
Profile picture for user grrlscientist
Hedwig Pöllöläinen

Posts by this author

April 25, 2007
tags: blog carnivals The 78th issue of Tangled Bank is now available for your reading pleasure. They included several pieces that I wrote, too.
April 25, 2007
tags: marijuana, illegal drugs Beware: Misinformation alert Wow, who knew, but the marijuana sold (illegally, of course) in the USA is stronger than ever before, which could explain the increasing number of emergency room visits due to this drug, according to government drug experts. (Image source…
April 25, 2007
tags: Condoleezza Rice, subpoena, Iraq war, politics It's about Condoleezza Rice was subpoenaed regarding the Iraq war, since we are finally interested to get to the bottom of why America is caught up in this stupid war. Today, the House of Representatives' Oversight and Government Reform Committee…
April 25, 2007
Can you image how much patience is required to photograph ants? Linepithema humile -- The Argentine ant Northern California, USA A foraging trail of Argentine ants. Photographer: Alexander Wild, 2005. As long as you send images to me (and I hope it will be for forever), I shall continue to…
April 25, 2007
tags: streaming video, humor, animation For you exercise buffs out there, this video shows the hazards of getting your exercise using modern technology, instead of getting out there for a run in the park.
April 25, 2007
tags: Solomon Islands Frogmouth, Rigidipenna inexpectatus, Podargus ocellatus inexpectatus, birds, birding, ornithology Gone are the days when animals were classified to taxon based solely on bone structure (osteology), body structure (morphometrics) or behavior (ethology), or some combination of…
April 24, 2007
tags: wage discrimination, sex discrimination, equal pay for women day, employment Today is Equal Pay Day for women -- that happy day day when women's 2006 wages are equivalent to those earned by men in 2006 -- and 2007 is already one third of the way over! But, you ask, these are modern times,…
April 24, 2007
Can you image how much patience is required to photograph ants? Sphinctomyrmex froggatti Victoria, Australia. The distinct constrictions of the abdomen are diagnostic for Sphinctomyrmex ants. Photographer: Alexander Wild, 2006. As long as you send images to me (and I hope it will be for forever…
April 24, 2007
tags: Karl Rove, Tom Hamburger, missing emails, politics Remember those five million or so missing White House emails .. ? It seems that BushCo have been trying to give Americans the slip, but because we are not as stupid as BushCo, we are not deceived. As if the Gonzales fiasco was not enough, "…
April 24, 2007
tags: congressional timetable, troops, Iraq war, politics Bush has no empathy or consideration for anyone, which means that the troops, the gallant men and women of this nation's military, are stuck in a losing war with no end in sight. This is shameful. The fact that Bush can change this situation…
April 24, 2007
tags: turkey, birds, behavior, ethology A day-old chicken chick sits beside a male turkey that hatched and played mother to it at a farm in central Albania, Fushe Kruje, some 25 km (16 miles) from Tirana. The turkey, previously known for its fighting ability, incubated some chicken eggs until…
April 24, 2007
tags: streaming video, music, the Zimmers, My Generation This charming and upbeat video just goes to show us all that life (and musical appreciation) don't end at age 30!
April 23, 2007
tags: Alberto Gonzales, Gonzo, US Attorney General, politics "I will stay as long as I believe I can be effective," said Gonzales. Wrecking the constitution, no doubt. How many congresscritters have to demand his resignation before he finally gives it up as a lost cause? And worse, does Bush adore…
April 23, 2007
tags: Harry Potter, streaming video, movie trailers You all know I am mad about Harry Potter, so it should not surprise you that I am featuring the latest HP film trailer here for your viewing pleasure. Of course, I am seeking more trailers to share with you, so be ready. By the way, I am counting…
April 23, 2007
Can you image how much patience is required to photograph ants? Portrait of a Mystrium ant, her mandibles held open. Photographer: Alexander Wild, 2006. As long as you send images to me (and I hope it will be for forever), I shall continue to share them with my readership. My purpose for posting…
April 23, 2007
tags: Birds in the News, ornithology, birds, avian, newsletter Greater Prairie-chicken, Tympanuchus cupido pinnatus [Bigger image] More Prairie-chickens. The photographer writes; I was lucky enough to be out this morning on Konza Prairie (see the latest National Geographic for some details)…
April 22, 2007
tags: streaming video, Bill Maher, Earth Day, politics Bill Maher quotes Albert Einstein as saying that humans and other animals have only four years left if all the bees died. Did Einstein really say that?
April 22, 2007
tags: Atlantic salmon, conservation, fish, Goldman Environmental Prize, Orri Vigfusson Atlantic Salmon, Salmo salar. [bigger image] Image: DNR, Cornell, NY. Orri Vigfusson, 64, an Icelandic businessman, has been fighting to save Atlantic wild salmon from extinction by overfishing for 17 years.…
April 22, 2007
tags: Amur leopard, Manchurian leopard, Far East Leopard, conservation, big cats Amur, or Manchurian, Leopard, Panthera pardus orientalis. Image: National Geographic. According to a new census by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), the Russian Academy of Science, and the Wildlife Conservation Society…
April 22, 2007
The 6th edition of the Health Wonk Review is now available at the Healthcare Economist for your reading pleasure. Additionally, the 5th edition of the Gene Genie is now available.
April 22, 2007
Can you image how much patience is required to photograph ants? Amblyopone australis Victoria, Australia. Photographer: Alexander Wild, 2005. As long as you send images to me (and I hope it will be for forever), I shall continue to share them with my readership. My purpose for posting these…
April 22, 2007
I think the footage for this song (Into the Mystic by Van Morrison) came from the amazing BBC series, Blue Planet. It is quite nice, and appropriate for Earth Day. I hope that you enjoy it.
April 21, 2007
Just in time for Earth Day, the great leatherback seaturtle race across open ocean from Costa Rica to the Galapagos Islands, where they will lay their eggs. The turtles are being tracked by satellite from Playa Grande in Costa Rica to the Galapagos Islands so you can watch their progress live…
April 21, 2007
I love my parrot companions, but I have to admit that this horse that thinks he's human makes a superb companion, especially because parrots will not get me a beer -- how much more fun can one possibly have? . tags: streaming video, horses, pets
April 21, 2007
Zen With Lichens. Image: Martin Richard. . tags: lichen, nature
April 20, 2007
From left: Barney, Michelle and Dylan. Dylan Hargreaves, four, is autistic and suffers severe learning difficulties. Until recently, he never uttered a single word. But several few months ago, his parents added a three-year-old blue-and-gold macaw to the family. They named him Barney, and…
April 20, 2007
It appears that Wolfowitz is either on the outs or he is taking a page from the Gonzales book of management because he failed to show up at a high-profile meeting at the World Bank yesterday; No explanation was offered for Mr Wolfowitz's absence from the conference in Washington, on the day when…
April 20, 2007
. tags: Church and State, abortion rights, Supreme Court
April 20, 2007
Grunion spawning (California). The photographer writes; Here's a fresh fish foto -- this is from last week's run, the first (official) of the season. It was a great run. More pictures from last week's run. Image: Carl Manaster. As long as you send images to me (and I hope it will be for forever…
April 20, 2007
If Gonzo is the best attorney in the United States, I have no faith for the future of the profession. Ridiculously, the Bush White House referred to the lying scumbag, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, as "our No. 1 crime fighter" today, a day after Gonzales' often halting explanations for the…