
Profile picture for user gregladen
Greg Laden

Greg Laden is a biological anthropologist and science communicator. His research has covered North American prehistoric and historic archaeology and African archaeology and human ecology. He is an OpenSource and OpenAccess advocate. Greg's wife, Amanda, is a High School biology teacher, his daughter Julia is a world traveler and his son Huxley is 2.

Posts by this author

May 27, 2008
Got home from the lake last night happy to see that our neighborhood was spared any significant damage from the big giant storm that engulfed several local communities, including ours. There was very large hail up-stream from us and there are a few big trees down not far from here. The people…
May 27, 2008
This is one of the few times you'll see this large of a context provided for the famous "assassination" remarks. What do you think? Interestingly, both right and left in the media are jumping on a similar band wagon... The Giddy Fox News Reaction: Having this creepy broad suggest that Hillary…
May 26, 2008
"I don't mind that they work over at the factory, but I don't want one of those lactose intolerant people moving in next door..." or "Some of my best friends are lactose intolerant. But I sure don't want my sister marrying one...." Say what? Amused in Vivo, who is VERY COOL, has recently…
May 26, 2008
PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT An unwitting passenger arriving at Japan's Narita airport has received 142g of cannabis after a customs test went awry, officials say. A customs officer hid a package of the banned substance in a side pocket of a randomly chosen suitcase in order to test airport…
May 26, 2008
An impromptu collection of sexist commentary or commentary about sexism related to the Democratic Primary race. Unmasking Sexism In Media Coverage Of Hillary Clinton Deeply rooted sexism in the US as seen in the campaign coverage of Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton "hurts us all," Bradley University…
May 26, 2008
An impromptu collection of racist commentary or commentary about racism related to the Democratic Primary race. Racist Attacks on Obama Growing More Heated With the selection of Barack Obama as the first black Democratic nominee for president seeming more possible by the day, racists and white…
May 26, 2008
Well, I hope it was to church, because Ford is the new Motor Car of the Religious Right. Pharynugla covers this latest example of a right wing yahoo retailer pandering to his god fearing bible humping audience by denigrating atheists. See also this piece at the Underground Believer. Oh, by the…
May 26, 2008
May 25, 2008
I've decided to respond to Ana, Larry, and others in a new post rather than in a comment. This is partly because it is easier and more reliable for me to post than to comment under the present conditions. Which in truth are not really conducive to any kind of writing, but here goes. Ana, yes, I…
May 24, 2008
Now, if you want to see some real technique, check out this video at Living the Scientific Life.
May 23, 2008
Should (or would?) home schooling families pay a small fee for public library access? The Allen County Public Library has changed the number of holds available to patrons to five per card. ... The library is a support system to our at-home curriculum. ... The usage of the library hold system to…
May 23, 2008
Carnival of the Liberals #65: Skepticism and Politics is at Neural Gourmet The Boneyard XX is at Laelaps. Carnival of Space #55 is at Catholic Sensibility Medicine 2.0 Carnival # 24 is at My M.D. Journey
May 22, 2008
This is apparently some kind of a record.
May 22, 2008
The next step is that the Sargent of Arms of the House hunts him down and drags him to the United States Capitol. Apparently they have a room in the basement where they would keep him. (This sort of thing has happened before, but it's been quite a while.) President Bush has already indirectly…
May 22, 2008
I'm starting to become a little unnerved by the situation with the Democratic party. I'd like to lay out a couple of questions and arguments for discussion. I'm hoping very much that certain people will chime in on this. You know who you are (like, when you get my email asking you to chime in…
May 22, 2008
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, creator of Sherlock Holmes. Arthur Conan Doyle will always be remembered for his Sherlock Holmes tales, including four novels and numerous short stories serialized in The Strand and/or published in various collections. However, Doyle was at least as prolific (probably more…
May 22, 2008
Update on the Ono Law Suit ... As you most certainly know, Yoko Ono and her two sons have sued the producers of Expelled! for their use without permission of the song Imagine by John Lennon. Well, it appears as though a ruling from the court is imminent. AP is lubing the shoots with a…
May 22, 2008
It is on this day, May 22nd, 1825 that the HMS Beagle left Plymouth England on its infamous First Voyage. The Beagle was built at the Woolwich Dockyard (launched 11 May 1820) named after the breed of dog. The Beagle was the first ship to sail under the newly constructed London Bridge. However,…
May 21, 2008
And it's DAVID!!!!!!!
May 21, 2008
That's the invitation list to a special party coming up in a couple of days where McCain will have a conversation with a few possible Veepers. The absence of Pawlenty is a great disappointment to us Minnesotans. We were really, really hoping that Tim Pawlenty would go away. Also, since he IS…
May 21, 2008
This is not a funny Linux video. This is an actual educational video. And it's long. Only for serious Linux scholars ... Produced by the Computer History Museum. Hat Tip: Linux Journal More on Linux
May 20, 2008
According to Really Linux writer Andrea W. Cordingly, "Chicks Love Linux" ... There I was standing around the LUG booth at the annual Linux expo when I realised that unlike years past, there were considerable numbers of female attendants. No, I am not referring exclusively to those female models…
May 20, 2008
Microsoft has a deal with the government of Hungary which costs the government billions and traps university students in the Microsoft Gap. This is the usual monopolistic evil corporate policy that makes thinking people dislike Microsoft (everyone else is a mindless clone. Sorry, but, well, I'm…
May 20, 2008
Could even this bird be reanimated, gene by gene? When you are extinct you're extinct. Everything about you is dead and gone. There are no more of you, every individual in your species is kaput, non existent, used up, as the Pima Indians would say, you are hokum (like a car with a flat tire…
May 19, 2008
A talk by Mark Decker! May 20, 7 p.m. Bryant-Lake Bowl, Uptown $5-$10 (pay what you can) Darwin wrote about the competition between individuals that results in the survival of the fittest. But what about competitions within individuals, between the cells inside our bodies? In that struggle, cancer…
May 19, 2008
I was fifteen or so years old. That was back in the old days, before everyone who was 15 was world-wise and even world weary. I was a bit world wise for my age, though, as I was living on my own and was fully supporting myself with a couple of paying jobs. Waling home from work one day, a pretty…
May 19, 2008
Quirky Pulsar System Challenges Theories of Binary Formation; Observing Stem Cells at Work; Large scale carbon sequestration Quirky Pulsar System Challenges Theories of Binary Formation From a Cornell Press Release: An ongoing sky survey using the Cornell-managed Arecibo radio telescope in Puerto…
May 18, 2008
Impacts from warming are evident in satellite images showing that lakes in Siberia disappearing as the permafrost thaws and lake water drains deeper into the ground. Credit: NASA Earth Observatory A new study led by NASA links anthropogenic climate change to a wide range of effects. The study…