if it is snowing, then I must be in California

travel blogs get tiresome, but since I am trespassing on Cosmic Variance turf, I'll indulge

So: Bay Area, yay!

Expecting major snow storm in PA: ✓

Rain predicted in CA: ✓
PS: Damm! It really IS raining. Phooey.

Apparently I am now a Stanford employee: CA tax forms still a pain: ✓

I need to start leasing out my services a a minor weather deity. Precipitation patterns are definitely non-random as I move.

In the meantime, I need to find out just exactly when Risa shows up in her office (nice building btw), and to hassle some students...

Then it is back to the snow I guess.


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You mean NoCal hasn't seceded yet? Or did they put the divide north of Marin county?

I'm fairly sure I did...
so many forms...
I think I sent it back in the internal mail with the patent agreement and the DoE safetay module 219 certification.

Anyway, the very original "Dynamics of Cats" web site was set up right here in the Bay Area, lo these many years ago. We always come back to our roots.

Hey! We own this state, as far as astro/physics blogging is concerned. Did you get permission?

Hey Mr. Carroll, I loved your last book; what was it, Endless forms or something...

By Mustafa Mond, FCD (not verified) on 12 Feb 2007 #permalink

Hi Steinn, good to see you this morning! I heard a rumor we were missing a bunch of faculty this week to a meeting in Aspen, which might include Risa.

Ok, Matt gets the record for gratuitous use of blog comment while actually physically close to me - previous record was same floor but other end of the hall. Matt is about 20 feet away but around the corner.

How many feet of snow in Aspen this week... and here it is raining.

Steinn, mind if I bring my laptop over to your office in a few? I've got to leave some comments on your entry about the Scouts.

More likely: California shatters into 3 states. What you are calling Northern California is roughly due West of the Centroid. Northern is where you cross over to Oregon, and bumperstickers saying "Don't Californicate Oregon."

California is a heavy state, man. It's a baryon. So it is made of 3 quarks.

Snow? Dude, there was snow on the beach at Malibu this season!

That is, here in supersymmetric Scalifornia.

well, sure - neither LA SoCal nor NoCal would take the valley.
It'll make for weird border, what with the little finger reaching down behind LA into the OC belt, but not quite separating La Jolla from LA, but it will all be very peaceful, once SoCal negotiates the price of water...