It is a hard life...

Petros M. Nomikos conference center in Fira, Santorini is a very nice medium capacity facility (~ 200 for the main room, which we are filling)

Well worth a visit, if you're planning a small meeting.

I forgot to bring my camera, but MacPro has a small built in web-cam...


View to Firastefani west from the conference center. Main town center of Fira is east of the conference center, about 10 minutes walk along the cliff - everything, except the beach, is about 10 minutes walk, depending on your walking speed on the vertical...


Caldera from the conference center balcony to the west, at sunset.

The conference center also includes a small archeological museum of the wall paintings found at the Akrotiri dig, the only(?) remnants of the Atlantean pre-eruption culture.
Need to stop in there this afternoon.

Very hot here this week, temperatures over 40C (100+F) each day so far, but supposed to be cooler for the rest of the week - this is exceptional heat, setting records, barely getting any cooling with the sea breeze at night.

Nice island, but I don't think I'll make it to the beach - too hot for someone raised in the arctic at mid day, and that is the only time I have with my schedule committments. Will just have to come back some other time - ocean does look nice and inviting and cool from up here on the caldera cliff.


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