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September 20, 2007
These come from photographer Igor Siwanowicz. Absolutely spectacular. Check out tons of his incredible work here. Idolomantis diabolica Unidentified Idolomantis diabolica Pnigomantis
September 17, 2007
Benny and I love almost all living things even if we have to squish those things from time to time. The one distinct exception to this rule is the earwig. This is the common name for the insect order Dermaptera, which frequently have an abdomen that ends in forceps-like cerci or, in other words,…
September 13, 2007
Probably my favorite SNL commercial of all time. Add to My Profile | More Videos Video [via Myspace] More classic SNL animal vids below the fold Dissing Your Dog Alright, I'm going Crazy with these old SNL commercials. So good... I'll stop now. Action Cats actiekattenUploaded by filiafloep
September 13, 2007
How we all made it through our painfully boring daily lives before live-streaming-hamster-cams is a mystery to me Hamster Cam 1: Hamster Cam 2: For a bunch of awesome cams check out Animal Cams
September 12, 2007
Fascinating footage taken with time lapse photography... A hapless tree teeming with squirrels... Doomed lemmings... kind of looks like they're running off a Marshmellow Peep Nail Fungus Yes, those are sleep fungi underneath the nail More great footage here or buy your own here at the…
September 11, 2007
Some great mantis pics from InsectHobbyist: Pseudocreobotra wahlbergii Hatchling (Spiny Flower Mantis) Pseudocreobotra wahlbergii Adult Pseudocreobotra Ocellata Nymph/Villain from Halo Pseudocreobotra Ocellata Deroplatys lobata Species unidentified Freak out techno mantis!
September 6, 2007
Help Us Bring Attention to the Organizations, People and Ideas that Make a Difference Zooillogix brings you bizarre animal news, research and discoveries delivered in an irreverent style representing Benny and my obnoxious sense of humor. However, the site was born from our passion for animals and…
September 5, 2007
Now Benny and I have always been suspicious of claims that violent video games spawn violent children. In fact, after zoology, few things are closer to our hearts than violent video games. However in a cruel twist of fate, it appears globalization has pitted our passions against one another. This…
August 30, 2007
So that title may be a little sensationalistic... but the web is alive this morning (no pun intended) with stories about an enormous series of interconnected webs spread out over a 200 yard area in North Texas. Researchers and visitors alike have been drawn to the sprawling web, but were uncertain…
August 29, 2007
In a surprise move, the white-flag dolphin came out of extinction to perform some acrobatics for a Chinese factory owner (is there any other kind?) with a digital camera. This was particularly notable as the dolphin was declared "most likely extinct" by a Chinese scientist just a week ago, which…
August 28, 2007
Fascinating piece in the Science Times today concerning Dr. Gonzalo Giribet and a group of Harvard biologists' research of the tiny mite harvestman and what it tells us about plate tectonics. Although biogeography informing plate tectonics is nothing new and indeed the concept of continental drift…
August 27, 2007
Domestication has enabled many a bizarre mutation to endure that almost certainly would have led to doom in the wild. The fainting goat must be high up on this list. This entire breed of domestic goat suffers from myotonia congenita, which causes the animals' muscles to freeze for approximately 10…
August 26, 2007
Here are my rationalizations for posting this on Zooillogix: #1 I can't find anything else at the moment that is anywhere near as interesting #2 There's an abundance of animal life on these pizzas #3 It's friggin awesome Without further explanaton, may I introduce two remarkable inventions from…
August 24, 2007
The alphabetically superior member of the Bleiman brother duo, Andrew (me), lives in Chicago, where he is lucky enough to have a truly world-class institution in the Shedd Aquarium. On Thursday last week, the Shedd's resident female beluga whale, Mauyak, gave birth to a plump 100lb. 5.5 ft calf.…
August 23, 2007
Does your cubicle mate play "adult contemporary" while you writhe in agony? Well now you can strike back with the classic rock stylings of your favorite insects! Lang Elliot and Will Hershberger have recently completed a practical guide to 76 species of singing insects, including crickets, katydids…
August 21, 2007
"I'm probably the only person to ever remove a grasshopper from Richard Burton's crotch." This past Sunday, the Washington Post brought a fascinating entomologist to our attention: Steven Kutcher, bug wrangler to the stars. Getting his start in show business quite haphazardly when he was asked to…
August 20, 2007
This creature recently set the world's record for its limb speed. It stores up an immense amount of energy in its mandibles and then releases it, when it needs to escape from a predator. Here's a quote from a guy who has experienced the trap jaw ant according to the comments section on YouTube: "…
August 20, 2007
Although most humans probably do not lament the disappearance of dog-sized insects, a handful of scientists do. These scientists obviously don't watch the same movies we do. Recently, a group of researchers from Argonne National Laboratory's Advanced Photon Source along with some other researchers…
August 8, 2007
Turns out the monkey isn't the only creature in the forest getting bombed. Check out this video of the African booze tree. Special thanks to Tom Ferriss for finding this clip.
August 7, 2007
In two tantalizing shark discoveries, scientists in Germany have learned that playing certain songs to sharks in aquariums increases their libidos. Meanwhile, a different group of scientists may have discovered the secret rendezvous spot where great white sharks go to mate. Bon-Chicka-Bow-Wow Out…
August 6, 2007
A voyage sponsored by the Census of Marine Life (CoML) has netted some newly discovered species in the depths of the Atlantic Ocean. The trawling net was pulled at the level between 1000 meters and 5000 meters deep. About 500 species were cataloged out of thousands caught. Most of the creatures…
August 3, 2007
Jumping spiders have exceptional vision and therefore, their courtship displays have a highly visual component. This nifty video shows a male jumping spider doing its equivalent of the Booty Drop. Make sure to have your volume on. For more MTV Grind worthy jumping spider action, check out the Tree…
August 2, 2007
Scientists have created a jellyfish with twelve heads in a lab at Hanover University of Veterinary Medicine in Germany. Bernd Schierwater and colleague Wolfgang Jakob (or "God" as they like to collectively call themselves) claim to have created the freakish monstrosity to study how colonies of…
August 1, 2007
As you know, we rarely stray into the realms of cryptozoology. But when reports emerge of a monstrous, Amazonian sloth that shows no fear and has the power to hypnotize its victims, we just can't resist. As it turns out, legends of the creature called the mapinguary (pronounced ma-ping-wahr-EE)…
July 27, 2007
Zooillogix has been invited to join ScienceBlogs and we have decided to take them up on the offer. ScienceBlogs is a unique community of science related blogs that run the gamut from highly informed and technical to... errr.... us. What this means for you the reader (e.g. the bored desk slave,…
July 27, 2007
Harvard professor Robert Wood unveiled his newest creation recently, a robotic fly that can be used as a spy, according to this posting on engadget.com. The fly weighs only .002 ounces and has a wingspan of 1.18 inches. Due to light weight carbon joints, the fly's wings beat 110 times per minute…
July 25, 2007
Funded by the U.S. Department of Defense, scientists are manufacturing antidotes to deadly nerve gases through the milk of genetically modified goats. According to an article in on BBC.com, the antidote, named recombinant butyrylcholinesterase, could be used as a precautionary drug to protect…
July 24, 2007
A few weeks ago, Zooillogix brought you a story about Japanese researchers using giant jellyfish as an ingredient in cosmetics. Jellyfish are predominantly composed of mucin (mucus is made of mucins), and one of our news sources quoted Dr. Tony Corfield, a Mucin Biologist from the University of…
July 24, 2007
Finally, New Jersey tax payers are investing time and money to discern birds' preference in popular music. Elizabeth Demaray and John Walsh at Rutgers University are conducting an exhibition, featuring four ten-foot tall red perches. On each perch a different style of music will be played on repeat…
July 23, 2007
The best part of this video is the wholesome message at the end: consistently drunk monkeys "tend to make better leaders and command greater respect!" Vervet monkeys, Cercopithecus aethiops. Thanks to Brent Edwards for sending along this gem.