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William M. Connolley

Posts by this author

January 3, 2014
Image credit: The Phytophactor After a hard day down the lint mines realigning brackets, its nice to turn to the comic section and such greats as: rpielke says: January 3, 2014 at 1:21 pm: ...Your work really should be funded by the NSF or other such grant awarding organizations. I hasten…
January 1, 2014
Isaac Held again. Though nobody cared last time. A reminder that you can do basic interesting things with GCMs; that abstract thinking on problems can be illuminating; and that atmospheric dynamics is more complicated than you thought. The video is from his blog; it shows "tropical cyclones" via…
December 29, 2013
The Graun is a bit rubbish at typesetting and maths, which is most aptly illustrated by one of their jokes: At a party for functions, ex is at the bar looking despondent. The barman says: "Why don't you go and integrate?" To which ex replies: "It would not make any difference." Geddit?
December 28, 2013
A post with no hidden meaning. Click on the picture for more.
December 24, 2013
Picture by Miranda.
December 23, 2013
My, what a long title. But its a quote from RN in a comment on my IPCC 5th Assessment Review post. And since this butts head on into something I've been thinking for a while, but not said, I'll write it down. Don't call me too bitter or cynical, please. And just for the moment, don't demand…
December 22, 2013
A better title for this post would be "cite your sources" but I need to mirror The Magnificent Climate Heat Engine at WUWT. Guess what? Just a few days after totally missing the importance of heat transport within the climate system WE has finally noticed it. WE read my posts, of course, because…
December 21, 2013
Well, of course, this is trivially true, in the sense that $0 is "up to $1bn" and the report doesn't suggest that it could be more than $1bn. I got this from the Graun which continues to irritate by pointlessly and stupidly failing to link to the original study. I assume they do this because,…
December 19, 2013
Having mocked the Watties I thought I'd read on, and see what they had to say lower down. And what I've realised is that there is some interesting climatology there, which they've totally missed. Here's the most easily understood picture: Its CERES Top-Of-Atmosphere (TOA) radiation balance…
December 19, 2013
Two posts in one day! You do spoil us, ambassador. Whenever one or more denialists gather together or alone, they inevitably make something up about climatology, and then criticise climatologists for doing whatever imaginary thing it is they've made up. Today's invention is linearity (but, sigh, I'…
December 19, 2013
So, da UK Energy and Climate Change committee is having an "inquiry" into IPCC 5th Assessment Review. I'm not sure why. This will be a review of a review, which could itself be reviewed, which will end in endless regress? More likely it will fizzle away into nothing. Myles Allen appears to be…
December 9, 2013
Yay, more nonsense about sea ice: the traditional "US Navy predicts summer ice free Arctic by 201x", where this time x=6. Does anyone actually believe this rubbish? If so, I have money just sitting around, bored, twiddling its little green fingers and waiting to take your bet. If "summer ice free…
December 8, 2013
A trick question, of course. The answer is "the author of a blog post at WUWT entitled IPCC’s Report on Climate Change: Myths & Realities". The blog posting itself is a more-than-usually-pointless mish-mash of nonsense, and isn't worth reading. I did anyway, though, and can assure you that "A…
December 4, 2013
Prompted by PB I read Gambling with Civilization by Paul Krugman, which is a review of The Climate Casino: Risk, Uncertainty, and Economics for a Warming World by William D. Nordhaus. I haven't read the latter. The Climate Casino is in no sense the work of someone skeptical about either the reality…
December 4, 2013
"For twenty terces I phrase the answer in clear and actionable language; for ten I use the language of cant, which occasionally admits of ambiguity; for five, I speak a parable which you must interpret as you will; and for one terce, I babble in an unknown tongue.” [Update: there's a better…
December 1, 2013
Suppose you were a citizen of the Ukraine. Which way would you rather turn: to Europe or Russia? The answer is so obvious its hardly worth asking the question. Now suppose you're the rather thuggish Prez of the Ukraine, and that part of turning towards Europe involves cracking down on your own…
November 30, 2013
Quite some time ago I re wrote the Dada article on wiki to be more in the spirit of the movement. It didn't last long. My thoughts were irrestistably drawn to that when I saw a can climate count global How lay on skeptic’s view warming ("thanks" R) at WUWT; here I present a translation that makes…
November 27, 2013
Andy Skuce has an SKS article (with which I largely agree) disagreeing with a previous article that Myles Allen wrote for the Mail in May 2013. And now MA has an article in the Graun saying similar things. At Wotts, Rachel has an article approving of MA's piece; Wotts himself seems rather more…
November 25, 2013
By John Fleck. While we're all on the Grand Themes, he's doing the bits and pieces. Refs * Film review: Catching Fire (Hunger Games book 2)
November 22, 2013
Michael Mann has an article in the HuffPo, Something Is Rotten at the New York Times. He's complaining about the ill-informed views of Koch Brothers-funded climate change contrarian Richard Muller which is language that would normally put me off. But in this case I looked, and Muller's A Pause, Not…
November 21, 2013
That's what the Graun says. Timmy says Complete and total bollocks here. Or, if you prefer a more measured version he says Fossil Fuel Companies Do Not Cause Carbon Emissions, We Consumers Do. Timmy is right. The Graun is wrong. The Graun says Climate change experts said the data set was the most…
November 19, 2013
[Update: and we're back] ScienceBlogs is migrating to a new server / service, so I'm told. This will occur on "Wednesday". Please look on the main ScienceBlogs page for more details. You should avoid posting any comments that you care deeply about until then; or at least, make sure you take a…
November 18, 2013
Ha ha, fooled you. I don't really have much to say about Cowtan and Way. Various people have said just about everything there is to say already; VV has a nice post dissecting JC's failure; to which I commented > The main serious critical voice seems to be Judith Curry at Climate Etc I think you…
November 16, 2013
Over at Scottish"Sceptic" there's an attempt at a report of what not-Prof Salby said at a lecture recently. The talk sounds to have been not too dissimilar to the Hamburg one I commented on and if you read the comments a variety of people make a variety of the obvious points as to why its all a…
November 9, 2013
For my sins, I decided to listen to Murray "I have a theory" Salby talking about his ideas about why the recent rise in CO2 isn't human-caused (note that isn't his most recent UK tour; that's back in April). By all means read my notes below if you're interested in the various ways that he is wrong…
November 8, 2013
An advert in the Economist, and here's the M$ puff online. M$ are trying to persuade the world that Evil Google is invading your privacy by auto-scanning emails to target ads. I can't get exciting by this. Google, and Gmail, are supported by ads (aside: I'm astonished to discover just how much…
November 6, 2013
Not me. Though I agree with much of Make more political space in climate change discussions which is DO re-posting his own comment at P3, and the David Mitchell video is pretty good too, one of the best I've seen. I am worried about lazily assuming climate change just happens to support your…
November 4, 2013
Browsing the vast pile of unread clutter I came across a copy of the Economist from October, featuring How science goes wrong and Trouble at the lab. Somewhere - but I don't know where - I discussed these, but since I can't find it I'll repeat myself. The first point is that whilst HSGW notices the…
November 2, 2013
A occasional series of portraits of notable bloggers. From Bizarre and vulgar illustrations from illuminated medieval manuscripts. Phrase of the day (not, I should hasten to add, one that has any relation to the noble lagomorph) arrant gasconading from Houseman. From which comes "insult of the day…
November 1, 2013
Another round in the carbon wars. If you make money by producing coal, then the chances are that you'd like to keep doing so. Hence The Warsaw Communiqué (full PDF). I think its good that the World Coal folks feel the need to do some PR and push the idea of "clean coal"; they must be a little bit…