referential commentary and icky stuff below the fold. Friends, you already know much of this. People who don't know me, you don't want to read…
March 8, 2010
This is very interesting. Have a look at the PDF, I'd love your opinion. Hat tip: Chuck Todd.
March 8, 2010
My detailed expert analysis of the Academy Awards presentation show: First off, did anyone else think it was strange that the best picture award was announced while the best director winner was barely off stage, and without any of the usual stuff that goes along with any given award happening…
March 8, 2010
March 8th is International Woman's Day. Good story here.
March 8, 2010
A lot has been said lately about judgementalism and blame. Well.... I just think everybody has to watch this video before they buy their next goat: Anybody know what the point of all this is? Hat Tip Rob.
March 8, 2010
It's tomorrow, IIRC (same as my brother). Many happy returns, PZ.
March 7, 2010
As expected, the home schoolers are by and large doing it wrong. No wonder they are always trying to hide the statistics behind manufactured libertarian values. Christian-based materials dominate a growing home-school education market that encompasses more than 1.5 million students in the U.S. And…
March 7, 2010
Quiche Moraine, The Blog, started up in mid Janurary, but it was around this time last year that we announced its existence and had our first party in its honor. We have produced 264 posts and had almost 2,000 comments. Please stop over and read all of our posts.
March 5, 2010
on Skeptically Speaking RIGHT NOW (almost). Click here.
March 4, 2010
Berry Go Round # 25 is up at Foothills Francies
March 4, 2010
The ever-present fog of energetic gamma rays permeating the universe isn't created by what astronomers expected, new observations from NASA's Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope reveal, leaving scientists with a new cosmic mystery to solve. The sky glows in gamma rays even far away from well-known…
March 4, 2010
Apparently, there is a strange security bug in Windows XP whereby some web sites will ask you to press the F1 Key, and if you do, you are screwed. "The vulnerability exists in the way that VBScript interacts with Windows Help files when using Internet Explorer," read the advisory. "If a malicious…
March 4, 2010
I and the Bird #120: March is up at Sand Creek Almanac, which is Deb's blog, and it's from Minnesota! So, this edition is special because it is from my neighborhood, and because it is the Dozenteenth Edition! Click here to visit I and the Bird Web Carnival.
March 3, 2010
Details on the film and the screening here. Hat tip: Ana.
March 3, 2010
Which creationist was the most nauseating? From the NCSE: When it comes to dissing evolution (and science in general) there's no lack of volunteers. How to decide which among them is the worst? Enter the intelligently designed UpChucky Award, which recognizes supreme achievement in the field of…
March 3, 2010
Diversity in Science Carnival #7: Black History Month - Broadening STEM Participation at every level at Urban Science Adventures. Question of the day: What's more important to you: Getting the best personal healthcare coverage, or adequate universal coverage for everyone? (go comment and possibly…
March 3, 2010
scientists have detected ice deposits near the moon's north pole. NASA's Mini-SAR instrument, a lightweight, synthetic aperture radar, found more than 40 small craters with water ice. The craters range in size from 1 to 9 miles (2 to15 km) in diameter. Although the total amount of ice depends on…
March 2, 2010
To your doctor. I know you do. And even if you don't, you won't want to miss the very interesting thread developing on this topic at Collective Imagination.
March 2, 2010
People have been asking. This is approximately what it looks like:
March 2, 2010
is here, at Mauka to Makai
March 2, 2010
... are out. And here they are: 1 Wired Science - Wired Blog 2 Watts Up With That? 3 Climate Progress 4 RealClimate 5 Bad Astronomy 6 Climate Audit 7 Next Generation Science 8 Respectful Insolence 9 Deltoid 10 Dispatches from the Culture Wars 11 The Frontal Cortex 12…
March 2, 2010
The following video documents a project in the Bronx where students are given laptops and much of their school work (in the classroom and out) is done on Google Docs or using other resources. Interesting changes happen. The number of students at grade level in math increases from single digits…
March 1, 2010
Try Homeopathy.
March 1, 2010
Please join our discussion of this issue on Collective Imagination. Oh, and if you comment over there, you are automatically entered into a contest to win a great prize!
March 1, 2010
I love this new blog called Urban Aprons. Check it out.
March 1, 2010
A Twitter discussion this weekend between Ed Yong, Christie, and Sci Curious pointed out that Wikipedia's list of science blogs is seriously lacking. If I've learned anything in my year in the blog-o-sphere, it's that there are a lot of excellent blogs and bloggers out there. From reading the…
March 1, 2010
Click here to learn the signs and symptoms, and to find a cure for this ruinzaneous dizeez.
February 28, 2010
EWR: Man Alive! It's Twenty-Five!