
Profile picture for user grrlscientist
Hedwig Pöllöläinen

Posts by this author

May 22, 2007
tags: coelacanth, Latimeria menadoensis, fish, living fossil, Indonesia Indonesian fisherman, Yustinus Lahama, holds up a coelacanth, an ancient fish once thought to have become extinct at the time of the dinosaurs, in a quarantine pool after he caught it in the sea off North Sulawesi province 19…
May 22, 2007
tags: food stamps, poverty, fish, hunger, politics Congresscritter Tim Ryan has his own blog and, if you recall, he has been participating in the "Food Stamp Challenge" where he tries to eat on no more than $3 per day for one week. His solution to this problem was to purchase peanut butter and…
May 22, 2007
tags: humor, class warfare, streaming video This is a bit of British-style humor to get you started on your work day, starring David Letterman. [1:58].
May 21, 2007
tags: bolide, mammals, mass extinction, North America, Younger Dryas Why did huge numbers of large mammals in North America suddenly die out approximately 13,000 years ago? Over the years, there have been plenty of hypotheses proposed, ranging from overhunting and disease to death by freezing.…
May 21, 2007
tags: ornithology, birds, flamingo, gay An orphaned Greater Flamingo chick is carefully placed into a used eggshell in preparation to hatch a second time -- in its foster parents' nest. A pair of flamingos have become proud foster parents after they took an abandoned chick under their wings at…
May 21, 2007
tags: Birds in the News, BirdNews, ornithology, birds, avian, newsletter "Black-throated green warbler", Dendroica virens. [song] Image appears here with the kind permission of the photographer, Pamela Wells. [larger] Birds in Science According to ornithologists, the Gorgeted Puffleg has been…
May 21, 2007
tags: mimic octopus, sea snake, streaming video This streaming video shows you a mini-octopus imitating a sea snake. [0:50].
May 20, 2007
tags: Harry Potter, humor, satire, streaming video Okay, for the record, I think this streaming video is silly, but you might enjoy it [2:06]
May 20, 2007
tags: humor, satire, An Inconvenient Truth, streaming video According to the latest streaming news on global warming, children are the greatest enemies of our environment [1:19]
May 20, 2007
tags: beetle, insects, physiology, respiration An X-ray of a yellow mealworm beetle showing the system of white tubes, or tracheae, running through its body. When I worked with and dissected insects as a graduate student, I always found their breathing apparatus to be fascinating and beautiful,…
May 19, 2007
tags: blogosphere, 100 books, meme I ran across this book meme at The Library Diva -- a blog pal of mine whom I met through Craigslist -- and thought it was interesting. Look at the list of books below: Bold the ones you've read Italicize the ones you want to read Leave unaltered the ones that…
May 19, 2007
tags: immigrants, employment, labor, politics As Congress debates an overhaul of the nation's immigration laws, several economists and news media pundits have sounded the alarm, contending that immigrants are causing harm to Americans in the competition for jobs. But are they? [A] more careful…
May 19, 2007
tags: physics, Large Hadron Collider, Higgs field, streaming video Will the Large Hadron Collider finally find the elusive God particle? Watch this streaming BBC video to find out! [7:38]
May 19, 2007
tags: Trypanosoma evansi, parasite, wasting disease, Tabanus, Australia, conservation A PhD student from James Cook University in Australia hopes her research will help protect Australian wildlife from an exotic wasting disease that could devastate kangaroos and other endemic marsupials. Kirsty Van…
May 18, 2007
tags: mosquito, DNA, Aedes After recently mapping all the DNA, or genome, of the mosquito that spreads yellow and dengue fever, scientists were surprised to find it is more complex than the genome of the mosquito that carries malaria. Scientists plan to use this information to help them battle…
May 18, 2007
tags: endangered species day, conservation The U.S. Senate unanimously passed a resolution supporting the establishment of Endangered Species Day on 18 May. Endangered Species Day is a national celebration of America's commitment to protecting and recovering our nation's endangered species ..…
May 18, 2007
tags: hair, baldness, hair regeneration, wound healing, Wnt protein A group of American scientists have discovered how to make the skin of laboratory mice grow new hair follicles, complete with hair, by using a protein that stimulates follicle generating genes in skin cells under wound conditions.…
May 18, 2007
tags: parrot, Lories, Lorikeet, Loriinae, Loriidae, Rimatara Lorikeet, Kuhl's Lory, Vini kuhlii, conservation, ornithology, South Pacific Islands Endangered Rimatara lorikeet or Kuhl's lory, Vini kuhlii, feeding on nectar. Image: G McCormack, Cook Islands Natural Heritage Trust (CINHT). [larger…
May 18, 2007
tags: cell, molecular biology, cell biology, streaming video This streaming video shows a small number of the millions of amazing things that are happening within cells and also between cells millions of times every day [3:09].
May 17, 2007
tags: hunger, poverty, food stamps Apparently, our congresscritters are having difficulty feeding themselves on what the average person gets for food stamps. Basically, food stamp benefits provide 26 million Americans with roughly $1 per meal, or $3 for an entire day's worth of food. Food stamps is…
May 17, 2007
tags: politics, Democrat, Republican, satisfaction, Gallup poll How satisfied are you with the state of your country? That apparently depends upon whether you are a Democrat or a Republican. According to today's newly released Gallup poll, a sudden drop was reported in its regular "satisfaction"…
May 17, 2007
tags: Antarctica, Weddell Sea, new species, ANDEEP, zoology The scientists said an "astonishingly diverse" collection of isopods had been discovered. This young male isopod represents one of 674 isopod species found. Image: W. Brokeland. [larger image] According to a paper that was recently…
May 17, 2007
tags: blog carnival, birds The 49th edition of I and the Bird is now available. This blog carnival focuses on recent blog essays about birds and, as usual, there's plenty there to read, including a piece that I sent along to them.
May 17, 2007
tags: NASA, lunar exploration, space, streaming video This streaming video makes NASA's lunar exploration look like a world premier of a really cool movie. Too bad they don't have the vision and leadership that is required to make a really cool movie .. and too bad putting a few dozen white tanks…
May 16, 2007
tags: medicine, heart attack, angina, health Do you think life is unfair? According to a new study, people who think they have been treated unfairly are more likely to suffer a heart attack or chest pain. One of the largest and longest studies of its kind analyzed medical data from 6,081 British…
May 16, 2007
tags: ferret, black-footed ferret, endangered species Today, I received an email from Jenna Bowles, who is the head of distribution for The Futures Channel. They produce "micro-documentaries" that feature industries and professions that are both innovative and inspiring. One of their newly launched…
May 16, 2007
tags: health care, medicine, health insurance America has the best health care in the world? Think again. This should come as no surprise to anyone, but according to two different studies that were published recently, Americans have the poorest health care among all the richest nations on earth.…
May 16, 2007
tags: turtle, Cantor's giant softshell turtle, Pelochelys cantorii, endangered species, herpetology, reptiles This photo released by Conservation International, shows two rare Cantor's giant softshell turtles, Pelochelys cantorii, thought to be on the brink of extinction. Conservation…
May 16, 2007
tags: superduperfriends, parody, humor, streaming video This streaming political parody of the Challenge of the Superfriends is something I think you will enjoy watching [1:04].
May 15, 2007
tags: hummingbird, Gorgeted Puffleg, Eriocnemis Isabellaea, endangered species, ornithology, birds A new species of hummingbird, the Gorgeted Puffleg, Eriocnemis Isabellaea, has been discovered in the Serrania del Pinche mountains of southwest Colombia. [much larger image] According to…