
Profile picture for user gregladen
Greg Laden

Greg Laden is a biological anthropologist and science communicator. His research has covered North American prehistoric and historic archaeology and African archaeology and human ecology. He is an OpenSource and OpenAccess advocate. Greg's wife, Amanda, is a High School biology teacher, his daughter Julia is a world traveler and his son Huxley is 2.

Posts by this author

May 6, 2016
.... And I must say, this is a perfect name. It is totally appropriate to christen this scientific research ship ... Sir David Attenborough
May 6, 2016
I've seen it said again and again that the Trump nomination will be a debacle for the Republicans. The Republican party will fall apart, become small, become insignificant. Clinton will easily crush trump. We're done. Ding dong. But this is all wrong. The Republican Party is in power in more…
May 6, 2016
The Madhouse Effect: How Climate Change Denial Is Threatening Our Planet, Destroying Our Politics, and Driving Us Crazy, by climate scientist Michael Mann and cartoonist Tom Toles is now available for pre-order. I've not gotten my review copy of it yet, but it looks fantastic. From the publisher…
May 6, 2016
The Climate Change Connection It is hard to understand the connection between climate change and wild fire. This is in part because it is hard to understand the factors that determine the frequency and extent of wild fires to begin with, and partly because of the messiness of the conversation about…
May 5, 2016
At the beginning of this Rachel Maddow piece, in a new Hillary Clinton ad:
May 5, 2016
I'm going to publish my full review of The War on Science: Who's Waging It, Why It Matters, What We Can Do About It by Shawn Otto closer to the publication date, which is June 7th. (I believe you can use the above link to pre-order the book.) But I just wanted to let you know the book exists, and…
May 5, 2016
Childhood is the most important human adaptation. If you don't believe me, read this highly convincing essay. But childhood is also one of the most diverse aspects of our shared human culture. You know the aphorisms that incorporate the phrase "Kids these days..." You also know that most of the…
May 5, 2016
... they made that candidate THE candidate. So, that will be interesting. Yet another of Rachel Maddow's excellent context rich historically driven missives. She almost lost it a few times while presenting this. You may do the same watching it.
May 5, 2016
Watch this remarkable, poignant, mind-blowing contrast:
May 4, 2016
Donald Trump is now the presumed Republican candidate for President of the United States. Prior to Cruz and Kasich dropping out of the race, it was not 100% clear that Trump would achieve enough delegates to "lock" the convention, but he was vey close. I am not sure if Trump will be the only…
May 1, 2016
Here is the full video.
April 29, 2016
This is a guest posts by Claire Cohen Cortright. Claire Cohen Cortright is a mother, climate activist, and biology teacher living in upstate New York. She is an active member of Citizens Climate Lobby and moderator at Global Warming Fact of the Day. ______________________________________________…
April 28, 2016
Voting is not party involvement. We hear a lot of talk these days about "voters" being repressed in their attempt to be involved in the Democratic primary process. There may be something to that, and it might be nice to make it easier for people to wake up on some (usually) Tuesday morning and go…
April 27, 2016
I recently noted that a reasonable prediction indicates that Trump could enter the Republican National Convention a mere 8 delegates short of a lock. (See this.) But now, Ted Cruz may have changed that math a bit, by announcing that Carly Fiorina as his vice presidential running mate. She was one…
April 26, 2016
Reports are just coming in, and as if often the case, Trump is already being declared winner in some states. But the Democratic primaries are different ... there are actually two candidates who get delegates instead of just one ... so it takes a little longer to count up the votes. As a reminder,…
April 26, 2016
Silent Sparks: The Wondrous World of Fireflies is about fireflies. How do they light up? Why do they light up? It is axiomatic in nature that flashy displays are related to mating. Among the flashy displays various animals have come up with, a few actually flash, and among those, the flashing of…
April 24, 2016
There is little that is cooler than robots on mars doing science. Human space agencies have been sending probes to the surface of various planets (and the Moon) for years now, with the full range of failure and success. But the last decade or so has seen space robots such as Mars Curiosity Rover…
April 23, 2016
His death is unexplained. He was 42. Foul play is not suspected. He was one of those interviewed by the Attorney General in the ongoing criminal investigation. This is probably nothing. Or maybe not. See also this.
April 22, 2016
Between now and the end of the primary season, I expect Sanders to pick up more delegates than Clinton, in total, by a very small margin. On Tuesday, April 26th, there will be primaries in Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania and Rhode Island. That's 384 pledged delegates at stake. Polls…
April 21, 2016
We hear a lot about how the system is rigged against Sanders and in favor of Clinton. Such yammering is normal for a political campaign, but if you believe it, I'd love to sell you a nice bridge down near New York City. There are two things you need to know. First, the Sanders campaign, according…
April 21, 2016
Somebody just sent me this lyme disease infographic. It is too big to just display on a blog post, so here is the link to the full size graphic. It may come in handy this Spring/Summer!
April 20, 2016
DN Lee used to be a mere human, a biologist and a great person, but still, just a human. But now she is a book! Urban Biologist Danielle Lee (Stem Trailblazer Bios) is part of a series exploring, well, STEM trailblazers. You Probably know of DN Lee from her famous blog now at Scientific American…
April 20, 2016
Mike Haubrich and I just taped an interview with space-robot expert and planetary geologist Emily Lakdawalla. Emily writes a blog at the Planetary Society, where she goes in depth on stuff that is happening in space, focusing on human-controlled robots on Mars, but covering a lot of other stuff…
April 20, 2016
UPDATE May 26th 2016 Moments ago, Donald Trump's delegate count effectively went above the number needed to guarantee the nomination at this summer's Republican National Convention. As reported by NBC, "Donald Trump now has the support of 1,238 delegates — just a hair above the 1,237 threshold…
April 20, 2016
Corals are ocean-dwelling invertebrates in the same phylum as jellyfish. Corals are tiny and create an exoskeleton that is fixed to something hard, like the remains of previously existing corals. So these organisms build up a geological stratum, a reef, beneath the surface of the sea, often close…
April 19, 2016
I don't know yet, but as soon as I do, I'll post that below. With 98.5% of the delegates counted, Clinton won 57.9% of the vote, Sanders 42.1%. This puts Clinton at 139 delegates, very close to my prediction of 137. Clinton closing in on 57%, or about 140 delegates. If that holds, this is…
April 18, 2016
EDITED AFTER NEW YORK PRIMARY NOTE: UPDATED AND IMPROVED VERSION OF THIS ANALYSIS IS HERE There is almost no way that Donald trump will get to the Republican National Convention with anything less than a fairly strong majority of pledged delegates. But can he get there with the 1237 delegates…
April 18, 2016
As you know, I've been applying a model to predict the outcome of each of the Democratic Primary contests, and have done pretty well at predicting results. All of the future contests are primaries, not caucuses. It turns out that the two modes have very different patterns. Many have suggested…
April 15, 2016
How does the "southernness" of a state affect the Democratic Primary? Clinton has been doing well in "The South." Of course, defining what "The South" is is pretty tricky. I divided up the states by "Deep South" vs. Other, so all the usual orginal deep south states count as "southern" except…
April 15, 2016
When either candidate wins a state, that candidate's supporters celebrate and underscore the significance of that win. The other candidate's supporters generally proceed to explain how it was not a significant win, or in some cases, come up with conspiracy theories about how the election was stolen…