Just a reminder that if you are in the relevant parts of New England, I'm going to be doing a couple of presentations there. First, a week from Saturday, on March 6, I'll be at the NOFA NH annual Winter Conference in Concord New Hampshire all day. I'm both giving the keynote talk about food security and making a place at the table, and also giving a workshop for teens, older kids and their parents about making sustainable living a family affair. There are more than 40 workshops, including some amazing ones. Dave Jacke, Michael Phillips, David Yarrow and a host of other wonderful people will be there. (A friend of mine observed "Wow, Vermont NOFA got Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack and New Hampshire I mean I'm sure you'll be great..." I cracked up and thanked him for his faith in me ;-).) Registration info is at the link above - I'm looking forward to meeting many of you there!

The following Tuesday, March 9 from 6-8pm I'll be in Boston at the NESEA Building Energy Conference at the Seaport World Trade Center, appearing in their annual public forum with representatives of the Affordable Comfort Institute and Transition USA to talk about where we go from here in making a viable future. The panel discussion is free and open to the public. Again, I hope I'll meet some of you there!


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