
Profile picture for user gregladen
Greg Laden

Greg Laden is a biological anthropologist and science communicator. His research has covered North American prehistoric and historic archaeology and African archaeology and human ecology. He is an OpenSource and OpenAccess advocate. Greg's wife, Amanda, is a High School biology teacher, his daughter Julia is a world traveler and his son Huxley is 2.

Posts by this author

October 28, 2009
The DSCC wants to give you a free bumper sticker thingie that makes fun of republicans. Click here.
October 28, 2009
I know you all love these:
October 28, 2009
He gets that question a lot from women. He says. Wow, that was cool.
October 28, 2009
After the state failed to issue MSU Extension and the Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station, or MAES, their monthly payment, officials fear funding for these programs could be eliminated altogether. The programs primarily are supported by state funding and were appropriated $64 million in the…
October 28, 2009
Or maybe it was just a strange cloud formation...
October 28, 2009
October 28, 2009
WASHINGTON--Claiming that the president was preying on the public's fear of contracting a fatal disease last week when he declared the H1N1 virus a national emergency, Republican leaders announced Wednesday that they were officially endorsing the swine flu. "Thousands of Americans--hardworking…
October 28, 2009
I was originally just going to point to this but it is so intense that I felt I just needed to have it on my site. This is the life blood of the blogger: Hat tip: Jason, where you will also find this: Foxaganda Vs Olbermann/Maddow
October 28, 2009
Watergeeks is a business that sells water bottles, water filters, and other products aimed at helping alleviate the global water crisis. Their main products are personal water bottles. Their mission is to eliminate the waste of bottles used for bottled water. Many people think that because bottled…
October 28, 2009
Reporters and bloggers rightfully enjoy feeding off of Michel Bachmann's frequent outrageous remarks, but few have made note of the real problem she poses for the people living in her district. The word needs to get out in Michele Bachmann's congressional district that she is screwing the people…
October 28, 2009
This is good, but I think doing the same thing with a "Penny holder" could have produced some real profit, like those gravity space-time simulators at many science museums.
October 28, 2009
I'm working on my list of candidates to force into retirement over the next few years. Read More
October 27, 2009
It is a strange night. It is always strange when the water softener is recycling, because it makes all sorts of strange noises, and I usually don't hear them because I'm in bed sleeping. The BBC is being strange. They have a story that actually says: "Black bears are often considered among the…
October 27, 2009
October 27, 2009
This is really funny. And sad. As usual for L.B. hat tip: Digital Rabbit
October 27, 2009
Well, it is fun at first, but after a while....
October 27, 2009
If you live in Michigan, read this: The state has withheld its October payment from the Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station and MSU Extension. Armstrong, the dean of MSU's College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, sees it as a sign that Gov. Jennifer Granholm might veto the programs' $64…
October 27, 2009
Evian fights back with a commercial that will make people forget about the Britta commercial. Which is probably a bunch of crap anyway (I mean, do you KNOW what is inside a bitta filter? Is it recyclable? Toxic? Must people die to make it like they do for your cell phone? Probably not. But to…
October 27, 2009
I just received a mass emailing from Julia's high school, in the name of the principal. Routine business. At the end of the missive was this quote: A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops. What does this quote mean to you? If you don't know its context, you may be…
October 27, 2009
The North End, Boston, Massachusetts Over the last three years, thirty nine drivers were cited by Dallas cops for not speaking English. There is apparently a $204 fine for not speaking English while driving in Dallas. Supposedly this stems form a Federal regulation that big rig truckers must…
October 27, 2009
It appears that the stae of Michigan is cutting it's extension service funding entirely. Apparently, it would then become the only state to not have an extension service. Bug girl has the details here.
October 26, 2009
October 26, 2009
Calling all skeptics ... So, what's the story with this thing? They seem to be saying it uses Beta Waves. Remember Beta Waves? I wonder if these are a new kind of Beta Waves, or are they the Beta Waves that run my Ouija board? Here's another video:
October 26, 2009
Have you heard that the world is now cooling instead of warming? You may have seen some news reports on the Internet or heard about it from a provocative new book. Only one problem: It's not true, according to several independent statisticians who analyzed temperature data for The Associated Press…
October 26, 2009
Months, it turns out. Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy
October 26, 2009
Remember Daniel Hauser, the child who was busy dying of cancer while his parents kept real doctors away and treated him with homeowooatherapy and stuff? The Hauser family would now like everyone to go away again. Daniel's parents claim that hey are now following doctors' orders and making the best…
October 26, 2009
I love the fact that the tide is turning on Fox. (That might not be the best analogy.) In any event, this is a great example, from Rachel Maddow, of how life is more complex than much of our discourse allows for. And she does it with Walter Cronkite, and all the others on her side. Visit…
October 26, 2009
You know the drill: Someone claims to see a golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) but then some wise-ass bird expert has to tell them that "Immature bald eagles are often mistaken for golden eagles. You saw a bald eagle, not a golden eagle." Reminds me of the bird expert lady in The Birds (which we…
October 26, 2009
Now, what you should probably appreciate is that bar bands in the suburbs are by and large cover bands. This band doesn't really have a repertoire of their own compositions, but they do classic rock, folk rock and alternative rock. Tom joined them for their version of "Margaritaville." Very good,…