
California, again.

At least it is sunny this time.
Weird and very tiring trip. Tom still has that magic touch with parties though, and sunsets over the Pacific are as beautiful as ever.


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It was 9 degrees F when I walked in this morning.
Without wind chill, of course.

empathize with Britton. Shakes fist at californians with all their warm winter weather. Why must you take it from us??

The walk to work does feature a series of two rolling hills, so it is actually uphill both ways.

Short but hard snow on Monday that didn't stick. We are supposed to be above freezing for the rest of the week, so, yippee for us.

Actually, it's snowed a good 2-3 inches since early this morning, with perhaps another inch before it ends. May get to 50 for a high early next week.