
Profile picture for user stoat
William M. Connolley

Posts by this author

May 21, 2010
Brian says it is draw Muhammad day so here is a nice pic I found: I'm afraid I don't know the original source - it looks to have been a Frog (this *is* offend everyone day, isn't it?) - oh hold, on, it is Plantu. I've delicately altered the original, I bet you can't tell where :-). Olde Atrichoke…
May 19, 2010
About once a decade (no, I lie - the last was in 2005), our cactus flowers. Here it is again, only this time it has excelled itself and produced four (yes I know you can only see two in this pic). I also rather like the way you can see the flower structure merging into the leaf. There are more pix…
May 18, 2010
David Appell has a rather dramatic graph: It is from Roy Spencer. As DA says: I'm sure those skeptics who pored over every detail of the sea ice this winter will be touting this picture soon :-). [Update: BCL points me to which again…
May 17, 2010
(for Maz). Perceptive readers will notice that this is a bumblebee, and on a hollyhock, so is anachronistic. Sunday afternoon, and I finally had time to see to the girls. This was my first visit of the year (oh, the shame) and so finding the beesuit and trousers and gloves was step one. Step two…
May 16, 2010 is a bit odd - perhaps rather rushed. Braod aspects to be covered will be... suggests that they haven't even had time to spell check it. That they don't mention makes me think this is going to be officious ponderous we-need-our-own-wheel stuff. Still,…
May 14, 2010
In 2001 I had the chance to visit the Stubai for a couple of days at the start and in the middle of a conference in Innsbruck. It was wonderful, and I didn't kill myself. I've finally uploaded the pix; see flickr if you're interested. The mountains are great for either solo'ing, or an easy…
May 11, 2010
Broon has gone, for good this time, unlike yesterday's fake resignation. He appears to have achieved one thing: yesterday's last-gasp offer to the LD appears to have forced the Tories to offer a referendum on AV. However, it wasn't enough to tempt the LD's to him, and his own party was iffy, and it…
May 8, 2010
Sorry about the CAPS, maybe physics folk are all RATHER SHOUTY. Never mind: Abstract: In this journal, Gerhard Gerlich and Ralf D. Tscheuschner claim to have falsified the existence of an atmospheric greenhouse effect. Here, we show that their methods, logic, and conclusions are in error Halpern et…
May 8, 2010
There is some more Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality up - go get it now (ht: Paul). Ha ha, fooled you. This is actually a post about rowing :-). Today was the H2H or Head to Head: 2000m, a brief break (well, 20 mins wating by the bank in the rain, yummy; and lets not mention the brief…
May 6, 2010
Yes, the Greens have got their first UK parliamentary seat [1]. Congratulations to Caroline Lucas in Brighton. And with the current hung parliament, it might even do some good. I wonder how well the GP would stand up to real politics? More later when the results come in. Oh yes: as a token gesture…
May 3, 2010
Dr Southgate has lost his cat. Please see This post is most likely to be of interest to Cambridge residents. Please don't prove me wrong :-).
May 2, 2010
Yes, another boatie post. I promise you a short break for at least a few days after this one. Unlike our little event on the Cam, Wallingford is The Big Time, and to celebrate the regatta is... yes, you guessed: nowhere near Wallingford at all. That confused me no end. It is in fact on Eton (old…
May 2, 2010
It seems shame to root thorugh the trash, but people do, and JM points out the following weird ref in t' Wegman report: Valentine, Tom (1987) "Magnetics may hold key to ozone layer problems," Magnets, 2(1) 18-26. The odd thing is that is doesn't appear to be a ref for anything. What is it doing…
May 1, 2010
Yes, that's right, a mention at DenialDepot. Eli gets a nod, too. Curry loves me too it seems, but I don't have much sympathy for her latest.
May 1, 2010
Tis a beautiful first of May and also the Head of the Cam which Chesterton (hurrah!) organises, I think in conjunction with Press, though most of the marshalls and organisation looked to be Chesteron folk to me. I was marshalling for the first division, and my call sign was "Mr Asbo", since I was…
April 29, 2010
At last! I have a chance to be nice to Curry, which I've been waiting for. This opportunity is her comment reply to my comment question over at c-a-s, viz: I find the main text of the WG1 Report to be an accurate assessment of the science. The problem that I have with the WG1 Report is the summary…
April 28, 2010
Ah, tis the electoral season, so it is no-holds-barred on the Tories. Thanks to Paul and Original by Michael Schofield. I've cropped mine a little. Meanwhile, it looks like Brown is in trouble. Mind you, I've no idea if the original comment was justified ot not. Remember: Vote Green.
April 27, 2010
Oh well, everyone else has a gate, perhaps I can have one too. Incidentally the picture is there for two reasons: firstly I have far too many pix of Darling Daugther and no-one looks at them. If Jules can put up huts, I can do children. And second, it is a cunning attempt to make me a human bean…
April 27, 2010
Good grief. So I try to gmail someone a message, and I happen to say "see attachment" in my text, and when I press "send" up pops a little box "I notice you said see attachemnt, but there isn't one. Is that alright?" or somesuch. Well, I thought it was interesting. This is (probably) Mr Asbo.…
April 26, 2010
My general feeling about Judith Curry's stuff over at Collide-a-scape was that it was all tolerably vague. But there was one specfic. Over there, she copied Bishop Hill and proposed "Jones 1998 and Osborn and Briffa 2006" as key neglected papers. More directly she has proposed: 1. The Spatial…
April 25, 2010
On google searches for "stoat", that is. And also number 3. I even took a pic of it. Meanwhile, a busy day and I'm tired. No time for more.
April 23, 2010
Eventually I decided to tone down the headline; Curry is wrong about a great many things, I think, but let's be polite. So, all this is prompted by her Q+A for Keith Kloor. I fear I am going to have to read it. All of this segues into the "tribalist" stuff that I'm going to have to write sometime;…
April 21, 2010
We interrupt your schedule of cats and rowing for a brief snark at the denialists: courtesy of mt, who clearly ventures where angels fear to tread, we have Newsletter: NZCLIMATE TRUTH NO 244 by Vincent Gray: THE FLAT EARTH... The attached graph is in all of the Reports of the Intergovernmental…
April 20, 2010
We have an alection in prospect, how exciting. I notice (well in fact *I* didn't, but someone else did and told me) that the oh-so-important climate didn't get a single mention in the Great Debate. Speaking of which: here is all you need to know: Or maybe you prefer digger porn?
April 20, 2010
As trailed in March and promised recently I owe a report on the Head of the River Race (a follow up to the Hammersmith Head). Tune out now if you don't care for boatie stuff. There is only one river, of course, the Thames; and only one head. We are insular folk. But the race isn't: although most…
April 20, 2010
[[Wikipedia:Database reports/Most-watched pages by namespace#User/User talk]]
April 18, 2010
Climbing! Good grief, it was about time. So, dragged out by the irrepressible Howard, we left the house at the ungodly hour of 7:30 on a fine Sunday morning, picked up young Viv, and drove for 2:30 climate-destroying hours up to the Peaks. Where to? Stanage, youth, of course. Popular end,…
April 17, 2010
Apparently we're all going to die because The Spooky Face means all that healthy foreign-grown lettuce and fine green beans can't be flown in. Or so said the radio this morning; I wasn't paying too close attention because I was sleepy, they may have phrased it slightly differently. However, when I…
April 16, 2010
Yes, I ripped it off Steinn. Nothing to see here, beyond people who shouldn't be here because their flights have been cancelled. Clear sunny skies, nice sunset, no hint of anything in front of the moon.
April 14, 2010
There is a very nice posting by CM about wealth and taxes. Striking: the right-wing complain that 47% of Americans pay no Federal tax. But the real problem is that the bottom 50% measured by wealth only hold 2.5% of the wealth, so no matter how hard you tax them you'll get very little.