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November 18, 2006
Really.  A doctor said that.  An obstetrician, in a presentation entitled href="http://www.abstinence.net/pdf/contentmgmt/EricKeroackPresentation2003.pdf">The Neuroendocrine and Biochemical Basics of Human Sexuality: The Results of Non-Marital Sexual Activity. [Note: the link goes to a 7MB PDF…
November 18, 2006
Rehabilitation of disused industrial sites has been a costly and contentious issue in urban planning.  Sites that are mildly or moderately contaminated are called href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brownfield" rel="tag">brownfields.  Research is underway to see if some brownfields can be used…
November 17, 2006
Another product that makes me go "hmmm."  Once or twice in my life I've paid extra for high-performance random-access memory, but I've never paid extra for the href="http://www.tomshardware.com/2006/10/17/log_ocz_camouflage_ddr2_memory/">paint job. This is the PC2-6400 Special Ops Urban…
November 17, 2006
Casual users might not notice much difference between Firefox 2.0 and IE 7.0.  But with continued use, the advantages of Firefox become increasingly evident.  This is especially true for people who take the initiative to install a lot of extensions. What is less obvious, is that Firefox still has…
November 16, 2006
Yet Another Book Meme.  I found this one at Yet Another Ann Arbor Blog, named Bloug.   href="http://louisrosenfeld.com/home/bloug_archive/000506.html">Nov 16, 2006: Fie on Louisa May Alcott, Roald Dahl, Cormac McCarthy, and all their ilk... Now that's a weird list! These are authors of…
November 16, 2006
The Blogosphere has had a bit of a twitter over the issue of the impeachment of President Bush.  The most assertive progressive href="http://alterx.blogspot.com/2006/11/nancy-its-your-duty-to-impeach-bush.html"> are upset that the issue is " href="http://www.democrats.com/Why-Conyers-Changed-…
November 15, 2006
OK, so it is not totally a myth; there are plenty of compassionate conservatives out there.  But the phrase can be used to whitewash policies that are just plain mean. Florida is illegally imprisoning mentally ill persons, repeatedly, systematically, and is doing nothing to try to solve the…
November 15, 2006
I've quietly worried about this for a few years, but now I have company.  Increased temperatures, combined with increased climate variability, could have a significant effect on human health worldwide. href="http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/C/CLIMATE_HEALTH">Diseases Appear on Rise With…
November 15, 2006
The Union of Concerned Scientists is concerned again.  This time, they are concerned the possibility that a fourth-generation cephalosporin, href="http://www.intervet.co.uk/Products_Public/Cephaguard_Injection/090_Product_Datasheet.asp">cefquinome, could be approved for use in animal feed…
November 15, 2006
First there was Alternative Medicine, then there was Complimentary and Alternative Medicine, and now there is Integrative, Complimentary and Alternative Medicine.   I guess the natural cynic in me becomes suspicious when I see acronyms undergoing hypertrophy.   So is this growing collection of…
November 14, 2006
They are monitoring the content of children's books, that's what.  From the Senate web site of the href="http://epw.senate.gov/pressitem.cfm?party=rep&id=265811">Environment and Public Works committee: New UN Children’s Book Promotes Global Warming Fears to Kids MONDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 2006…
November 14, 2006
News reports suggest that the new Democratic majority is planning to try to change the course of US environmental policy: href="http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/D/DEMOCRATS_ENVIRONMENT">Democrats to Stress Environmental Issues By JOHN HEILPRIN Nov 14, 2:42 PM EST WASHINGTON (AP…
November 13, 2006
I noticed this a few days ago and meant to comment on it.  Then, I noticed href="http://scienceblogs.com/drcharles/2006/11/attention_paging_dr_google_1.php#more">Dr. Charles beat me to it.  He even gave some examples in actual use.  If you've already read his, skip the excerpt and go directly…
November 11, 2006
I am not having such a good day, but it is a good day for Michigan.  The Wolverines won in Bloomington, paving the way for for a big showdown with Ohio State. More importantly, the jack-o-lantern is off the deer. This deer has been making headlines for days.  Everyone has been worried about it.  …
November 11, 2006
Often political discourse breaks sown, when both sides resort to platitudes.  This is true especially when the debate is carried out on the basis of deeply-held generalizations.  This is especially true when empirical evidence is not taken into account. It often is argued that environmentalism is…
November 10, 2006
A good site to sample world media outlets, and to see what they have to say about the USA, is href="http://www.watchingamerica.com/index.shtml">Watching America. href="http://www.watchingamerica.com/diewelt000010.shtml"> src="http://blogster.com/host/images/65751436601.jpg" alt=""…
November 9, 2006
href="http://www.allhatnocattle.net/1-13-04_revenge_bush_oneill.htm"> Often I see people who have been admitted to a psychiatric hospital after hitting bottom.  They have nothing.  At first, it seems difficult to know what to do.  The guiding idea, though, is always the same: you have to…
November 7, 2006
For some reason, I really like this picture.  The version here is reduced in size and quality.  NASA Earth Observatory has an explanation of the photo, along with a better version, and a link to the original, which is a tad over 6 MB in size.   href="http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/Newsroom/…
November 6, 2006
The annual href="http://www.transparency.org/news_room/in_focus/cpi_2006/cpi_table">Corruption Perceptions Index is out, and the USA placed 20th.  Not too bad, except last year, we were 17th.  At least we did not fall as far as href="http://thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=/2006/11/7/…
November 6, 2006
href="http://www.jamaica-gleaner.com/gleaner/20061104/cleisure/cleisure1.html">Elevating trivia over substance published: Saturday | November 4, 2006 There is a deepening triviality in the conduct of American politics, which should be a matter of great concern to the citizens of the United…
November 6, 2006
The people who support this policy are not only heartless, they are idiots. href="http://www.nytimes.com/2006/11/03/washington/03medicaid.html?ei=5090&en=12f703522d8d3a89&ex=1320210000&adxnnl=1&partner=rssuserland&emc=rss&adxnnlx=1162703532-so0p8YsoJEPd7rc82J6fjg">…
November 5, 2006
Finally, a product to bring much-deserved recognition to an out-of-the-way place: Intel has announced their "enthusiast" motherboard for high-performance computing: the href="http://www.intel.com/products/motherboard/d975xbx/index.htm">D975XBX, nicknamed the "Bad Axe." Just get a load a'…
November 5, 2006
I've long been a fan of href="http://www.lrc.rpi.edu/programs/solidstate/SSLWhat.htm">LED lighting, thinking that it holds a href="http://www.technologyreview.com/read_article.aspx?id=16135&z=318&p=1&ch=nanotech">lot of promise for reducing electricity demands.  Early on in…
November 5, 2006
It turns out the military href="http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/I/IRAQ_WAR_GAMES?SITE=1010WINS&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT">ran war games in 1999, trying to anticipate what might happen if we invaded Iraq.  First of all, they anticipated that 400,000 troops would be needed.  …
November 4, 2006
Perhaps this gets tiresome for ScienceBlogs readers, but here is yet another example of the href="http://www.waronscience.com/home.php" rel="tag">Republican War on Science, this time in regard to href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Climate_Change"> Climate Change. href="http://www.…
November 4, 2006
In 2004, the Bush Administration href="http://americablog.blogspot.com/2005/07/bush-admin-may-be-responsible-for.html">blew a Pakistani intelligence operation by revealing sensitive intelligence information.  In 2005, there was the Libby-Plame Leak.  Earlier in 2006, the Bush Administration…
November 4, 2006
The BBC reports on a study that shows that computers with flat keyboards could reduce the transfer of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus.   A hospital has developed a computer keyboard which it says could cut cases of the MRSA superbug by 10%. Research shows as many as 25% of keyboards…
November 3, 2006
This is another one of those studies that shows pretty much what you would expect.  There are some surprises, though: href="http://www.medpagetoday.com/EmergencyMedicine/EmergencyMedicine/tb/4434">Night-Shift Nap Awakens ER Residents and Nurses By Judith Groch, Senior Writer, MedPage Today…
November 2, 2006
Two former US Surgeons General have announced that the United States has unacceptable levels of title="sexually transmitted diseases">STDs and that abstinence-only education has not helped. Note that the Presidents " href="http://www.whitehouse.gov/infocus/achievement/chap14.html">Record…
November 2, 2006
It's discouraging seeing so many people go so wrong all at once. It makes you question the idea that each of us has unlimited potential for good. Who said that?  And what was the subject?   The quote comes from an editorial by href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Garrison_Keillor" rel="tag">…