
Profile picture for user gregladen
Greg Laden

Greg Laden is a biological anthropologist and science communicator. His research has covered North American prehistoric and historic archaeology and African archaeology and human ecology. He is an OpenSource and OpenAccess advocate. Greg's wife, Amanda, is a High School biology teacher, his daughter Julia is a world traveler and his son Huxley is 2.

Posts by this author

October 21, 2009
Or so says this crazy, ranting lunatic.
October 21, 2009
There's a rep for that....
October 21, 2009
Bug Girl's Blog: "Stupidity....there's an app for that" is a skeptical look at an iTouch/iPhone app to repel mosquitoes. Biological ramblings talks about this cool thing that shrikes do. Do you know about the shrikes? It's cool.
October 21, 2009
Below the fold. Because that's where it belongs. This is not bad. It is hard to make a parody of a parody. Hat Tip Dusty.
October 20, 2009
Pseudoscience, quackery, and the swine flu. An Epidemic of Fear: How Panicked Parents Skipping Shots Endangers Us All
October 20, 2009
Back in the 1990s, Khristian Oliver (that's an interesting name) was robbing a man's home. That man had a rifle to defend his home from robbers, but Khristian took the rifle from him, shot him in the face, and then used the rifle to beat him to death. In this way, the murdered man became one…
October 20, 2009
Consisting of the many and varied robotic spacecraft exploring our Solar System and parts beyond, the IREL soldiers on tirelessly, often in obscurity and in conditions that would make even the most hardy of human beings question their resolve, all to provide us with the data necessary to enhance…
October 20, 2009
... I'd still slam the door on their faces. Hat tip: Atheist Media Blog
October 20, 2009
Continuing on with our theme of anti-Obama wackaloonery, including the inherent racism involved in that, there is not additional evidence that there are indeed more death threats against our President than usual. From the Boston Globe: The unprecedented number of death threats against President…
October 20, 2009
It was YOU who hired Nietzsche to kill me????
October 20, 2009
How the Perception of an Intact Body Can Go Awry Twin Cities Skeptics and Minneapolis Skeptics present: "Phantom limbs, alien hand syndrome, the rubber hand illusion...How the Perception of an Intact Body Can Go Awry..." Details here.
October 20, 2009
A sexually explicit illustrated Book of Genesis by controversial artist Robert Crumb, which features Bible characters having intercourse, has been condemned by religious groups. Aside from the explicit sex scenes, The Book of Genesis by Robert Crumb also includes general nudity and some gratuitous…
October 20, 2009
To answer that question briefly, it is really really old if you mean "how old are the oldest rocks that are exposed by the Grand Canyon," and it is probably just a few million years old (5 or 6 by some estimates) if you mean "how long did the canyon itself take to form." An African peneplain…
October 20, 2009
I took this photograph not using a telephoto lens, and not using angry bees for protection. But there was a 5 meter high electrified concrete and steel fence. But for how long? Consider this report on PhysOrg: Elephants’ fear of angry bees could help to protect them from At a time…
October 20, 2009
I've heard it does. I just put Lizzie's disk drive in my freezer. What is going to happen next?
October 20, 2009
Here is the web site. OK, I'm going to go write something.
October 20, 2009
Read this essay by Mike, and watch the following video. There will be a quiz.
October 20, 2009
32 previously unknown exoplanets have been discovered with a high-precision instrument hooked up to a Chilean telescope... The existence of the so-called exoplanets -- planets outside our solar system -- was announced at the European Southern Observatory/Center for Astrophysics, University of…
October 20, 2009
I do make the absolute best pumpkin pie, which I am reminded of because of this recipe for Spicy Pumpkin Cheesecake Pie. There is a very large extended family with whom we have had Thanksgiving for the last few years and they have come to rely on my pies. But since Offspring is expected to be…
October 19, 2009
You can get a partial list of the changes in the new version here.
October 19, 2009
I never really drank seltzer, or as we would say in NY, seltzah. The one morning I found myself waking up in a house full of sleeping people and we had all been partying heavily the night before, and I had some kind of extra-special hangover, the kind you only get if you've been .... ... well,…
October 19, 2009
Hispanic children diagnosed with brain tumors get high-quality treatment at hospitals that specialize in neurosurgery far less often than other children with the same condition, potentially compromising their immediate prognosis and long-term survival, according to research from Johns Hopkins…
October 19, 2009
Listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as "the world's toughest bacterium," Deinococcus radiodurans can withstand extreme temperatures and drought conditions, lack of nutrients and a thousand times more radiation than a human being. A new study by Cornell researchers reveals that nitric oxide…
October 19, 2009
In case you are interested, the conversation with Desiree Schell, Omar Mouallem, and me talking about "Getting Noticed" on Skeptically Speaking is in podcast form. Here.
October 19, 2009
When talking to Satan, just be light and funny!
October 19, 2009
He makes the argument that what he does is legal. It probably is. But he is still a dickwad. Watch CBS News Videos Online Being mixed race = being drunk or being on drugs. Oh, and Bobby Jindal proves himself a moron once again.
October 19, 2009
NCSE Executive Director Eugenie Scott has joined the Board of Advisors for Scientific American. Dr. Eugenie C. Scott has joined Scientific American's revamped and expanded Board of Advisers. In her new role, Dr. Scott will have a hand in shaping the course of the magazine, offering advice and…