another good deedy

Donors Choose challenge link

There's this thing, where you can donate money to a good cause - funding for K-12 teachers looking for specific items, mostly in rural areas.
There's matching funds from SEED!

This has been bouncing around the sciblogs for a week, and I'm afraid I have not been keeping up with the details:

so.... read all about it at Chad's place

and, for maximum leverage make him write some more dog fyzzix entries


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US only, one assumes. Might be friendly to specify that ...

By Scott Belyea (not verified) on 09 Oct 2007 #permalink

Actually, I honestly don't know... but I presume so.
These things usually are, if nothing else you don't get so much of this piecemeal fundraising for children's education outside the US.
SEED does now have a European presence, which I need to blog at some point, but I really have been too busy to pay attention to the Donors Choose stuff, which is why I bounce people to Uncertain Principles for the details.