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Tim Lambert

Posts by this author

February 12, 2003
The Washington Post has a short item on Lott and his survey.
February 12, 2003
Lott's wife, Gertrud Fremling, has responded to a question I put to her about the similarity between Rosh's Amazon review and Lott's writings. Obviously " ...this is the review:" is a false statement by you. You should have said that "... this is part of the review:" Am I supposed to…
February 11, 2003
Lott's wife has posted (I have confirmed via email that it was really her) to the comment section of this Electrolite post: When the screen name is used, it always, automatically registers as MaRyRoSh, NOT as MaryRosh or Mary_Rosh, which I am sure must have suggested to some that…
February 10, 2003
Otis Dudley Duncan makes an important point: whether or not Lott actually did some sort of survey, Lott is guilty of scientific misconduct. Duncan has uncovered the case of a Dr Duan, who was suspended for two years for publishing a study for which the supporting data had been…
February 9, 2003
Otis Dudley Duncan and Tim Lambert The discussions on so many blogs on the Lott case have been invaluable not only in turning up new evidence but also in illustrating the wide variety of reactions to the evidence. One thing that strikes a professional researcher is that many who have commented do…
February 8, 2003
Kevin Drum observes that Mary Rosh has become a TV star. Don Watkins thinks Lott should be ashamed of himself. Steve also is not impressed.
February 8, 2003
kuro5hin has a story on Lott/Rosh. There is even an on-line poll. At the time of writing the results were: John Lott is.. .. a fraud. 50% .. a good researcher who made some mistakes. 5% .. victim of a vast left-wing conspiracy. 13% .. transgendered. 30% Of course, the results…
February 7, 2003
Another link I missed: TBOGG criticizes Glenn Reynolds' attempts to downplay the Lott affair.
February 7, 2003
John Quiggin has a thoughtful post on the parallels between the Bellesiles and Lott affairs. Meanwhile, Charles Murtaugh, responding to this Tapped piece reckons that there is an important difference: there are pro-gun people like Michelle Malkin criticizing Lott, but there weren't pro-control…
February 6, 2003
Roger Ailes quotes a new review of More Guns, Less Crime. My unbiased opinion is that these two reviews are better. And here are a few comments I missed earlier: Adam White, William Sjostrom, John T. Kennedy, Dr Limerick and pro-gun activist Timothy Wheeler.
February 6, 2003
I should add one caution to my comments about Lott's "ten years" claim yesterday. It is possible that the reporter misunderstood and/or misquoted Lott.
February 6, 2003
Mary Rosh's famous review has made it onto the Fallacy Files.
February 5, 2003
If you want to see another example of Lott's carelessness towards facts, consider this article, published a few days ago: But, where Vernick and Hepburn said they were unable to find any attribution to the '20,000' statistic, Lott said the proof is readily available in a…
February 5, 2003
Michelle Malkin writes an excellent article on the Lott affair. And if you think that she is one of those mysterious people out seeking revenge for Bellesiles, you should look at this 1998 article where she praises Lott. Atrios explains why he cares about Lott. He quotes Sullywatch: We…
February 5, 2003
A couple of alert readers have pointed out that while all the reviews have been removed from Mary Rosh's page you can still read her review here. Mary Rosh got a brief mention on CNN Crossfire.
February 4, 2003
Atrios points us to Tim Noah's article at Slate. After the Washington Times whitewash, and the US News and Washington Post completely ignoring Lott's survey, we at last have a mainstream media article that gets to the heart of the matter. One interesting feature that bears repeating because it…
February 4, 2003
Arthur Silber summarizes Lott's appearance on the Larry Elder. They don't seem to have gotten much past the use of the pseudonym (which in itself is perfectly OK). The problem was what he posted under the pseudonym. And be sure to scroll down to the comment section for some more good…
February 3, 2003
Atrios mentions the Washington Post article on Mary Rosh. Meanwhile, Calpundit reports that Lott has backed out of doing an interview. I guess Lott is never going to answer these questions. Julian Sanchez has an update where he observes that over in talk.politics.guns some folks, having…
February 2, 2003
In the Washington Post article Lott says: "I probably shouldn't have done it---I know I shouldn't have done it ---but it's hard to think of any big advantage I got except to be able to comment fictitiously," Well, I can think of one. Last January, the New York Post drafted an…
February 2, 2003
Mark Kleiman is disgusted by Lott's attempts to blame his 13 year-old son for the Rosh review of More Guns, Less Crime. Kieran Healy is disgusted too, and has a nice example of an honest review of a parent's book. Tom Spencer and Roger Ailes are also disgusted. Greg Beato, meanwhile, is…
February 1, 2003
The Washington Post has a story about Mary Rosh. Lott now claims that this review of More Guns, Less Crime was written by his 13 year-old son with some help from his wife. "They told me they had done it. They showed it to me. I wasn't going to tell them not to do it. Should I have?" One of Mary…
January 31, 2003
Natalie Solent is disappointed in Lott, but is still impressed by More Guns, Less Crime. Unfortunately, the 98% figure is not an aberration. It is typical of the remarkable carelessness with facts that Lott displays and his refusal to back down even when obviously in the wrong.…
January 30, 2003
Meanwhile, over in talk.politics.guns some folks are in denial about Mary Rosh. "The confession must be a forgery!" they said, prompting this exchange: Clayton Cramer: I asked Dr. Lott about it the other night, and he confirmed it. He also realizes now that using a pseudonym was probably not…
January 30, 2003
A couple of interesting things about the Mary Rosh postings. First, in her book review Mary Rosh refers to "Professor Lott". At that time he was a John M. Olin Fellow at Chicago and certainly not a professor. In another post she claims that he was a chaired professor at Wharton. You can…
January 29, 2003
ArchPundit continues to ponder on Lott's amateurish surveys. One further point you might like to consider: If the surveyors in Lott's 2002 survey were aware that it was vital for Lott to reproduce his low firing rate result, then that introduces a strong source of interviewer…
January 28, 2003
Kevin Drum has persuaded Lott to consider doing an interview. I think that is an excellent idea. With no-one in blogspace defending him, Lott needs a way to get his point of view across. Atrios points his readers at Mary Rosh's blog, which has been updated again. (Though with only a few new…
January 28, 2003
Mark Kleiman has a excellent summary of the recent developments. Mark ends with a plea to gun-rights folks ---they should consider cutting Lott loose. (I would add, either that, or defend him---right now, Lott's side is losing the argument by default.) Archpundit has reply from Lott…
January 27, 2003
Lott has made some more responses to some of the questions asked and comments made. First, he has responded to my remaining questions I asked a while ago. Let's see how he went: Why did Lott repeatedly make false claims that the 98% figure came from other studies and from Kleck? Lott…
January 26, 2003
Atrios takes a swipe at the publisher of Lott's new book and it looks like Mary Rosh has started a blog.
January 26, 2003
James Lindgren makes some interesting points in the comment section to this Jane Galt post. First, he comments on this Lott claim about his tax returns: As to deducting these costs on my income taxes, my 1997 tax form, which I have shared with many others, shows that $8,750 was deducted for…