HEAD impressions

Had fun attending HEAD in San Fran last week.
Came away with some impressions...

GLAST is really on an upswing.
Spacecraft is delivered, launch scheduled, first science meeting planned (before launch?!), and there was a lot of vibe about the prospects.

Suzaku has some interesting results. I was too slow to pick up the CD-ROM of the early data release, ah well, next meeting.

Con-X rescoping concept is formalized. Cuts quite a but of capability, especially at the higher end of the energy range, for relatively modest cost savings. Of course delays and stretching eat cost savings faster than you can make them as always.

Interesting statistic: 4000 distinct investigators have applied for Chandra time, with 2000 successful.
Not all of those will be actual high energy people, but this is a reasonable estimate of the scientific "constituency" for high energy astrophysics.

Roger laid down a serious smackdown on theory - too much phenomenology and model fitting, not enough consideration of basic unifying physical principles. Makes sense, before data, playing with physics was fine. Once there was data, most rapid progress is made through model fitting. Now there is LOTs of data, and it is time to step back and think of the big picture. Good talk.


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