things going bump in Switzerland next?

John Conway joins the CosmicVariance crowd and starts with a cliffhanger on The Hunting of the Higgs

That is a very nice little bump at 148GeV
Bit of a cliffhanger, but that is good, leave 'em begging for more.

So is the Higgs at 115GeV or 148GeV or is it all delusion and there is no Higgs?
Stay tuned.

PostScript: Ok, I read it and still didn't notice it was about the end runs at Fermilab rather than first runs at LHC at CERN.


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Hey, hold on!
He was at CERN when he did this, even though it was Fermilab data.
So, not that far off.
Anyway, I presume, it will have to wait for LHC to confirm or refute.
We wait with baited breath.

What is the proper bait for catching the Higgs?

By Captain Button (not verified) on 26 Jan 2007 #permalink

Smiles and soap and railway shares.
Although they seem to use gratuitously large quantities of postdoc instead with a smittering of advanced graduate students.

You will be able to see when LHC is running and perhaps generating data. On The Reference Frame, not only one of 9 LHC songs will be randomly chosen but a three-dimensional holographic video with multimedia flavor and smell will be included, too.