
Profile picture for user grrlscientist
Hedwig Pöllöläinen

Posts by this author

April 2, 2007
A freshly-plumaged LeConte's Sparrow, Ammodramus leconteii, that Dave Rintoul banded in Kansas in the fall of 2005. (bigger version). Image: Dave Rintoul, KSU. Birds in Science In the past few years, China has become famous for the number and quality of bird fossils from the Early Cretaceous…
April 2, 2007
The Carnival of the Godless is now available for your reading pleasure. This is the long-awaited "You're Going to Hell" edition.
April 2, 2007
If you think Bush is a bozo, seeing this collection of quotes will help to solidify your position. If you think Bush is not a bozo, this will change your mind. And, as Laura sez, "he's getting awfully windy."
April 1, 2007
According to a panel of UN scientists, postponed bird migrations and early flower blooms are not the only effects that will occur as the result of global climate change. Within the next 50 years, poverty will increase, combined with a lack of drinking water, an increased rate of glacial melting and…
April 1, 2007
Approximately an hour ago, a tsunami smashed into the Solomon Islands in the South Pacific Ocean, after an earthquake of magnitude 8.0 rocked the ocean floor just off the island nation's west coast. "Two villages were reported to have been completely inundated," said Julian McLeod of the…
April 1, 2007
Bush is an invade-aholic .. this streaming video shows a dramatic reenactment of the Bush intervention that recently took place in the White House. . tags: Bush intervention, politics, humor, streaming video
April 1, 2007
Male (top) and Female Western Hercules Beetles, Dynastes granti. Chiricahua Mountains, Arizona, USA. Photographer: Alexander Wild. As long as you send images to me (and I hope it will be for forever), I shall continue to share them with my readership. My purpose for posting these images is to…
April 1, 2007
Did you hear the story about the pet duck named Peepers? It seems this duck fouled up a robbery yesterday in Lynwood, Washington. With store security hot on his heels, a 35-year-old man jumped into his car just as his 39-year-old girlfriend came out of the pet store carrying her pet duck. Unaware…
April 1, 2007
I thought you might be interested to see the cover for the next, and last, Harry Potter book. It was finally released a few days ago. Note: this is the US version of the HP cover. The UK children's and UK adult versions of the book cover are below the fold. Which is your favorite version? My…
March 31, 2007
According to a recent Newsweek poll, only 3% of Americans claim to be atheists. I know a lot of atheists, so I am wondering if I know all of the atheists in America? Do they all know each other? Nine in 10 (91 percent) of American adults say they believe in God and almost as many (87 percent) say…
March 31, 2007
According to this creationist video, peanut butter, which has been subjected to high temperatures to render it sterile, disproves that life can come from non-life. The silliness of this argument reminds me of Kirk Cameron's 'banana proof' of creationism. . tags: peanut butter, evolution,…
March 31, 2007
Tetraopes sp. red milkweed beetle (Cerambycidae). Nixon, Nevada. Photographer: Alexander Wild. As long as you send images to me (and I hope it will be for forever), I shall continue to share them with my readership. My purpose for posting these images is to remind all of us of the grandeur of…
March 30, 2007
The White House is livid with Nancy Pelosi because she will visit Syria next week -- presumably to fraternize with terrorists. Snert. Nevermind that the 911 terrorists were mostly Saudis, that for decades the Bush family has been on kissing terms with the Saudi Royal Family and other Saudi elites,…
March 30, 2007
Architect's rendition of the completed College of Eastern Utah Prehistoric Museum and Mesozoic Gardens. At a time when creationists are dumping money into so-called prehistoric "museums" that tell lies to the public about evolution, it is refreshing to see a real museum gain more monetary…
March 30, 2007
120-million-year-old fossilized footprints made by a roadrunner-like bird, Shandongornipes muxiai, discovered in Shandong Province, China. (Track four). In the past few years, China has become famous for the number and quality of bird fossils from the Early Cretaceous that have been discovered…
March 30, 2007
Chrysochus auratus, the dogbane leaf beetle (Chrysomelidae). Naples, New York. Photographer: Alexander Wild. As long as you send images to me (and I hope it will be for forever), I shall continue to share them with my readership. My purpose for posting these images is to remind all of us of the…
March 29, 2007
The 57th edition of the Skeptic's Circle is now available for your reading pleasure. This edition features a nice picture in addition to all the great reading.
March 29, 2007
Andrewsarchus was the largest carnivorous land mammal that ever lived. It lived about 32-60 million years ago. (Image: BBC Walking With Beasts) Contrary to popular belief, a new study shows that the rise of mammals was not connected to the extinction of dinosaurs that occurred 65 million years…
March 29, 2007
Another lovely little brown bird, LeConte's Sparrow, Ammodramus leconteii. The photographer writes; I heartily agree that sparrows deserve more attention! Here [is a] pic of a freshly-plumaged LeConte's Sparrow that we banded in KS in the fall of 2005, as well as a link to a photo essay about…
March 29, 2007
Kyle Sampson tells the senate that Gonzo lied regarding the dismissals of the eight US prosecutors. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales wrongly stated he was not involved in discussions about the firings of federal prosecutors, his former chief of staff told the Senate Judiciary Committee Thursday…
March 28, 2007
According to the creationists, the mighty and fearsome T. rex started out as a coconut eater until humans ruined it all -- after the fall, innocent T. rex suddenly found it had to make a living by eating meat instead of coconuts. In the middle of the lobby of the 50,000-square-foot Creation Museum…
March 28, 2007
Kyle Sampson, Alberto Gonzales' chief of staff, says in remarks prepared for delivery to Congress tomorrow that eight federal prosecutors were fired last year because they did not sufficiently support President Bush's priorities. "The distinction between 'political' and 'performance-related'…
March 28, 2007
I just took this in my garden when the first ducklings I have seen this year arrived to take a bath in the bird bath! Photographer: Diana Barker, UK. As long as you send images to me (and I hope it will be for forever), I shall continue to share them with my readership. My purpose for posting…
March 27, 2007
The governing board of the Smithsonian Institution announced that it accepted the resignation of its top official, Lawrence M. Small, after an internal audit showed that the museum had paid for his routine use of lavish perks like chauffeured cars, private jets, top-rated hotels and catered meals…
March 27, 2007
Scientists have uncovered a fossil lizard in the Liaoning Province of north-eastern China, the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences reports. Its most striking feature is a wing-like membrane, supported by the animal's elongated ribs, that the lizard would have used for gliding.…
March 27, 2007
When twins are born, they are either the product of separate eggs that are fertilized by separate sperm (fraternal twins) or they are the result of one egg plus one sperm that divided to produce two babies (identical twins). However, a set of twins has been discovered that is very likely unique:…
March 27, 2007
Here's a streaming video, a la Schoolhouse Rock regarding the media.
March 26, 2007
Some mites are known to live exclusively in moist grasslands and pastures, where they break down vegetable matter (including livestock excrement) to provide a rich food source. Studying ancient civilizations can be difficult when they have left no detailed written records behind. But researchers…
March 26, 2007
It's not viagra, which doesn't work for females, but like viagra for men, it promises to increase a woman's low sex drive nonetheless. Intrinsa is a clear patch that delivers a low dose of testosterone and is worn on the woman's abdomen. Intrinsa, manufactured by Procter and Gamble, will only be…
March 26, 2007
Monica Goodling worked for the Justice Department and is rumored to be invoking the fifth amendment rather than testify in front of congress regarding Alberto Gonzales's misbehavior. In my opinion, it should be inexcusable for people in the Justice Department to invoke the fifth amendment to avoid…