
Profile picture for user gregladen
Greg Laden

Greg Laden is a biological anthropologist and science communicator. His research has covered North American prehistoric and historic archaeology and African archaeology and human ecology. He is an OpenSource and OpenAccess advocate. Greg's wife, Amanda, is a High School biology teacher, his daughter Julia is a world traveler and his son Huxley is 2.

Posts by this author

August 23, 2008
Jamaican sprinters make people who are not really thinking about this jump, like pole vaulters, to the conclusion that there must be a gene for running fast that somehow evolved ... like Olympic Beach Volley Ball seemingly from sterile sand ... despite the numerous hurdles for such an event to…
August 23, 2008
Joe Biden, as predicted on this blog! (and since I'm usually wrong about this sort of thing, this is impressive. Or random) US Democratic presidential hopeful Barack Obama has announced that Joe Biden will be his running mate in November's election. Mr Obama's choice, confirmed on his website and…
August 22, 2008
Or so it would seem. Hat tip: Phil This blog continues to boycott the Olympics. Hey, I've been in the woods for a few days, are the Olympics still going on? Seriously. Are they?
August 22, 2008
Chris Abani tells stories of people: People standing up to soldiers. People being compassionate. People being human and reclaiming their humanity. It's "ubuntu," he says: the only way for me to be human is for you to reflect my humanity back at me. ... Imprisoned three times by the Nigerian…
August 21, 2008
On August 21, 1863 William C. Quantrill and a band of 450 proslavery yahoos raided Lawrence, Kansas and butchered 182 individuals, including children. Quantrill and his men staged numerous raids into Kansas during the early part of the Civil War. He was quickly labeled an outlaw by the Union…
August 21, 2008
It was important that this man was thrown in jail. It is very bad that he is not spending more time there. Let me tell you why. The South African man convicted of feeding one of his ex-workers to the lions is due to be freed on parole shortly, after three years in jail. Mark Scott-Crossley was…
August 20, 2008
How many things are wrong with this?
August 20, 2008
An Ossetian protester holds a poster parodying US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice at a rally outside Nato headquarters in Brussels.
August 20, 2008
The Linutop is a tiny Linux computer that you stick onto the back of your flat screen monitor (and hook it to the monitor, obviously), plug in, and go. It makes no noise, produces very little heat, uses hardly any electricity (eight watts) and seems to be reasonably powered. It cost about 300…
August 20, 2008
Cosmos, the TV show by Carl Sagen, as in: Anyway, Cosmos is now available on iTunes. If you click this, it will open your iTunes store. So you may not want to click it. Up to you.
August 20, 2008
A typical adult human recognizes that the image one sees in a mirror is oneself. We do not know how much training a mirror-naive adult requires to do this, but we think very little. When a typical adult macaque (a species of monkey) looks in the mirror, it sees another monkey. Typical adult male…
August 19, 2008
The Four Stone Hearth Blog Carnival, most recently hosted on Almost Diamonds, by Stephanie Zvan, who is Almost an Anthropologist, will be hosted next on Tangled Up in Blue Guy. However, TUIBG needs YOUR SUBMISIONS!!!! Send him your anthropological bloggery! Here NOW!!!
August 19, 2008
Or so says everybody who's anybody. It might not be Biden, but it will be Saturday. Am I right?
August 19, 2008
They ... the guys ... sold the freezer, with bigfoot inside of it, to some chumps who claim to be "bigfoot scientists", and have taken off, went on the lam, disappeared. According to Countdown (Live, happening now) and it's on CNN (click the picture). It turns out on further inspection that it…
August 19, 2008
It was supposed to start up in June, at which time the Earth would explicitly NOT be sucked into a tiny black hole. Or at least not quickly. Or at least not a black hole any different than the thousands that are already forming in our upper atmosphere more or less constantly. Did it start up…
August 19, 2008
I think he looks a little fat in this video, what do you think? Speaking at the most recent EG conference, author, philosopher, prankster and journalist A.J. Jacobs talks about the year he spent living biblically -- following the rules in the Bible as literally as possible. A.J. Jacobs' writings…
August 19, 2008
Carnival of the Green Carnival of the Mobilists #137 Carnival of Genealogy, 54th Edition In honor of this blog's Olympic Boycott: a buddhist carnival - 9th edition, part 1 All Things Eco Blog Carnival Volume Thirteen The Military History Carnival New and Exciting in PLoS Biology Encephalon 52: Q…
August 18, 2008
ambia's leader Levy Mwanawasa, 59, has died in a Paris hospital after suffering a stroke in June. Vice-President Rupiah Banda, who is expected to take over as acting leader, made the announcement on state TV. President Mwanawasa suffered a stroke at an African Union summit in Egypt and was then…
August 18, 2008
And, therefore, health care decisions should take this into account. According to 57 percent of Americans. An eye-opening survey reveals widespread belief that divine intervention can revive dying patients. And, researchers said, doctors "need to be prepared to deal with families who are…
August 18, 2008
This is an important one. Pharyngula is big, but it is not as big as CNN, so it is quite possible that it won't make a dent. All 12 of us must join in to have our opinions heard on this question: Do you believe God's intervention could save a family member even if doctors say treatment would be…
August 18, 2008
The future for a large primate in a tiny patch of African forest looks bleak. Just three years after it was discovered, Tanzania's kipunji monkey is threatened with extinction ... researchers conducted more than 2,800 hours of fieldwork in the Southern Highlands and Udzungwa Mountains in…
August 18, 2008
Physicist Freeman Dyson suggests that we start looking for life on the moons of Jupiter and out past Neptune, in the Kuiper belt and the Oort cloud. He talks about what such life would be like -- and how we might find it. With Freeman Dyson's astonishing forecasts for the future, it's hard to tell…
August 18, 2008
A landlocked polar bear, too close for comfort, forced a crew of five Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) scientists to evacuate a remote camp in northern Alaska. The scientists were studying the impacts of climate change on Arctic shorelines. Typically at this time of year, polar bears…
August 18, 2008
Democratic Senatorial candidate Kay Hagan has cut the lead of her incumbent Republican opponent, Elizabeth Dole, from 12 to 5 points, according to the latest Survey USA poll. If you are in North Carolina it is time to get working on this, if you are not already. Need more Democratic senators.