
Profile picture for user gregladen
Greg Laden

Greg Laden is a biological anthropologist and science communicator. His research has covered North American prehistoric and historic archaeology and African archaeology and human ecology. He is an OpenSource and OpenAccess advocate. Greg's wife, Amanda, is a High School biology teacher, his daughter Julia is a world traveler and his son Huxley is 2.

Posts by this author

September 11, 2008
Some time Friday night or even late after noon on Friday, you can expect hurricane force winds from Hurricane Ike to affect the Texas coast, possibly not too far from Galveston/Houston. Note, however, that the Hurricane is still pretty far out at sea and it is just now beginning a slow right turn…
September 11, 2008
One of the earliest preserved and apparently still funcitonal condoms. Liberal (as in liberal philosophy) policies such as family planning and feminism, universal health care, support of and respect for scientific research, universal and high quality education, and the rejection -- even within…
September 11, 2008
September 10, 2008
Up Uranus Microsoft!
September 10, 2008
Your computer breaks. You are a Microsoft user. So you call technical support. You: My desktop isn't displaying anything but a error message John: I am sorry to hear that, what seems to be the problem. You: My screen is displaying an error message. John: I am very sorry to hear that, I would like…
September 10, 2008
The same way, more or less, that Bush beat Gore: Part I Part II See this.
September 10, 2008
In 1992, McCain sparred with Dolores Alfond, the chairwoman of the National Alliance of Families for the Return of America's Missing Servicemen and Women, at a Senate hearing. McCain's prosecutorlike questioning of Alfond - available on YouTube - left her in tears. Four years later, at her group's…
September 10, 2008
Well, not the actual Scientology, but rather, the Anti-Scientology videos that had been pulled. According to The Standard, YouTube may be rethinking their process for handling DMCA takedown notices this week, after receiving thousands of bogus notices alleging illegal content on the site.…
September 10, 2008
From the Wall Street Journal: The biggest project that Sarah Palin undertook as mayor of this small town was an indoor sports complex, where locals played hockey, soccer, and basketball, especially during the long, dark Alaskan winters. The only catch was that the city began building roads and…
September 10, 2008
This is a very complicated machine, so it is very hard to say exactly when it "turns on." Some would say that the 'start' is when the first (of two) energy beams starts running around the track like crazed Einsteinian greyhounds, others would say that it 'starts' when there are two beams, they…
September 10, 2008
September 9, 2008
Hurricane Ike appears to be done with Cuba, and remains as a Category One storm. The three day cone is now ashore in Texas, so the predicted location of landfall can be made with increasing certainty with each passing 12 hour period. Conditions for hurricane strengthening are about as good as…
September 9, 2008
A few political bits and pieces for you to look at. The Republican Right Wing has successfully convinced the managers of NBC network to dump Kieth Olbermann and Chris Matthews in their role covering the current election. Too bad. That was the only news station I could watch and not puke very…
September 9, 2008
Can you believe it? It turns out that Sarah Palin actually LIED during her speech at the Republican National Convention. I can't believe it! Man, I wonder if this "governor" should go to prison or something...
September 9, 2008
I'm Greg Laden and I approved this blog post.
September 9, 2008
Hurricane Ike is currently over warm water south of Cuba, and is heading back onto land. Ike will pass over roughly the same area of Western Cuba that was hit by hurricane Gustav. Once back on land, Ike will weaken again, and then by tomorrow morning Ike will be positioned well over the warm…
September 9, 2008
We vote in our primaries today. I know, I know, you already voted in the primaries, and the whole process seems like it is finished. But it isn't. The primaries are today, honest. If you live in Minnesota, go here to find out where you vote. I vote at the local Lutheran Church. I think,…
September 8, 2008
George Bush's Army has been in Afghanistan for years looking for one guy, Osama Bin Laden (no relation). They have not found him het. Meanwhile, archaeologists working in Afghanistan have found a 19 meter (62 feet) tall statue of Buddha. This is in the vicinity of the Bamiyan Buddhas which were…
September 8, 2008
Seriously. Let's make a list. Let's get all the 'Nam vets and say, "OK, you folks, you did your job for the country, you're about the right age, we want one of you to be in charge. Now let's get your credential, both positive and negative, and put them together and see which one of you should run…
September 8, 2008
Cuba is taking the brunt of the storm as Hurricane Ike travels along its very spine. Remarkably, Ike still had a visible eye this morning, and is showing fewer signs of weakening than expected. It is remotely possible that will be so ripped up by the time it finished with Cuba and enters the Gulf…
September 7, 2008
The Boneyard is at When Pigs Fly Returns Cancer Research 13 is at Highlight Health Friday Ark 207 is at The Modulator Carnival of the Green is on LifeGoogles The Carnival of Cinema Episode 91 is at Good News Film Reviews Tangled Bank is at En tequila es verdad I and the Bird is at Wrenaissance…
September 7, 2008
Remember how Hanna messed up western Cuba? It now looks like Ike is going to mess up the rest of Cuba. The current track forecast has Ike running right down the spine of the country until exiting just east of Hanna's coverage. Ike's center will move onto Cuba in several hours, and back over…
September 6, 2008
The following are three somewhat drawn out (close to 20 minutes total) videos representing the official response to the Saint Paul RNC police/protester interactions. Here we see the mayor (Chris Coleman) and the Police Chief Harrington giving statements, followed by a question period. The third…
September 6, 2008
One of the most important elements in the success of the D-Day invasion of Europe ... commanded by the other Ike, General Ike Eisenhower, was that the Allies pretended to prepare to invade from and to a different region of England/France. Like its namesake, Hurricane Ike seems to be trying to fake…
September 5, 2008
Hey, People of Florida! As long as you are going to get wacked by a hurricane, you might as well get a copy of Stormy Weather by Carl Hiaasen to occupy your time while the power is off. At the beginning of the summer, I suggested that you start reading all of Hiaasen's books, beginning with…