
Profile picture for user gregladen
Greg Laden

Greg Laden is a biological anthropologist and science communicator. His research has covered North American prehistoric and historic archaeology and African archaeology and human ecology. He is an OpenSource and OpenAccess advocate. Greg's wife, Amanda, is a High School biology teacher, his daughter Julia is a world traveler and his son Huxley is 2.

Posts by this author

May 12, 2009
According to a study just coming out in the Journal of Sexual Medicine, "variations in emotional intelligence--the ability to identify and manage emotions of one's self and others--are associated with orgasmic frequency during intercourse and masturbation." In short, the study found: Emotional…
May 12, 2009
Duncan Watts at Yahoo Research in New York City and a few pals studied the time of day at which around 3000 individuals at a European university sent emails over an 83-day period as well as the email habits of over 122,000 e-mailers at a US university over a 2-year period. They found two distinct…
May 11, 2009
It is time. Quiche Moraine has had its 100th post, so it is high time that we started to get serious about a Launch Party. There is a discussion on this topic happening here. Please step on over and tell us when and where we should consider doing this. And how and what. And so on.
May 11, 2009
A U.S. soldier opened fire on fellow troops at a counseling center inside a U.S. base Monday, killing five before being taken into custody, the U.S. command and Pentagon officials said. ... The shooting occurred at Camp Liberty, a sprawling U.S. base on the western edge of Baghdad near the city's…
May 11, 2009
Having totally borked science education in the Lone Star State, the Texas School Board is now winding up to stuff their right wing ideologies into the Social Studies curriculum. I for one can't wait until Texas leaves the Union so we can put Texas and Turkey in the same category and begin to…
May 11, 2009
Galapagos Diary: A Complete Guide to the Archipelgo's Birdlife ... Continuing in our look at bird books to consider, I wanted to bring in the Galapagos Diary. I cannot tell you which is the best book for birding in the Galapagos, because, sadly, I've never done that myself. But my daughter,…
May 10, 2009
Costly Superfund dredging set for Hudson River (AP) -- People look funny at David Mathis when he takes a dip off his dock in the Hudson River. Health officials have long warned people not to eat fish caught from this slow-flowing stretch south of the Adirondacks and swimming here is unthinkable…
May 10, 2009
Nice going, mom! Right whales break birth record (AP) -- Right whales have plenty to celebrate this Mother's Day - the sea moms gave birth to a record 39 calves this spring. Considering that there are only a few hundred of these whales left, this is good news. The "right whales" were originally…
May 9, 2009
Under the present circumstances, it is clear that I now have to tell my one Welsh Corgi story. This is about a corgi named Dillon. Dillon was Irv and Nancy DeVore's Corgi. (Irv was my advisor in graduate school.) They had two corgi's, Dillon and another one with a similarly Welsh name that I…
May 9, 2009
About one in 10 Americans have stopped hugging and kissing close friends or relatives because of concerns about swine flu, according to a survey released Friday. About the same number have stopped shaking hands. Health officials have emphasized other measures to prevent spread of the virus, like…
May 9, 2009
Evil Genes: Why Rome Fell, Hitler Rose, Enron Failed, and My Sister Stole My Mother's BoyfriendWhen I first received this book to review, I thought "Oh, great, another one of these pop evolutionary psychology books by some academic with a large mortgage payment" (or words to that effect). But then…
May 9, 2009
You decide: vs
May 9, 2009
There is a spirited discussion regarding Minnesota's own woo vs. sue maneno at Quiche Moraine.
May 8, 2009
His face wore a blank expression, but you could tell he was hiding disdain. He was looking down on us both figuratively and literally. He looked down because he sat on a swivel chair that rode atop a metal stem inserted in the tall open deck of his Lund fishing boat, the remote control for a…
May 8, 2009
While I'm out on the lake catching dinner, I'd like you'all to make a list of possible country western song titles. The title of this post is an example. It happened to occur to me a little while ago while I was, well, looking for some vodka but instead found gin. What an unexpected taste…
May 7, 2009
As I write this, I am preparing for a trip up north. As we drive north we will follow the ecotone between the prairies and the deciduous woodlands, then track the ecotone between the prairies and the coniferous woodlands. Then we will make a turn and drive into the coniferous zone, cross the…
May 7, 2009
... is up and running here, produced by Mike at Quiche Moraine. Please visit this excellent carnival, click on the links, read them, and become more liberal. Thank you very much.
May 6, 2009
The whole world is watching. And it is rather embarrassing.
May 6, 2009
It's just too much of a leap! But don't worry, Texas Educators have it under control. I love the way she says Jump, like with two syllables. Good thing the slack jawed yokels are in charge down in Texas. We would not really want Texans to stop being as stoopid as they'all are, they would not…
May 6, 2009
According to Texas Education Expert! She knows because she looked at some web sites!!!!!!!!! Holy Crap!!!!
May 6, 2009
... according to Texas education experts. Of course, everyone in Texas is a moron. Apparently.
May 6, 2009
Many years ago, a sudden event occurred that changed everything. Or at least, that is what we think now. But in truth, the event took longer than many today believe, and many of the specific details, the exact order of events, the actual meaning of each detail, are not fully understood. Indeed,…
May 6, 2009
The press has been reporting that the swine flu is waning, and that it is not as serious as once thought. Well, they've got that totally wrong, as usual. No one directly involved in this thought or asserted that the H1N1 swine flu was especially serious. They simply did not know. Being a very…
May 6, 2009
Have you ever: ... tried to order a BLT at Subway? ... been really hungry so your bones stuck out and you passed out now and then? ... given someone a sandwich so they could get through the next day? Well, who cares. But do go read my latest post at Quiche Moraine on these topics. Thank you very…
May 5, 2009
.. and other matters...... Hat Tip Lou
May 5, 2009
Hat Tip: Arikia
May 5, 2009
Keller has been one of the leading voices opposing the impact KT boundary extinction hypothesis. According to a press release from her university, she has more on this matter. Press Release: Gerta Keller, whose studies of rock formations at many sites in the United States, Mexico and India have…
May 5, 2009
Erik Klemetti has an excellent description of the situation here. Redoubt is WSW of Anchorage, Alaska but is otherwise, I think, pretty isolated. Keep an eye on it here and here, via web cam. Good thing someone is keeping an eye on these volcanoes!
May 5, 2009
We have been discussing the relative quality of support in OpenSource v. proprietary software, and I am reminded of some other issues that we've spoken of before. We had a fight here some time back (in November) over the question of Black Boxes in research software (I won the fight), a topic which…
May 5, 2009
First, write a reasonably good thesis. Write a brilliant one if you can manage. Then.... Give birth to the President of the United States of America!!!! A dissertation written by President Barack Obama's late mother is being published. Duke University Press said Monday that an edited version of…