fellowship news

First Hubble Fellowships awards are out, haven't heard how many were made.

NSF Fellowships should be announced early/mid next week.

I hear that Chandra selection cmt met and they hope to make offers next week.

Rumour Wiki continues with news


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A fellow KIPACer got the Hubble, so I'm very happy for her. I applied for this but haven't heard back. How does the selection process work with these fellowships after the first offers go out?

Good question - depends, I think, on their budgetary security. They'll have picked some number of awards, hopefully more like 12-15 then 6-8... they then call the awardees, probably in rank order (since they have dibs on destination), and then they should have at least a couple of alternates in case they get turned down by some people.
We'll know soon enough.

I do know that a dominant criterion in recent past has been total number of publications, weighted by youth, but that will vary depending on the panel composition.