
Profile picture for user gregladen
Greg Laden

Greg Laden is a biological anthropologist and science communicator. His research has covered North American prehistoric and historic archaeology and African archaeology and human ecology. He is an OpenSource and OpenAccess advocate. Greg's wife, Amanda, is a High School biology teacher, his daughter Julia is a world traveler and his son Huxley is 2.

Posts by this author

October 26, 2009
10:1 the DSCC gets spanked by Apple Corp for infringement. In the meantime, enjoy this, there will be more to follow, or so I hear: DSCC
October 26, 2009
Greg Pritchard - Britain's Got Talent - Show 5 - The most amazing videos are a click away
October 26, 2009
Do Individual Females Differ Intrinsically in Their Propensity to Engage in Extra-Pair Copulations? A repost Now, this is truly important applied science, in PLoS. While many studies have investigated the occurrence of extra-pair paternity in wild populations of birds, we still know surprisingly…
October 26, 2009
From his colleague, Eduardo Corona-M, via the Zooarch list server: He was a great researcher at the Instituto Nacional de AntropologÃa e Historia and taught zoology at Escuela Nacional de Ciencias Biológicas in the Instituto Politécnico Nacional. In 2006 he received the Fryxel Award by the…
October 26, 2009
My blogging brother Mike Dunford steps in to save poor old Apple Corporation from me and a few others who consider building corporate ads into an operating system to be evil. He's wrong, I'm right, but if you must go read his post and decide for yourself.
October 26, 2009
You must watch this. You. Simply. Must. Watch. This. Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy
October 25, 2009
Heather Rosa: Five days a week I'm a news junkie. On weekends I take a complete break. Come Monday morning, I'm again ready for the news, catching up on whatever happened over the weekend. The first thing that slapped me in the face Monday morning, even before the every-five-minute repeat of the…
October 25, 2009
... well, that would sure make things a lot easier... Sean Hannity's ... feigns dismay at the idea that Christians don't have any signs up in the NYC Subway system. I am trying to imagine the outrage, because it isn't happening. There are pro-Christian signs all over the NYC subway system. It…
October 25, 2009
World Science Festival 2009: Bobby McFerrin Demonstrates the Power of the Pentatonic Scale from World Science Festival on Vimeo.
October 25, 2009
I first watched The Corporation when it was first shown around, at the Minneapolis Film Fest, with the producers and the director. The Corporation could be termed a forensic personality profile of the American Corporation, but I viewed it as an insightful ethnography of the most important tribe…
October 25, 2009
Move Over Windows 7! Canonical on Thursday made available the Release Candidate of its latest Linux-based operating system, Ubuntu 9.10, on the same day Microsoft launched the long-awaited Windows 7. The upcoming Canonical release, which is code-named Karmic Koala, is the latest version of the…
October 25, 2009
Thanks for the suggestion.
October 24, 2009
A number of items for you to read, starting with this at Effect Measure, a take down of a recent Atlantic anti-vax article: Journalists sink in The Atlantic article on vaccines Excellent news for OpenSource: White House uses Open Source technology for its web site. I've been waiting for them to…
October 24, 2009
H1N1 Vaccination Hysteria Part 1: Is the Swine Flu Vaccine Safe? and H1N1 Vaccination Hysteria Part 2: Should I get the shot? At Urban Science Adventures.
October 24, 2009
Earlier today a pending non-provisional utility patent application assigned to Apple Computer published. This application, US Patent Application 20090265214, is titled Advertisement in Operating System, and covers exactly what the title implies; namely an operating system that is capable of…
October 24, 2009
Go here and sign this petition too.
October 24, 2009
Cats: Dogs: Bonus: Cat - Dog Interaction
October 24, 2009
This is hilarious. A slightly different experience than mine. hat tip Rob
October 24, 2009
Chicago Coalition of Reason Erects Offensive Billboard!!!11!! 99 Stunning Photographs Earth and Jupiter in the Same Photograph!!! Ubuntu SE Edition (SE = Satanic Edition)
October 24, 2009
So go sign the petition.
October 24, 2009
Among a certain class of people, the term "Rumsfeldian" is used to describe a style of leadership that prizes bureaucratic turf-protecting, dissent-quashing through barely concealed intimidation, an inflated sense of self-importance, and the inability to incorporate possible long-term consequences…
October 24, 2009
President Barack Obama signed an order last night declaring that the swine flu is a national emergency. This allows the implementation of emergency plans. So, what is an emergency plan? For one thing, it is now possible to skip over parts of the federal regulatory process that slow things down.…
October 24, 2009
What will they say? How will Isis maintain her anonymity on a thing where you display your head??? Will PalMD be so gaga in the presence of the Goddess that he babbles inarticulately? If these questions interest you, just watch: Very nice discussion.
October 24, 2009
Fifty People, One Question: London from Fifty People, One Question on Vimeo.
October 23, 2009
Today is Genie Scott's birthday. Genie is loved by all in the community of biological scientists because of her central role, as director of the National Center for Science Education, in fighting the good fight against irrational efforts to teach creationism in our public schools and elsewhere.…
October 23, 2009
This remedy makes you silly and giggly. It makes you get "high" and you tell silly stories. It also makes you really thirsty and causes some food yearnings. It also causes erotic talk and behavior. Here's how you make it: 1) Get a really really strong telescope. 2) Point the telescope at…
October 23, 2009
One day, about six thousand years ago (or more like 15 thousand ? the timing of this is disputed) a volcano in the vicinity of Mwea, Uganda blasted a huge volume of stuff into the air, covering the surrounding landscape and choking off most of the life forms living in a nearby lake. (A very nearby…
October 23, 2009
Bison having fun: Bison on a farm: It is said that only moose kill more tourists.
October 23, 2009
Keith Schon of Cataphora discusses how computers can track behavior, and find out all your dirty little secrets. What are the limits on what your company is allowed to find out about you, and how are they doing it? How do we figure out, after the fact, whether "Yeah, go do that" means "Yes, grab me…