
Profile picture for user gregladen
Greg Laden

Greg Laden is a biological anthropologist and science communicator. His research has covered North American prehistoric and historic archaeology and African archaeology and human ecology. He is an OpenSource and OpenAccess advocate. Greg's wife, Amanda, is a High School biology teacher, his daughter Julia is a world traveler and his son Huxley is 2.

Posts by this author

July 2, 2009
This might be an actual Microsoft ad that was pulled after it upset people. Below the fold because it is .... well, it's below the fold. Analysis (or parody) here, HT Lee.
July 2, 2009
previously reviewed Giant Dinosaurs of the Jurassic is a children's book for kids in third to fifth grade or, in my opinion, a little younger. Certainly this is an excellent choice, because of the cool illustrations, of a book to read aloud to the pre-literate little ones. Author Gregory Wenzel…
July 2, 2009
July 2, 2009
Remember the ice cream cake eating "Hitler kids"? In case you were wondering why you have not heard from them, it could be because the state has a gag order on the whole story. Here is a not very informative update: Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy
July 2, 2009
This is not 'legal' so don't do it. Later in the summer it is expected to become a feature.
July 2, 2009
What is the biggest single threat to your household security? This is the question asked here. So far it looks like a neck and neck race between Squirrels and the Economy with Bunnies coming a close third.
July 2, 2009
The best of last June Continuing with our discussion of the Evolution 2008 conference, I'd like to relate at least the essence, as I saw it, of an excellent talk by Mark Borrello. I've seen Mark speak at least three times including yesterday, and soon after his talk we continued on the topic in a…
July 2, 2009
Science-based medicine = Big Pharma? You hear it all the time from the peddlers of woo, but it's rare that they disclose their own profit motives. Analyzed at Almost Diamonds
July 1, 2009
...One day Tashina asked to speak to me privately. "Honey, what do you do to get rid of crabs. Crotch crabs. Just tell me what to do and don't tell anyone we had this little conversation, 'kay?" I told her what to do. Later that same day, Ron cornered me alone in the foyer. "Hey, my man, I do dee-…
July 1, 2009
A.K.A. Karl Malden. It may be that most people who know Karl Malden remember him from Streets (with a young rookie named Michael Douglas), but of course, he had an illustrious acting career outside of that well known and ground breaking TV series. Speaking of Malden's original Czech last name…
July 1, 2009
From a NASA Press Release: NASA and Japan released a new digital topographic map of Earth Monday that covers more of our planet than ever before. The map was produced with detailed measurements from NASA's Terra spacecraft. The new global digital elevation model of Earth was created from nearly…
July 1, 2009
At least, Survivor's Club is a web site, certainly it is a marketing strategy for a book, and it may be a sort of middle-class-privilaged-heteronormative Christian mission. Or just modern Internet voyeurism. You be the judge. Have a look at the web site. The videos are ... interesting. (And…
July 1, 2009
If so, and if you are an American, you are in the majority. But 16% of your fellow Americans have not. If you are a citizen of the UK, where Darwin lived and stuff, 9% of your fellow citizens have not. Shocking. These are perhaps the least noticed but in my view most amazing results of Yet…
July 1, 2009
Silence Is The Enemy is Seeking Volunteers. Click here.
July 1, 2009
A press release from NASA: Ulysses, a joint NASA and European Space Agency mission, officially ceased operations today, after receiving commands from ground controllers to do so. The spacecraft, which operated for more than 18 years, charted the unexplored regions of space above the poles of…
July 1, 2009
On Countdown! The "Best Petard To Be Hoist Upon Later Award!" Michele Bachmann, who represents the district that is, much to my chagrin, just a few blocks from where I live, has been calling for people to give the upcoming decadal census a pass, is a person of amazing moral integrity. You see…
July 1, 2009
The purpose of is to increase public access to high value, machine readable datasets generated by the Executive Branch of the Federal Government. Although the initial launch of provides a limited portion of the rich variety of Federal datasets presently available, we invite you to…
July 1, 2009
Dear MSNBC, I know it is appropriate to have a range of opinions among the talking heads representing a news agency, and MSNBC certainly does have a range. Pat Buchanan, regular commentator on two or three MSNBC news shows, probably serves at the most conservative individual in the MSNBC panoply…
June 30, 2009
This post was originally titled "Mail Order Brides and Hypergyny." I was prompted to revisit the post because it received a a rather astonishing comment that I chose not to allow, but I did post it on my Facebook page where any attention it would receive would be from the thoughtful people that…
June 30, 2009
The best of last June The first dinosaur bones (that we know of) to have been discovered in British Columbia, Canada, are now being reported. These are bones found in 1971, eventually making their way to the Royal British Columbia Museum, and now being reported by V.M. Arbour and M.C. Graves. The…
June 30, 2009
I just got an email from my close personal friend, Al Franken. Here's part of it (I cut out the personal smushy stuff): I've said it before, and I want to say it again: THANK YOU. We just received word that the Minnesota State Supreme Court has ruled on Norm Coleman's appeal. I wanted to let you…
June 30, 2009
Acetaminophen dose recommendations will be lowered significantly by the FDA, and some products will be pulled off the market, because of concerns over liver damage. If you look up "Tylenol" on Wikipedia as I write this, you see the following: Indeed. From MSNBC: Despite years of educational…
June 30, 2009
Hat Tip It's Alive
June 30, 2009
Powerup: 3G by a mile, Palm Pre pwnd Browsing: Palm Pre wins, 3Gs slowest Real World Test: 3Gs broke, Palm Pre wins.
June 30, 2009
Seconds ago, Norm Coleman announced that he concedes the election to Al Franken. He just called Al a minute ago, and stepped out side his home to thank everyone and make the announcement. It is over.
June 30, 2009
UPDATE: COLEMAN CONCEDES The Minnesota Supreme Court has rejected a legal challenge by Norm Coleman, thereby leaving the vote count determined by an election contest judicial panel placing Franken in the lead standing. The basis of the Coleman legal challenge is was essentially that all abentee…
June 30, 2009
After nearly eight months, Al Franken has won the election to the United States Senate. There are indications that Pawlenty will sign the election certificate. I'll update shortly as soon as I have more information. UPDATE HERE UPDATE UPDATE: COLEMAN CONCEDES
June 30, 2009
Science steps in and looks at the processes of nature and shows us how to tease apart the secrets of their workings, slowly and carefully and with missteps along the way. The missteps are readily acknowledged and re-examined. The successes are retested to make sure they closely approximate (…
June 30, 2009
Although the paper addresses Tanzanian lions, this is a photograph of a Namibian lion Starting some years ago, we began to hear about revisions of the standard models of lion behavioral biology coming out of Craig Packer's research in the Serengeti. One of the most startling findings, first…
June 30, 2009
Nature has a special ... special thingie ... on science journalism. It appears to be more or less open access so even you, a virtual nobody from the perspective of the pirate publishing companies, can actually see it. There are commentaries and articles on blogs and twitter, on the future of…